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Professor Stephen Vertigans' Outputs (41)

Business and social peace processes: how can insights from post-conflict studies help CSR to address peace and reconciliation? (2016)
Book Chapter
MUELLER-HIRTH, N. 2017. Business and social peace processes: how can insights from post-conflict studies help CSR to address peace and reconciliation? In Vertigans, S. and Idowu, S.O. (eds.) Corporate social responsibility: academic insights and impacts. Cham: Springer [online], Chapter 8, pages 137-153. Available from:

Private sector activities have often been linked to the fuelling of conflict and violence. At the same time, there has been growing interest in the contributions that the business sector can potentially make to peace, both from within academia (for e... Read More about Business and social peace processes: how can insights from post-conflict studies help CSR to address peace and reconciliation?.

Corporate social responsibility and development in South Africa: socio-economic contexts and contemporary issues. (2015)
Book Chapter
MUELLER-HIRTH, N. 2016. Corporate social responsibility and development in South Africa: socio-economic contexts and contemporary issues. In Vertigans, S., Idowu, S.O. and Schmidpeter, R. (eds.) Corporate social responsibility in sub-Saharan Africa: sustainable development in its embryonic form. Cham: Springer [online], pages 51-68. Available from:

This chapter will discuss historical contexts and contemporary issues in Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa. Here, the private sector has been forced to adopt socially responsible policies that are more advanced than those in many of the... Read More about Corporate social responsibility and development in South Africa: socio-economic contexts and contemporary issues..

Home from home: UK civilising offensives in residential childcare. (2015)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2015. Home from home: UK civilising offensives in residential childcare. Human figurations [online], 4(1), article number 4. Available from:

Approaches to residential childcare within the United Kingdom incorporate processes that are ostensibly types of civilising offensives. The offensives are determined by political and media groups in an attempt to alter the behaviour of problematic se... Read More about Home from home: UK civilising offensives in residential childcare..

Paying the price for corporate social responsibility: social costs and dividends of oil and gas company approaches in Nigeria. (2012)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2012. Paying the price for corporate social responsibility: social costs and dividends of oil and gas company approaches in Nigeria. Social responsibility review, 2012(1), pages 35-48.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has grown in prominence over recent years. And rising levels of interest have been accompanied by contests within academic and business circles over the purpose and suitability of businesses having social respons... Read More about Paying the price for corporate social responsibility: social costs and dividends of oil and gas company approaches in Nigeria..

The sociology of terrorism: peoples, places and processes. (2011)
VERTIGANS, S. 2011. The sociology of terrorism: peoples, places and processes. Abingdon: Routledge [online]. Available from:

This is the first terrorism textbook based on sociological research. It adopts an innovative framework that draws together historical and modern, local and global, and social processes for a range of individuals, groups and societies. Individual beha... Read More about The sociology of terrorism: peoples, places and processes..

CSR as corporate social responsibility or colonial structures return? (2011)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2011. CSR as corporate social responsibility or colonial structures return? A Nigerian case study. International journal of sociology and anthropology [online], 3(6), pages 159-162. Available from:

In this paper the impact of oil and gas companies in Nigeria is explored under the umbrella concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). At one level there is acknowledgement of greater emphasis on socially responsible policies. Nevertheless the... Read More about CSR as corporate social responsibility or colonial structures return?.

The 'ins' and 'outs' of terrorism: the roles of emotions throughout 'terrorists' careers. (2011)
Book Chapter
VERTIGANS, S. 2011. The 'ins' and 'outs' of terrorism: the roles of emotions throughout 'terrorists' careers. In Gallore, A.M. (ed.) Terrorism: motivation, threats and prevention. New York: Nova Science Publishers [online], chapter 6, pages 119-134. Available from:

Terrorism is a subject that arouses considerable emotions. These emotions are largely associated with public reactions to attacks and particular events. Analysis of terrorism and 'terrorists', in particular, also identifies the significance of emotio... Read More about The 'ins' and 'outs' of terrorism: the roles of emotions throughout 'terrorists' careers..

Islam and the construction of modern nationalism: the unintended consequences of state sponsored socialisation. (2011)
Book Chapter
VERTIGANS, S. 2011. Islam and the construction of modern nationalism: the unintended consequences of state sponsored socialisation. In Franco, G.H. and Cervantes, S.L. (eds.) Islam in the 21st century. New York: Nova Science Publishers [online], pages 1-26. Available from:

Around the world approaches by Muslim governments to introduce secularisation and create national consciousness have relied heavily upon processes of state sponsored socialisation. Across the overwhelming majority of Muslim societies, secular structu... Read More about Islam and the construction of modern nationalism: the unintended consequences of state sponsored socialisation..

Somalia's insecurity and the normalisation of violence. (2010)
Book Chapter
VERTIGANS, S. 2010. Somalia's insecurity and the normalisation of violence. In Hoffman, E.P. (ed.) Somalia: economic, political and social issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers [online], chapter 2, pages 41-60. Available from:

In this chapter, the transformation of violence in Somalia is explored alongside concomitant shifting levels of insecurity and social constraint. Key historical, regional, national and international factors behind Somalia's structural weaknesses are... Read More about Somalia's insecurity and the normalisation of violence..

Commentary: re-establishing the Somali state: for the benefit of the nation or other nations? (2010)
Book Chapter
VERTIGANS, S. 2010. Commentary: re-establishing the Somali state: for the benefit of the nation or other nations? In Hoffmann, E.P. (ed.) Somalia: economic, political and social issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers [online], chapter 13, pages 211-213. Available from:

When examining the recent history of Somalia it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the post colonial approach and, in particular, the role of the nation-state has largely been a failure. The fundamentals associated with the state in the West,... Read More about Commentary: re-establishing the Somali state: for the benefit of the nation or other nations?.

