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Dr Quazi Zaman's Outputs (2)

Victoria Road School. (2021)
ZAMAN, Q.M., MORRISON, S., FRYER, D. and CLAPPERTON, N. 2021. Victoria Road School. [Design]

This design is being developed for a restoration project, which aims to bring together housing and communal space within a single campus. Victoria Road School is based in Torry (Aberdeen, UK), which is an area that is characterised by social exclusio... Read More about Victoria Road School..

Children's acting senses in place-making: mapping and analysing children's reflective individual and collective sensepointscapes in a primary school playground renewal co-design project with architecture students. (2021)
UGALDE GABELLANES, I. 2021. Children's acting senses in place-making: mapping and analysing children's reflective individual and collective sensepointscapes in a primary school playground renewal co-design project with architecture students. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Children's preferences for place-responsive architecture and place-making are not easy to explain. Conversing effectively about these subjects is also a challenge, not just for children but also design professionals and the general public more broadl... Read More about Children's acting senses in place-making: mapping and analysing children's reflective individual and collective sensepointscapes in a primary school playground renewal co-design project with architecture students..