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ABBD: accumulated band-wise binary distancing for unsupervised parameter-free hyperspectral change detection.

Li, Yinhe; Ren, Jinchang; Yan, Yijun; Ma, Ping; Assaad, Maher; Gao, Zhi


Yijun Yan

Maher Assaad

Zhi Gao


As a fundamental task in remote sensing earth observation, hyperspectral change detection (HCD) aims to identify the changed pixels in bi-temporal hyperspectral images (HSIs). However, the water-absorption effect, poor weather conditions, noise and inconsistent illumination as well as lack of accurate ground truth has made HCD particularly challenging. To tackle these challenges, a novel Accumulated Band-wise Binary Distancing (ABBD) model was proposed for unsupervised parameter-free HCD. Rather than relying on the absolute pixel difference with thresholding in conventional approaches, the binary distancing only indicated whether a pixel was changed or not in a certain band, which could alleviate the adverse effects of noise-induced inconsistency of measurement. The band-wise binary distance map is then accumulated to form a grayscale change map, on which the simple k-means was applied for a final binary decision-making. Experiments on three publicly available datasets have validated the superiority of our approach, which has yielded comparable or slightly better results in comparison to a few state-of-the-art methods including several deep learning models.


LI, Y., REN, J., YAN, Y., MA, P., ASSAAD, M. and GAO, Z. 2024. ABBD: accumulated band-wise binary distancing for unsupervised parameter-free hyperspectral change detection. IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing [online], 17, pages 9880-9893. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 21, 2024
Online Publication Date May 30, 2024
Publication Date Dec 31, 2024
Deposit Date Jun 3, 2024
Publicly Available Date Jun 3, 2024
Journal IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing
Print ISSN 1939-1404
Electronic ISSN 2151-1535
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 17
Pages 9880-9893
Keywords Hyperspectral image (HSI); Unsupervised change detection; Accumulated band-wise binary distancing (ABBD); Parameter-free
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