Development of Northern Irish Catholic and Palestinian Muslim national identities and the role of common histories. (2009)
Book Chapter
VERTIGANS, S. 2009. Development of Northern Irish Catholic and Palestinian Muslim national identities and the role of common histories. In Elling, L.R. (ed.) Social development. New York: Nova Science Publishers [online], chapter 2, pages 51-86. Available from:

In this paper, comparative analysis of the processes behind the social development of Catholic and Muslim nationalist identities in Northern Ireland and the Palestinian territories respectively is undertaken. This is designed to try to enhance levels... Read More about Development of Northern Irish Catholic and Palestinian Muslim national identities and the role of common histories..

Militant Islam: a sociology of characteristics, causes and consequences. (2008)
VERTIGANS, S. 2009. Militant Islam: a sociology of characteristics, causes and consequences. Abingdon: Routledge [online]. Available from: Pages

Integral to the resurgence of Islam have been the growing significance of the umma (Islamic 'community') and the perceptions of a global Muslim community or nation. Reasons for these trans-national feelings and loyalties include changing patterns of... Read More about Militant Islam: a sociology of characteristics, causes and consequences..

Introducing militant Islam: peoples, places and policing. (2008)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2008. Introducing militant Islam: peoples, places and policing. Policing [online], 2(4), pages 400-401. Available from:

Widespread public, policing and academic interest about militant Islam can be traced to the 2001 attacks on America. Subsequent plots and acts of terrorism have ensured that interest has remained. Throughout this period, a plethora of academic articl... Read More about Introducing militant Islam: peoples, places and policing..

Routes into 'Islamic' terrorism: dead ends and spaghetti junctions. (2007)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2007. Routes into Islamic' terrorism: dead ends and spaghetti junctions. Policing [online], 1(4), pages 447-459. Available from:

Explanations for the development of groups associated with terrorism generally and 'Islamic' terrorism, in particular, tend to concentrate upon materialism and forms of brainwashing. Despite considerable evidence to the contrary, the uneducated poor... Read More about Routes into 'Islamic' terrorism: dead ends and spaghetti junctions..

Beyond the fringe? Radicalisation within the American far-right. (2007)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2007. Beyond the fringe? Radicalisation within the American far-right. Totalitarian movements and political religions [online], 8(3-4), pages 641-659. Available from:

The concentration within America upon terrorism and Muslims overlooks recent acts of political violence undertaken by the indigenous extreme far-right. In this article the rise of the militia and Christian Identity movement in America is explored and... Read More about Beyond the fringe? Radicalisation within the American far-right..

Militant Islam and Weber's social closure: interrelated secular and religious codes of exclusion. (2007)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2007. Militant Islam and Weber's social closure: interrelated secular and religious codes of exclusion. Contemporary Islam [online], 1(3), pages 303-321. Available from:

Weber's concept of social closure can help to illuminate the social processes that result in the development of militant Muslim groups. Adapting and applying the concept helps to establish the interrelationships between secular processes and Islamifi... Read More about Militant Islam and Weber's social closure: interrelated secular and religious codes of exclusion..

Health & ethnicity in Aberdeenshire: a study of Polish in-migrants; a report for the Scottish Health Council. (2007)
LOVE, J.G., VERTIGANS, S., DOMASZK, E., ZDEB, K., LOVE, A.P. and SUTTON, P.W. 2007. Health & ethnicity in Aberdeenshire: a study of Polish in-migrants; a report for the Scottish Health Council. Aberdeen: The Robert Gordon University.

In Scotland as a whole, around 2% of the population are from minority ethnic backgrounds, although the distribution of people from such backgrounds is uneven across the country. In Aberdeenshire, out of a total population of 232,850, 1,165 people com... Read More about Health & ethnicity in Aberdeenshire: a study of Polish in-migrants; a report for the Scottish Health Council..

Health & homelessness in Aberdeen City: a report for the Scottish Health Council. (2007)
LOVE, J.G., LOVE, A.P., VERTIGANS, S. and SUTTON, P.W. 2007. Health & homelessness in Aberdeen City: a report for the Scottish Health Council. Aberdeen: The Robert Gordon University.

1. Background According to the latest official figures, 1900 households presented themselves as homeless in Aberdeen City in the year 2005/2006 (Scottish Executive 2006). The problems faced by homeless people in Aberdeen and elsewhere have already be... Read More about Health & homelessness in Aberdeen City: a report for the Scottish Health Council..

The role of anti-terror measures in the development of 'Islamic' terrorism. (2006)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. and SUTTON, P. 2006. The role of anti-terror measures in the development of 'Islamic' terrorism. International journal of the humanities: annual review [online], 4(4), pages 87-94. Available from:

Post-September 11th 2001, academic attention on 'Islamic' terrorism is increasingly concentrating upon national and global security, political instability within majority-Muslim nation-states and perceived civilizational conflict between religio-cult... Read More about The role of anti-terror measures in the development of 'Islamic' terrorism..

Islamic 'new social movements'? (2006)
Journal Article
SUTTON, P. and VERTIGANS, S. 2006. Islamic 'new social movements'? Radical Islam, Al-Qa'ida and social movement theory. Mobilization: an international quarterly [online], 11(1), pages 101-115. Available from:

European new social movement (NSM) theory was developed to describe and explain the apparently unique character of the wave of collective action that began in the 1960s and continues to this day. Key characteristics of NSM theory are a post-industria... Read More about Islamic 'new social movements'?.