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Terminalia ivorensis demonstrates antioxidant properties and alters proliferation, genomic instability and migration of human colon cancer cells in vitro. (2024)
Journal Article
MOOMIN, A., KNOTT, R.M., RUSSELL, W.R., MOYER, M.P. and DUTHIE, S.J. [2024]. Terminalia ivorensis demonstrates antioxidant properties and alters proliferation, genomic instability and migration of human colon cancer cells in vitro. Mutagenesis [online], Advance articles. Available from:

Colorectal cancer is a global killer that causes approximately 940 thousand deaths annually. Terminalia ivorensis (TI) is a tropical tree, the bark of which is used in African traditional medicine for the treatment of diabetes, malaria and ulcer. Thi... Read More about Terminalia ivorensis demonstrates antioxidant properties and alters proliferation, genomic instability and migration of human colon cancer cells in vitro..

Ultra-processed foods and human health: an umbrella review and updated meta-analyses of observational evidence. (2024)
Journal Article
DAI, S., WELLENS, J., DUTHIE, S., LI, X., et al. 2024. Ultra-processed foods and human health: an umbrella review and updated meta-analyses of observational evidence. Clinical nutrition [online], 43(6), pages 1386-1394. Available from:

Ultra-processed food (UPF) intake has increased sharply over the last few decades and has been consistently asserted to be implicated in the development of non-communicable diseases. We aimed to evaluate and update the existing observational evidence... Read More about Ultra-processed foods and human health: an umbrella review and updated meta-analyses of observational evidence..

Season, storage and extraction method impact on the phytochemical profile of Terminalia ivorensis. (2023)
Journal Article
MOOMIN, A., RUSSELL, W.R., KNOTT, R.M., SCOBBIE, L., MENSAH, K.B., ADU-GYAMFI, P.K.T. and DUTHIE, S.J. 2023. Season, storage and extraction method impact on the phytochemical profile of Terminalia ivorensis. BMC plant biology [online], 23, article number 162. Available from:

Terminalia ivorensis (TI) is used in West African ethnomedicine for the treatment of conditions including ulcers, malaria and wounds. Despite its widespread use, the phytochemical profile of TI remains largely undetermined. This research investigated... Read More about Season, storage and extraction method impact on the phytochemical profile of Terminalia ivorensis..

Phenome-wide association study of genetically predicted B vitamins and homocysteine biomarkers with multiple health and disease outcomes: analysis of the UK Biobank. (2023)
Journal Article
WANG, L., LI, X., MONTAZERI, A., MACFARLANE, A.J., MOMOLI, F., DUTHIE, S., SENEKAL, M., EGUIAGARAY, I.M., MUNGER, R., BENNETT, D., CAMPBELL, H., RUBINI, M., MCNULTY, H., LITTLE, J. and THEODORATOU, E. 2023. Phenome-wide association study of genetically predicted B vitamins and homocysteine biomarkers with multiple health and disease outcomes: analysis of the UK Biobank. American journal of clinical nutrition [online], 117(3), pages 564-575. Available from:

Although a number of health outcomes such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic-related outcomes, neurological disorders, pregnancy outcomes and cancers have been identified in relation to B vitamins, evidence is of uneven quality and volume, and the... Read More about Phenome-wide association study of genetically predicted B vitamins and homocysteine biomarkers with multiple health and disease outcomes: analysis of the UK Biobank..

Consumption of a recommended serving of wheat bran cereals significantly increases human faecal butyrate levels in healthy volunteers and reduces markers of inflammation ex vivo. (2021)
Journal Article
NEACSU, M., ANDERSON, S.E., VERSCHOOR, P., VAUGHAN, N.J., HORGAN, G.W., HULSHOF, T., DUNCAN, S.H., DUTHIE, S. and RUSSELL, W.R. 2021. Consumption of a recommended serving of wheat bran cereals significantly increases human faecal butyrate levels in healthy volunteers and reduces markers of inflammation ex vivo. Recent progress in nutrition [online], 1(4), article number 2104002. Available from:

Wheat bran cereals are an important source of dietary fibre. The aim of the study was to investigate if a high intake (120 g) of fibre rich breakfast cereal (which delivers the UK Government guidelines for fibre intake in one serving but is three-fol... Read More about Consumption of a recommended serving of wheat bran cereals significantly increases human faecal butyrate levels in healthy volunteers and reduces markers of inflammation ex vivo..

The nutritional and cardiovascular health benefits of rapeseed oil-fed farmed salmon in humans are not decreased compared with those of traditionally farmed salmon: a randomized controlled trial. (2020)
Journal Article
DE ROOS, B., WOOD, S., BREMNER, D., BASHIR, S., BETANCOR, M.B., FRASER, W.D., DUTHIE, S.J., HORGAN, G.W. and SNEDDON, A.A. 2021. The nutritional and cardiovascular health benefits of rapeseed oil-fed farmed salmon in humans are not decreased compared with those of traditionally farmed salmon: a randomized controlled trial. European journal of nutrition [online], 60(4), pages 2063-2075. Available from:

Purpose: Farmed fish are increasingly raised on feeds containing vegetable oils, which affects their composition and possibly health properties. We investigated the effects of consuming farmed salmon, raised on different feeding regimes, on nutrient... Read More about The nutritional and cardiovascular health benefits of rapeseed oil-fed farmed salmon in humans are not decreased compared with those of traditionally farmed salmon: a randomized controlled trial..

