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Informed pair selection for self-paced metric learning in Siamese neural networks. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARTIN, K., WIRATUNGA, N., MASSIE, S. and CLOS, J. 2018. Informed pair selection for self-paced metric learning in Siamese neural networks. In Bramer, M. and Petridis, M. (eds.) Artificial intelligence XXXV: proceedings of the 38th British Computer Society's Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) International conference on innovative techniques and applications of artificial intelligence (AI-2018), 11-13 December 2018, Cambridge, UK. Lecture notes in computer science, 11311. Cham: Springer [online], pages 34-49. Available from:

Siamese Neural Networks (SNNs) are deep metric learners that use paired instance comparisons to learn similarity. The neural feature maps learnt in this way provide useful representations for classification tasks. Learning in SNNs is not reliant on e... Read More about Informed pair selection for self-paced metric learning in Siamese neural networks..

Risk information recommendation for engineering workers. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARTIN, K., LIRET, A., WIRATUNGA, N., OWUSU, G. and KERN, M. 2018. Risk information recommendation for engineering workers. In Bramer, M. and Petridis, M. (eds.) Artificial intelligence XXXV: proceedings of the 38th British Computer Society's Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) International conference on innovative techniques and applications of artificial intelligence (AI-2018), 11-13 December 2018, Cambridge, UK. Lecture notes in computer science, 11311. Cham: Springer [online], pages 311-325. Available from:

Within any sufficiently expertise-reliant and work-driven domain there is a requirement to understand the similarities between specific work tasks. Though mechanisms to develop similarity models for these areas do exist, in practice they have been cr... Read More about Risk information recommendation for engineering workers..

Personalised human activity recognition using matching networks. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SANI, S., WIRATUNGA, N., MASSIE, S. and COOPER, K. 2018. Personalised human activity recognition using matching networks. In Cox, M.T., Funk, P. and Begum, S. (eds.) Case-based reasoning research and development: proceedings of the 26th International conference on case-based reasoning (ICCBR 2018), 9-12 July 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Lecture notes in computer science, 11156. Cham: Springer [online], pages 339-353. Available from:

Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is typically modelled as a classification task where sensor data associated with activity labels are used to train a classifier to recognise future occurrences of these activities. An important consideration when trai... Read More about Personalised human activity recognition using matching networks..

Matching networks for personalised human activity recognition. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SANI, S., WIRATUNGA, N., MASSIE, S. and COOPER, K. 2018. Matching networks for personalised human activity recognition. In Bichindaritz, I., Guttmann, C., Herrero, P., Koch, F., Koster, A., Lenz, R., López Ibáñez, B., Marling, C., Martin, C., Montagna, S., Montani, S., Reichert, M., Riaño, D., Schumacher, M.I., ten Teije, A. and Wiratunga, N. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st Joint workshop on artificial intelligence in health, organized as part of the Federated AI meeting (FAIM 2018), co-located with the 17th International conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems (AAMAS 2018), the 35th International conference on machine learning (ICML 2018), the 27th International joint conference on artificial intelligence (IJCAI 2018), and the 26th International conference on case-based reasoning (ICCBR 2018), 13-19 July 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. CEUR workshop proceedings, 2142. Aachen: CEUR-WS [online], pages 61-64. Available from:

Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has many important applications in health care which include management of chronic conditions and patient rehabilitation. An important consideration when training HAR models is whether to use training data from a gene... Read More about Matching networks for personalised human activity recognition..

Opinion context extraction for aspect sentiment analysis. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BANDHAKAVI, A., WIRATUNGA, N., MASSIE, S. and LUHAR, R. 2018. Opinion context extraction for aspect sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of the 12th Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) international conference on web and social media (ICWSM 2018), 25-28 June 2018, Palo Alto, USA. Palo Alto: AAAI Press [online], pages 564-567. Available from:

Sentiment analysis is the computational study of opinionated text and is becoming increasing important to online commercial applications. However, the majority of current approaches determine sentiment by attempting to detect the overall polarity of... Read More about Opinion context extraction for aspect sentiment analysis..