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All Outputs (17)

Social and cultural capital information sheet: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7. (2017)
GRINNALL, A. 2017. Social and cultural capital information sheet: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7.2. Held on OpenAIR@RGU [online]. Available from:

A large majority of the information compiled in this sheet comes from the research conducted by Bloice, Baxter and Gray (2017) at remote airports for the SPARA project. Some additional elements have been included based on conversations between SPARA... Read More about Social and cultural capital information sheet: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7..

Exploitation of off-peak airport spaces: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7. (2017)
GRINNALL, A. 2017. Exploitation of off-peak airport spaces: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7.2. Held on OpenAIR@RGU [online]. Available from:

This worksheet examines the possible use of airport space which could be offered for various cultural, business, sporting and displays purposes.

Airport stakeholder engagement strategy template: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7. (2017)
GRINNALL, A. 2017. Airport stakeholder engagement strategy template: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7.2. Held on OpenAIR@RGU [online]. Available from:

This model shows goals and methods of engagement at five engagement levels: Identify, Inform, Consult, Involve, Collaborate and Empower. For each method benefits and potential limitations are noted. These are to be used by individual airports should... Read More about Airport stakeholder engagement strategy template: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7..

Airport public engagement strategy template: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7. (2017)
GRINNALL, A. 2017. Airport public engagement strategy template: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7.2. Held on OpenAIR@RGU [online]. Available from:

This model shows goals and methods of engagement at five engagement levels: Identify, Inform, Consult, Involve, Collaborate and Empower. For each method benefits and potential limitations are noted. These are to be used by individual airports should... Read More about Airport public engagement strategy template: SPARA 2020 project, deliverable 7..

RiCORE project final report. (2016)
GRAY, D. and GRINNALL, A. 2016. RiCORE project final report. Aberdeen: RiCORE Project [online]. Available from:

This report reviews the entire RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the successful development of offshore renewable energy in the European Union.

RiCORE project expert workshop 4 report. (2016)
GRINNALL, A. 2016. RiCORE project expert workshop 4 report. Aberdeen: RiCORE Project [online]. Available from:

This report reviews the outcomes of the fourth workshop organised as part of the RiCORE project, which took place in Cork on 12th April 2016. This workshop confirmed the issues addressed by the project and established next steps to be taken during th... Read More about RiCORE project expert workshop 4 report..

(Re)presenting heritage: laser scanning and 3D visualisations for cultural resilience and community engagement. (2016)
Journal Article
TAIT, E., LAING, R., GRINNALL, A., BURNETT, S. and ISAACS, J. 2016. (Re)presenting heritage: laser scanning and 3D visualisations for cultural resilience and community engagement. Journal of information science [online], 42(3), pages 420-433. Available from:

Cultural heritage is increasingly being viewed as an economic asset for geographic areas who aim to capitalise in the surge in interest in local history and heritage tourism from members of the public. Digital technologies have developed that facilit... Read More about (Re)presenting heritage: laser scanning and 3D visualisations for cultural resilience and community engagement..

RiCORE: risk-based consenting for offshore renewables [online]. (2016)
Digital Artefact
RICORE. 2016. RiCORE: risk-based consenting for offshore renewables [online]. Available from:

This is the official project website for the RiCORE project. The aim of the project was to establish a risk-based approach to consenting where the level of survey requirement is based on the environmental sensitivity of the site, the risk profile of... Read More about RiCORE: risk-based consenting for offshore renewables [online]..

RiCORE project interim report. (2015)
GRINNALL, A. and UDOH, O. 2015. RiCORE project interim report. Aberdeen: RiCORE Project [online]. Available from:

This report reviews the first half of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the successful development of offshore renewable energy in the European Union.

Bring your own heritage: final project report. (2015)
TAIT, E., LAING, R., GRINNALL, A., BURNETT, S., ISAACS, J. and SCOTT, J. 2015. Bring your own heritage: final project report. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

Public libraries have traditionally played a role in the acquisition and curation of local studies collections, and cultural heritage is recognised as a core area of activity for libraries aiming to increase patron numbers (Danish Agency for Librarie... Read More about Bring your own heritage: final project report..

First catch your fish: designing a 'low energy fish' label. (2015)
Journal Article
GRINNALL, A. and BURNETT, S. 2015. First catch your fish: designing a 'low energy fish' label. Sustainability [online], 7(5), pages 6086-6101. Available from:

This paper explores the application of information design principles to label design for fish packaging, identifying energy implications for the product. This stage of the project has consisted of: A review and distillation of the relevant literature... Read More about First catch your fish: designing a 'low energy fish' label..

Social transport collaborative solutions: developing a social/community transport infrastructure for change funded projects and associated activity around reshaping care for older people (RCOP). (2014)
GRAY, D., COOPER, K. and GRINNALL, A. 2014. Social transport collaborative solutions: developing a social/community transport infrastructure for change funded projects and associated activity around reshaping care for older people (RCOP). Unpublished internal document. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations (ACVO)/Institute for Management, Governance & Society (IMaGeS), Robert Gordon University.

Transport services for health and social care are fragmented and there is a lack of leadership, ownership and monitoring of the services provided. The Scottish Government, Regional Transport Partnerships, councils, NHS boards and the ambulance servic... Read More about Social transport collaborative solutions: developing a social/community transport infrastructure for change funded projects and associated activity around reshaping care for older people (RCOP)..

The impact of the cessation of blogs within the UK police blogosphere. (2014)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S., BURNETT, S., SMITH, R. and GRINNALL, A. 2014. The impact of the cessation of blogs within the UK police blogosphere. New technology, work and employment [online], 29(2), pages 160-176. Available from:

This article investigates the concept of influence within a group of police work-bloggers. During the period studied (2007-2013), three influential police bloggers, well-known within the small and tightly knit UK police blogosphere, abruptly ended th... Read More about The impact of the cessation of blogs within the UK police blogosphere..

The strategic role of knowledge auditing and mapping: an organisational case study. (2013)
Journal Article
BURNETT, S., WILLIAMS, D. and GRINNALL, A. 2013. The strategic role of knowledge auditing and mapping: an organisational case study. Knowledge and process management [online], 20(3), pages 161-176. Available from:

This paper presents the results of research, which aimed to evaluate the current position of the knowledge management (KM) capabilities of a multi-national energy services company, and is based on work originally presented at IFKAD-KCWS 2012, Matera,... Read More about The strategic role of knowledge auditing and mapping: an organisational case study..

What have we learned so far? The development and application of an organisational learning narrative. (2013)
Journal Article
BURNETT, S., GRINNALL, A. and WILLIAMS, D. 2015. What have we learned so far? The development and application of an organisational learning narrative. Knowledge management research and practice [online], 13(2), pages 160-167. Available from:

The use of narratives and stories has been growing in popularity in the field of knowledge management. Narratives may be used as useful vehicles for several knowledge-based activities within organisational (and other) contexts. These include acquirin... Read More about What have we learned so far? The development and application of an organisational learning narrative..