Application of the comet assay in human biomonitoring: an hCOMET perspective. (2019)
Journal Article
AZQUETA, A., LADEIRA, C., GIOVANNELLI, L., BOUTET-ROBINET, E., BONASSI, S., NERI, M., GAJSKI, G., DUTHIE, S., DEL BO', C., RISO, P., KOPPEN, G., BASARAN, N., COLLINS, A. and MØLLER, P. 2020. Application of the comet assay in human biomonitoring: an hCOMET perspective. Mutation research: reviews in mutation research [online], 783, article ID 108288. Available from:

The comet assay is a well-accepted biomonitoring tool to examine the effect of dietary, lifestyle, environmental and occupational exposure on levels of DNA damage in human cells. With such a wide range of determinants for DNA damage levels, it become... Read More about Application of the comet assay in human biomonitoring: an hCOMET perspective..

Folate deficiency promotes differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells without affecting the methylation status of regulated genes. (2019)
Journal Article
KOLB, A.F., PETRIE, L., MAYER, C.D., PIRIE, L. and DUTHIE, S.J. 2019. Folate deficiency promotes differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells without affecting the methylation status of regulated genes. Biochemical journal [online], 476(19), pages 2769-2795. Available from:

Elevated serum homocysteine, an intermediate of cellular one-carbon metabolism, is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Folate deficiency increases serum homocysteine and may contribute to CVD progression. Vascular smooth musc... Read More about Folate deficiency promotes differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells without affecting the methylation status of regulated genes..

DNA repair as a human biomonitoring tool: comet assay approaches. (2019)
Journal Article
AZQUETA, A., LANGIE, S.A.S., BOUTET-ROBINET, E., DUTHIE, S., LADEIRA, C, MØLLER, P., COLLINS, A.R. and GODSCHALK, R.W.L. 2019. DNA repair as a human biomonitoring tool: comet assay approaches. Mutation research: reviews in mutation research [online], 781, pages 71-87. Available from:

The comet assay offers the opportunity to measure both DNA damage and repair. Various comet assay based methods are available to measure DNA repair activity, but some requirements should be met for their effective use in human biomonitoring studies.... Read More about DNA repair as a human biomonitoring tool: comet assay approaches..

Folate, genomic stability and colon cancer: the use of single cell gel electrophoresis in assessing the impact of folate in vitro, in vivo and in human biomonitoring. (2018)
Journal Article
CATALA, G.N., BESTWICK, C.S., RUSSELL, W.R., TORTORA, K., GIOVANNELLI, L., MOYER, M.P., LENDOIRO, E. and DUTHIE, S.J. 2019. Folate, genomic stability and colon cancer: the use of single cell gel electrophoresis in assessing the impact of folate in vitro, in vivo and in human biomonitoring. Mutation research: genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis [online], 843, pages 73-80. Available from:

Intake of folate (vitamin B9) is strongly inversely linked with human cancer risk, particularly colon cancer. In general, people with the highest dietary intake of folate or with high blood folate levels are at a reduced risk (approx. 25%) of develop... Read More about Folate, genomic stability and colon cancer: the use of single cell gel electrophoresis in assessing the impact of folate in vitro, in vivo and in human biomonitoring..

Oral human papillomavirus infection in England and associated risk factors: a case control study. (2018)
Journal Article
HEARNDEN, V., MURDOCH, C., D'APICE, K., DUTHIE, S., HAYWARD, N.J. and POWERS, H.J. 2018. Oral human papillomavirus infection in England and associated risk factors: a case control study. BMJ open [online], 8(8), article number 022497. Available from:

Objectives - This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of and associated risk factors for infection with oral high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) in adult participants within England, and to explore any association with oral mucosal bu... Read More about Oral human papillomavirus infection in England and associated risk factors: a case control study..

Caspase-independence and characterization of bisnaphthalimidopropyl spermidine induced cytotoxicity in HL60 cells. (2018)
Journal Article
BESTWICK, C., MILNE, L., DANCE, A.-M., COCHENNEC, G., CRUICKSHANK, G., ALLAIN, E., CONSTABLE, L., DUTHIE, S.J. and KONG THOO LIN, P. 2018. Caspase-independence and characterization of bisnaphthalimidopropyl spermidine induced cytotoxicity in HL60 cells. Toxicology in vitro [online], 52, pages 342-350. Available from:

Bisnaphthalimides are DNA intercalators of potential use as chemotherapeutics but for which the range of mechanism of action is only gradually being elucidated. Using human promyelocytic HL-60 cells, we extend characterization of the cytotoxicity of... Read More about Caspase-independence and characterization of bisnaphthalimidopropyl spermidine induced cytotoxicity in HL60 cells..

