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All Outputs (60)

An assessment of community renewable energy as one of the options for transition to low-carbon energy in South Africa (Gauteng). (2019)
MONARE, K.S. 2019. An assessment of community renewable energy as one of the options for transition to low-carbon energy in South Africa (Gauteng). Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

Governments around the world are actively developing policies that encourage consumers to move from passive to active engagement in localised renewable energy projects. In particular, small-scale, decentralised community renewable projects are being... Read More about An assessment of community renewable energy as one of the options for transition to low-carbon energy in South Africa (Gauteng)..

Meet the next generation: Rachael Ironside. (2019)
Journal Article
IRONSIDE, R. 2019. Meet the next generation: Rachael Ironside. Mindfield: the bulletin of the Parapsychological Association [online] 11(3), pages 120-121. Available from:

This feature focuses on the next generation of scientists and scholars researching parapsychological topics. The author talks of her journey inside parapsychology, what is her biggest accomplishment and future research plans.

Made in Scotland: country of origin branding in the Scottish textile industry. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEWART, C. 2019. Made in Scotland: country of origin branding in the Scottish textile industry. In Miller, M. (ed.). Fashion: ID; proceedings of 21st International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institute (IFFTI) 2019 conference: fashion ID (IFFTI 2019), 8-12 April 2019, Manchester, UK. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University [online], pages 328-339. Available from:

The Scottish textile industry continues to contribute significantly to the national economy, turning over £1bn annually and generating 8,200 domestic jobs. With exports now worth over £360m, industry leaders recognise that ‘Made in Scotland’ is a pri... Read More about Made in Scotland: country of origin branding in the Scottish textile industry..

Implications of financial intermediation on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria: 2000-2017. (2019)
Journal Article
ADEWOLE, J.A., DARE, F.D. and OGUNYEMI, J.K. 2019. Implications of financial intermediation on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria: 2000-2017. Financial markets, institutions and risks [online], 3(4), pages 94-105. Available from:

The paper examined the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on Financial Intermediation and the performance of Commercial banks in Nigeria. Despite a series of reforms and restructuring aimed at enhancing the bank's ability... Read More about Implications of financial intermediation on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria: 2000-2017..

Learning how to work in multicultural teams: students' insights on the internationalisation-at-home activities. (2019)
Journal Article
BARBOSA, B., SWARTZ, S., LUCK, S., PRADO-MEZA, C. and CRAWFORD, I. 2019. Learning how to work in multicultural teams: students' insights on the internationalisation-at-home activities. Interpersona [online], 13(2), pages 205-219. Available from:

Internationalization-at-home activities present relevant opportunities for innovation in the teaching-learning process. These activities provide a very broad set of advantages, including the development of soft skills and increased motivation of stud... Read More about Learning how to work in multicultural teams: students' insights on the internationalisation-at-home activities..

How do auditors navigate conflicting logics in everyday practice? (2019)
Journal Article
BARAC, K., GAMMIE, E., HOWIESON, B. and VAN STADEN, M. 2019. How do auditors navigate conflicting logics in everyday practice? Professions and professionalism [online], 9(3), article ID e2916. Available from:

Historically professional logic has shaped accountancy, increasingly it has been shaped also by commercial logic. This study moves beyond these distinctions for a better and more nuanced analyses of how actors (Big 4 auditors) navigate conflicting lo... Read More about How do auditors navigate conflicting logics in everyday practice?.

Analysis of United Kingdom offshore wind farm performance using public data: improving the evidence base for policymaking. (2019)
Journal Article
ALDERSEY-WILLIAMS, J., BROADBENT, I.D. and STRACHAN, P.A. 2020. Analysis of United Kingdom offshore wind farm performance using public data: improving the evidence base for policymaking. Utilities policy [online], 62, article ID 100985. Available from:

Policymakers and regulators increasingly need to balance the requirements of energy demand, security and costs, and to do so they need accurate estimates of performance. This study uses public data to assess UK offshore wind farm performance to impro... Read More about Analysis of United Kingdom offshore wind farm performance using public data: improving the evidence base for policymaking..

Offshore helicopter travel: is the U.K. oil and gas industry failing offshore workers? (2019)
Journal Article
DOWNIE, M. and GOSLING, D. 2020. Offshore helicopter travel: is the U.K. oil and gas industry failing offshore workers? New solutions: a journal of environmental and occupational health policy [online], 29(4), pages 504-518. Available from:

In the United Kingdom, oil and gas workers have been transported by helicopter to their workplace at offshore installations for over fifty years. During that time, there have been numerous fatal helicopter accidents. Despite calls from trade unions,... Read More about Offshore helicopter travel: is the U.K. oil and gas industry failing offshore workers?.

