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I interviewed 11 incels: this is what I learned. (2024)
Newspaper / Magazine
SMITH, D.S. 2024. I interviewed 11 incels: this is what I learned. Metro [online], 18 December 2024. Available from:

Short for involuntary celibates, incels are men who believe a combination of their bad genes and modern feminism have left them romantically/sexually destitute. In short, they consider themselves scientifically unloveable. As a psychologist, I find i... Read More about I interviewed 11 incels: this is what I learned..

A dominance-based surrogate classifier for multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BANDA, T.M. and ZĂVOIANU, A.-C. 2025. A dominance-based surrogate classifier for multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. In Bramer, M. and Stahl, F. (eds.) Artificial Intelligence XLI: proceedings of the 44th SGAI (Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence) International conference on artificial intelligence 2024 (AI 2024), 17-19 December 2024, Cambridge, UK. Lecture notes in computer science, 15446. Cham: Springer [online], part I, pages 268-281. Available from:

The application of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) is often constrained when addressing computationally expensive Multi-Objective Optimisation Problems (MOOPs). To mitigate this, we propose a dominance-based surrogate classifier that... Read More about A dominance-based surrogate classifier for multi-objective evolutionary algorithms..

Unveiling "ex-incels": identity dynamics and juxtaposed hegemonic masculinity. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SMITH, D.S. and ADAMS, N. 2024. Unveiling "ex-incels": identity dynamics and juxtaposed hegemonic masculinity. Presented at the 3rd Joint international annual conference of the LEX Network, Violence Against Women and Girls Research Network, Feminist Legal Research and Action Network, and the Centre for the Study of Emotion and Law (LEX-VAWGRN-FRAN-CSEL 2024): activism, change and feminist futures: remembering the past to reimagine the future, 7-8 November 2024, Liverpool, UK.

This study examines the experiences of former involuntary celibates (ex-incels) - men who frequented incel communities, but no longer identify with the label. We introduce a framework of Juxtaposed Hegemonic Masculinity to interrogate participants' s... Read More about Unveiling "ex-incels": identity dynamics and juxtaposed hegemonic masculinity..

Just imagine Elon Musk... you really think he does that? Neoliberal subjecthood and the sexual marketplace in pornography abstinence/reboot communities. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SMITH, D.S. 2024. Just imagine Elon Musk... you really think he does that? Neoliberal subjecthood and the sexual marketplace in pornography abstinence/reboot communities. Presented at the 3rd Joint international annual conference of the LEX Network, Violence Against Women and Girls Research Network, Feminist Legal Research and Action Network, and the Centre for the Study of Emotion and Law (LEX-VAWGRN-FRAN-CSEL 2024): activism, change and feminist futures: remembering the past to reimagine the future, 7-8 November 2024, Liverpool, UK.

Through a deterministic evolutionary psychology framework, the manosphere conceptualises an inflexible sexual market that positions men as entrepreneurs competing for a limited resource: women's interest. In recent years, researchers have explored th... Read More about Just imagine Elon Musk... you really think he does that? Neoliberal subjecthood and the sexual marketplace in pornography abstinence/reboot communities..

Extended results for: enhancing abstract screening classification in evidence-based medicine: incorporating domain knowledge into pre-trained models. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
OFORI-BOATENG, R., ACEVES-MARTINS, M., WIRATUNGA, N. and MORENO-GARCIA, C.F. 2024. Extended results for: enhancing abstract screening classification in evidence-based medicine: incorporating domain knowledge into pre-trained models. In Martin, K., Salimi, P. and Wijayasekara, V. (eds.). Proceedings of the 2024 SICSA (Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance) REALLM (Reasoning, explanation and applications of large language models) workshop (SICSA REALLM workshop 2024), 17 October 2024, Aberdeen, UK. CEUR workshop proceedings, 3822Aachen: CEUR-WS [online], pages 11-18. Available from:

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a foundational element in medical research, playing a crucial role in shaping healthcare policies and clinical decision-making. However, the rigorous processes required for EBM, particularly during the abstract screen... Read More about Extended results for: enhancing abstract screening classification in evidence-based medicine: incorporating domain knowledge into pre-trained models..

Together in the encoding-assemblage: a new materialist framework for examining knowledge production in journalism. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. 2024. Together in the encoding-assemblage: a new materialist framework for examining knowledge production in journalism. To be presented at the 10th European Communication Research and Education Association European communication conference (ECREA ECC 2024): communication and social (dis)order, 24-27 September 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Journalism's broken monopoly over the production of knowledge (Carlson, 2017; Ekström and Westlund, 2019) has led to an erosion of public trust in professional journalism and a general "epistemic crisis" of the present (Steensen, 2019). Pioneer journ... Read More about Together in the encoding-assemblage: a new materialist framework for examining knowledge production in journalism..