Roadmap for investigating epigenome deregulation and environmental origins of cancer. (2017)
Journal Article
HERCEG, Z., GHANTOUS, A., WILD, C.P., SKLIAS, A., CASATI, L., DUTHIE, S.J., FRY, R., ISSA, J.-P., KELLERMAYER, R., KOTURBASH, I., KONDO, Y., LEPEULE, J., LIMA, S.C.S., MARSIT, C.J., RAKYAN, V., SAFFERY, R., TAYLOR, J.A., TESCHENDORFF, A.E., USHIJIMA, T., VINEIS, P., WALKER, C.L., WATERLAND, R.A., WIEMELS, J., AMBATIPUDI, S., ESPOSTI, D.D. and HERNANDEZ-VARGAS, H. 2017. Roadmap for investigating epigenome deregulation and environmental origins of cancer. International journal of cancer [online], 142(5), pages 874-882. Available from:

The interaction between the (epi)genetic makeup of an individual and his/her environmental exposure record (exposome) is accepted as a determinant factor for a significant proportion of human malignancies. Recent evidence has highlighted the key role... Read More about Roadmap for investigating epigenome deregulation and environmental origins of cancer..

Effect of increasing fruit and vegetable intake by dietary intervention on nutritional biomarkers and attitudes to dietary change: a randomised trial. (2017)
Journal Article
DUTHIE, S.J., DUTHIE, G.G., RUSSELL, W.R., KYLE, J.A.M., MACDIARMID, J.I., RUNGAPAMESTRY, V., STEPHEN, S., MEGIAS-BAEZA, C., KANIEWSKA, J.J., SHAW, L., MILNE, L., BREMNER, D., ROSS, K., MORRICE, P., PIRIE, L.P., HORGAN, G. and BESTWICK, C.S. 2018. Effect of increasing fruit and vegetable intake by dietary intervention on nutritional biomarkers and attitudes to dietary change: a randomised trial. European journal of nutrition [online], 57(5), pages 1855-1872. Available from:

Low fruit and vegetable consumption is linked with an increased risk of death from vascular disease and cancer. The benefit of eating fruits and vegetables is attributed in part to antioxidants, vitamins and phytochemicals. Whether increasing intake... Read More about Effect of increasing fruit and vegetable intake by dietary intervention on nutritional biomarkers and attitudes to dietary change: a randomised trial..

Nutritional B vitamin deficiency alters the expression of key proteins associated with vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration in the aorta of atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E null mice. (2014)
Journal Article
DUTHIE, S.J., BEATTIE, J.H., GORDON, M.-J., PIRIE, L.P., NICOL, F., REID, M.D., DUNCAN, G.J., CANTLAY, L., HORGAN, G. and MCNEIL, C.J. 2015. Nutritional B vitamin deficiency alters the expression of key proteins associated with vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration in the aorta of atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E null mice. Genes and nutrition [online], 10(1), article 446. Available from:

Low B vitamin status is linked with human vascular disease. We employed a proteomic and biochemical approach to determine whether nutritional folate deficiency and/or hyperhomocysteinemia altered metabolic processes linked with atherosclerosis in Apo... Read More about Nutritional B vitamin deficiency alters the expression of key proteins associated with vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration in the aorta of atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E null mice..

Transcriptome analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in human subjects following a 36 h fast provides evidence of effects on genes regulating inflammation, apoptosis and energy metabolism. (2014)
Journal Article
ELLIOTT, R.M., DE ROOS, B., DUTHIE, S.J., BOUWMAN, F.G., RUBIO-ALIAGA, I., CROSLEY, L.K., MAYER, C., POLLEY, A.C., HEIM, C., COORT, S.L., EVELO, C.T., MULHOLLAND, F., DANIEL, H., MARIMAN, E.C. and JOHNSON, I.T. 2014. Transcriptome analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in human subjects following a 36 h fast provides evidence of effects on genes regulating inflammation, apoptosis and energy metabolism. Genes and nutrition [online], 9(6), article 432. Available from:

There is growing interest in the potential health benefits of diets that involve regular periods of fasting. While animal studies have provided compelling evidence that feeding patterns such as alternate-day fasting can increase longevity and reduce... Read More about Transcriptome analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in human subjects following a 36 h fast provides evidence of effects on genes regulating inflammation, apoptosis and energy metabolism..

2D-electrophoresis and multiplex immunoassay proteomic analysis of different body fluids and cellular components reveal known and novel markers for extended fasting. (2011)
Journal Article
BOUWMAN, F.G., DE ROOS, B., RUBIO-ALIAGA, I. et al. 2011. 2D-electrophoresis and multiplex immunoassay proteomic analysis of different body fluids and cellular components reveal known and novel markers for extended fasting. BMC medical genomics [online], 4, article number 24. Available from:

Proteomic technologies applied for profiling human biofluids and blood cells are considered to reveal new biomarkers of exposure or provide insights into novel mechanisms of adaptation. Both a non-targeted (classical 2D-electrophoresis combined with... Read More about 2D-electrophoresis and multiplex immunoassay proteomic analysis of different body fluids and cellular components reveal known and novel markers for extended fasting..