Adaptive path-planning for AUVs in dynamic underwater environments using sonar data.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
B, B., HASAN, M.J., KANNAN, S. and PRABHU, R. 2024. Adaptive path-planning for AUVs in dynamic underwater environments using sonar data. In Bouma, H., Prabhu, R., Yitzhahy, Y. and Kuijf, H.J. (eds.) Advanced materials, biomaterials, and manufacturing technologies for security and defence II: proceedings of the 2024 SPIE Security + defence, 16-20 September 2024, Edinburgh, UK. Proceedings of SPIE, 13206. Bellingham, WA: SPIE [online], paper 1320616. Available from:
This paper presents an innovative approach to path-planning for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) in complex underwater environments, leveraging single-beam sonar data. Recognizing the limitations of traditional sonar systems in providing detaile... Read More about Adaptive path-planning for AUVs in dynamic underwater environments using sonar data..