Enhancing abstract screening classification in evidence-based medicine: incorporating domain knowledge into pre-trained models. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
OFORI-BOATENG, R., ACEVES-MARTINS, M., WIRANTUGA, N. and MORENO-GARCIA, C.F. 2024. Enhancing abstract screening classification in evidence-based medicine: incorporating domain knowledge into pre-trained models. In Finkelstein, J., Moskovitch, R. and Parimbelli, E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd Artificial intelligence in medicine international conference 2024 (AIME 2024), 9-12 July 2024, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Lecture notes in computer science, 14844. Cham: Springer [online], part I, pages 261-272. Available from:

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) represents a cornerstone in medical research, guiding policy and decision-making. However, the robust steps involved in EBM, particularly in the abstract screening stage, present significant challenges to researchers. Nu... Read More about Enhancing abstract screening classification in evidence-based medicine: incorporating domain knowledge into pre-trained models..

Who's the "pioneer"? A critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from an indigenous perspective. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. and HALABI, N. 2024. Who's the "pioneer"? A critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from an indigenous perspective. Presented at the 2024 International Association for Media and Communication Research conference (IAMCR 2024): weaving people together: communicative projects of decolonising, engaging and listening, 30 June - 4 July 2024, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Journalism scholarship has been preoccupied with discourses of futures thinking and reimagining what journalism could be (Zelizer, Boczkowski, and Anderson, 2022), leading to the emergence of new conceptual frameworks such as "pioneer journalism", wh... Read More about Who's the "pioneer"? A critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from an indigenous perspective..

What non-mainstream journalism can(not) do: the "affect economy" of four journalism startups in Malaysia, Pakistan, Romania and the UK. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. 2024. What non-mainstream journalism can(not) do: the "affect economy" of four journalism startups in Malaysia, Pakistan, Romania and the UK. Presented at the 2024 Auckland University of Technology Research Centre for Journalism, Media and Democracy conference (JMAD Conference 2024): political economy of journalism, an International Association for Media and Communication Research pre-conference, 27 June 2024, Auckland, New Zealand.

Recognising that journalism operates within various constraints, scholars have theorised the relationship between journalism and its environment through a hierarchical model of influences (Shoemaker and Reese, 1996). Recently, there has been a recons... Read More about What non-mainstream journalism can(not) do: the "affect economy" of four journalism startups in Malaysia, Pakistan, Romania and the UK..

Weaving knowledge together: the micropolitics of "encounters" in community journalism. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. 2024. Weaving knowledge together: the micropolitics of "encounters" in community journalism. Presented at the 2024 International Association for Media and Communication Research / International Communication Association bridge conference: the ascent of community and activist media: theorising the turn to counter-power media and communication, 25 June 2024, Gold Coast, Australia.

Community journalism has been hailed as one of several solutions to journalism's deepening crisis, motivating scholarly interest in how community-focused journalists produce knowledge in their networks (Callison and Young, 2019; Fenton et al., 2010;... Read More about Weaving knowledge together: the micropolitics of "encounters" in community journalism..

Between futures thinking and a settler-colonialist past: a critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from the perspective of indigenous journalists and their epistemic practices. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. and HALABI, N. 2024. Between futures thinking and a settler-colonialist past: a critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from the perspective of indigenous journalists and their epistemic practices. Presented at the 74th Annual International Communication Association conference (ICA 2024): communication and global human rights, 20-24 June 2024, Gold Coast, Australia.

Journalism, historically considered a pillar of public knowledge, deliberation and democracy, has been shedding its epistemic authority as increasingly fragmented audiences migrate to "alternative" sources of information. Consequently, within the eve... Read More about Between futures thinking and a settler-colonialist past: a critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from the perspective of indigenous journalists and their epistemic practices..

It made me feel powerful in a way: the role of suicidality in incel communities. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SMITH, D.S. 2024. It made me feel powerful in a way: the role of suicidality in incel communities. Presented at the 8th Suicide and self-harm early and mid-career researchers’ forum 2024, 17-18 June 2024, Glasgow, UK.

Incels (involuntary celibates) are young men who see themselves as naturally inferior to others ("the red pill") and believe this cannot be changed ("the black pill"). Research suggests they are very likely to experience suicidal ideation. This proje... Read More about It made me feel powerful in a way: the role of suicidality in incel communities..

