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Investigating value as perceived and experienced by service users (4)

People Involved

Dr Lee Boag

Project Description

Long-term conditions (LTCs) are the largest cause of death worldwide. The rise in the number of people with LTCs has created economic and public health challenges across all healthcare systems. Community pharmacy in Scotland provides care and support for the management of LTCs through 'Medicines: Care and Review'.

This service provides ongoing treatments, monitoring, and review of the health and wellbeing of those with LTCs. The current perceptions and experiences of those accessing the service across Scotland is currently unknown.

This project aims to gain these insights for community pharmacy to continue to meet the needs of this expanding and complex patient group and consider the potential refinement of the service. Increased uptake and access of the services for LTCs will also have the potential to increase medication adherence, improve the patient quality of life, promote self-care, and reduce the overall healthcare costs required to support and provide care for this population.

This is year 4 of a 4 year project, funded annually.

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Community Pharmacy Scotland
University of Strathclyde
Value £56,000.00
Project Dates Jan 1, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021

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