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Prophecy Project: An Intelligent Decommissioning Materials Management platform

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Project Description

The removal of oil and gas assets to shore has two goals: to reduce the overall decommissioning costs; and to increase reuse and recycling rates, whilst reducing overall waste to comply with waste directives. The Prophecy project will support operators achieve these goals by developing a Decommissioning Materials Management platform. The platform will advance current Artificial Intelligence techniques in ontology-based knowledge representation to describe the O&G decommissioning domain, and case-based reasoning to recommend asset-specific decommission programmes using asset end-of-use classification models.
The platform will deliver a framework for multimedia information gathering (360-degree images, product labels, manuals, etc.) for maintaining inventories and machine learning technologies, to allow the sale of reusable assets and recyclable materials that would otherwise have gone to waste. This will enable operators to identify the underlying value in their assets in advance of cessation of production, and maximise the return to operators, contractors and businesses alike when assets surpass expected commercial value to their originator. This not only aligns with the principles of Maximising Economic Returns as outlined in the Wood report, but also facilitates greater environmental responsibilities within operator CSR policies to deliver a truly Circular Economy aligned with the EU waste framework directive.

In partnership and collaboration with Targe Environmental Consulting Ltd

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Oil & Gas Innovation Centre
Targe Environmental Consulting Ltd
Value £221,125.00
Project Dates Aug 5, 2019 - Sep 28, 2020
Partner Organisations Targe Environmental Consulting Ltd

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