Assessing the capabilities of ChatGPT in recognising customer intent in a small training data scenario. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
EZENKWU, C.P., IBEKE, E. and IWENDI, C. 2024. Assessing the capabilities of ChatGPT in recognising customer intent in a small training data scenario. To be presented at the 3rd International conference on advanced communication and intelligent systems (ICACIS 2024), 16-17 May 2024, New Delhi, India.

This study addresses the issue of recognising customer intent when only limited training data is available. The performance of ChatGPT was evaluated in this scenario, and it was found to be better than traditional machine learning algorithms and the... Read More about Assessing the capabilities of ChatGPT in recognising customer intent in a small training data scenario..

Weaving the future of journalism? Re-examining journalistic epistemology through an indigenous lens. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. and HALABI, N. 2024. Weaving the future of journalism? Re-examining journalistic epistemology through an indigenous lens. Presented at the 4th European Communication Research and Education Association journalism studies conference (ECREA Journalism 2024): diversity, equality and inclusion in and through journalism, 11-12 April 2024, Sheffield, UK.

Journalism, historically considered a pillar of public knowledge, deliberation and democracy, has been shedding its epistemic authority as increasingly fragmented audiences migrate to "alternative" sources of information. Consequently, within the eve... Read More about Weaving the future of journalism? Re-examining journalistic epistemology through an indigenous lens..

Meaning-ful encounters: theorising knowledge production in community-centred pioneer journalism. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. 2024. Meaning-ful encounters: theorising knowledge production in community-centred pioneer journalism. Presented at the 4th European Communication Research and Education Association journalism studies conference (ECREA Journalism 2024): diversity, equality and inclusion in and through journalism, 11-12 April 2024, Sheffield, UK.

Journalism's eroding epistemic authority and the diminishing public trust in journalism as a knowledge-producing institution have become increasingly critical topics of scholarly debate in the field of Journalism Studies since the advent of the netwo... Read More about Meaning-ful encounters: theorising knowledge production in community-centred pioneer journalism..

Special interest group 5: artist pedagogy research group. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ARTIST PEDAGOGY RESEARCH GROUP. 2024. Special interest group 5: artist pedagogy research group. Presented at the 15th International conference on artistic research (SAR FORUM 2024), 10-11 April 2024, Tilburg, Netherlands.

This workshop explores relationships between artists' pedagogy and artistic research. In our discussions, we are investigating the spaces, places and contexts of both. Our starting point is the site of Fontys Academy (the conference venue) and its su... Read More about Special interest group 5: artist pedagogy research group..

Advancing AI with green practices and adaptable solutions for the future. [Article summary] (2024)
Digital Artefact
STARKEY, A. and EZENKWU, C.P. 2024. Advancing AI with green practices and adaptable solutions for the future. [Article summary]. Posted on The Academic [online], 28 March 2024. Available from:

Despite AI's achievements, how can its limitations be addressed to reduce computational costs, enhance transparency and pioneer eco-friendly practices?

Land of woke and glory? The British war on wokeness. [Conference Event] (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SMITH, D. 2024. Land of woke and glory? The British war on wokeness. Presented at the 2024 Robert Gordon University community seminar series, 12 March 2024, Aberdeen, UK.

Wokeness is discussed in the media on a daily basis, and has been called "one of the biggest threats to modern civilisation" by the then world's richest man. Yet its specific meaning is extremely vague. The term originated among black American commun... Read More about Land of woke and glory? The British war on wokeness. [Conference Event].

The impact of information needs satisfaction on the creativity of visual art teachers. (2024)
Journal Article
KOLYVAS, S., KOSTAGIOLAS, P.A. and MARTZOUKOU, K. 2024. The impact of information needs satisfaction on the creativity of visual art teachers. Journal of documentation [online], 80(4), pages 898-921. Available from:

The aim of this study is to investigate how the information needs satisfaction of visual art teachers affects their creativity. Visual art teachers' information seeking behaviour and specifically the association of information needs satisfaction with... Read More about The impact of information needs satisfaction on the creativity of visual art teachers..

Threads, Tweets and TikToks: the ethics and challenges of online qualitative research. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SMITH, D.S. and MEECHAN, A. 2024. Threads, Tweets and TikToks: the ethics and challenges of online qualitative research. Presented at the February 2024 School of Applied Social Studies (SASS) research and development hour, 14 February 2024, Aberdeen, UK.

Since the late 90s, social media has revolutionised how people interact and communicate. Among other things, they help old friends keep in touch, people from marginalised communities meet safely, and individuals explore aspects of their identity and... Read More about Threads, Tweets and TikToks: the ethics and challenges of online qualitative research..