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Dr Quazi Zaman's Outputs (2)

Border urbanism: transdisciplinary perspectives. (2023)
ZAMAN, Q.M. and HALL, G.G. (eds.) 2023. Border urbanism: transdisciplinary perspectives. Cham: Springer [online]. Available from:

Border Urbanism presents a global array of authors' research that tackles the perception, interpretation and nature of borders from a transdisciplinary perspective. The authors examine ways in which borders attempt to define socially, economically, p... Read More about Border urbanism: transdisciplinary perspectives..

Berlin: a city awaits: the interplay between political ideology, architecture and identity. (2020)
MAIR, N. and ZAMAN, Q.M. 2020. Berlin: a city awaits: the interplay between political ideology, architecture and identity. Springer geography. Cham: Springer [online]. Available from:

This book is a companion to an earlier book ("Potsdamerplatz: the reshaping of Berlin") also by Quazi Mahtab Zaman. Political meaning in architecture has been a subject of interest to many critics and writers. The most notable of these include Charle... Read More about Berlin: a city awaits: the interplay between political ideology, architecture and identity..