The psychological factors that influence successful technology adoption in the oil and gas industry. (2019)
Journal Article
ROBERTS, R. and FLIN, R. 2019. The psychological factors that influence successful technology adoption in the oil and gas industry. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting [online], 63(1): proceedings of the 63rd Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting, 28 October - 1 November 2019, Seattle, Washington, pages 1183-1187. Available from:

To ensure that the full potential of innovative technology is maximised, it is crucial to understand the psychological factors that influence technology adoption in all industrial consumers. The oil and gas (O&G) industry exemplifies industrial consu... Read More about The psychological factors that influence successful technology adoption in the oil and gas industry..

A study of Albanian and UK consumers' identity creation within food shopping experiences: a consumer culture theory approach. (2019)
QENDRO, A.-E. 2019. A study of Albanian and UK consumers' identity creation within food shopping experiences: a consumer culture theory approach. Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

This thesis investigates the relationship that Albanian and UK consumers have with food shopping culture, and how their choice of food outlets is affected by social factors. An emic approach is used to gather 'culture-rich' data with regards to the r... Read More about A study of Albanian and UK consumers' identity creation within food shopping experiences: a consumer culture theory approach..

Firm failure processes and determinants of failure in EU countries and UK regions: a quantitative analysis of SMEs. (2019)
MAKROPOULOS, A. 2019. Firm failure processes and determinants of failure in EU countries and UK regions: a quantitative analysis of SMEs. Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

This thesis is motivated by the fact that small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are of vital importance to most European countries collectively, and to each country individually. For these reasons, understanding SME failure is an integral part of... Read More about Firm failure processes and determinants of failure in EU countries and UK regions: a quantitative analysis of SMEs..

What has this done for me? Qualitative student reflections on intercultural experiential learning. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CRAWFORD, I., SWARTZ, S., LUCK, S. and BARBOSA, B. 2019. What has this done for me? Qualitative student reflections on intercultural experiential learning. In Proceedings of the 2019 International virtual exchange conference (IVEC 2019): advancing the field of online international learning, 25-26 October 2019, Tacoma, USA. Tacoma: IVEC [online], pages 65-68. Available from:

This project incorporates globalisation, technological progress, intercultural and inter-disciplinary experiential learning using real life clients to prepare graduates for the future workplace. Intercultural competence is possessing the necessary a... Read More about What has this done for me? Qualitative student reflections on intercultural experiential learning..

Professional learning experience through COIL: a faculty perspective. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SWARTZ, S., LUCK, S., BARBOSA, B. and CRAWFORD, I. 2019. Professional learning experience through COIL: a faculty perspective. In Proceedings of the 2019 International virtual exchange conference (IVEC 2019): advancing the field of online international learning, 25-26 October 2019, Tacoma, USA. Tacoma: IVEC [online], pages 19-24. Available from:

Collaborative online international learning (COIL) is not reserved for students, but rather can positively impact instructors through the exchange with colleagues from diverse institutions, backgrounds, pedagogies and practices. Instructors thereby g... Read More about Professional learning experience through COIL: a faculty perspective..

Understanding the impact of collaborative online international learning on employability: a stakeholder comparison. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CRAWFORD, I. 2019. Understanding the impact of collaborative online international learning on employability: a stakeholder comparison. In Proceedings of the 2019 International virtual exchange conference (IVEC 2019): advancing the field of online international learning, 25-26 October 2019, Tacoma, USA. Tacoma: IVEC [online], pages 14-18. Available from:

Emerging pedagogical theory identifies a growing need for innovative, student-centered, experiential approaches to learning within a context of rapidly evolving conversational media, the commodification of education and changing perceptions of the ac... Read More about Understanding the impact of collaborative online international learning on employability: a stakeholder comparison..

Building intercultural competence through virtual team collaboration across global classrooms. (2019)
Journal Article
SWARTZ, S., BARBOSA, B. and CRAWFORD, I. 2020. Building intercultural competence through virtual team collaboration across global classrooms. Business and professional communication quarterly [online], 83(1), pages 57-79. Available from:

By means of a cross-cultural virtual teams project involving classrooms in Scotland, Germany, and Portugal, students were exposed to the challenges of collaborating internationally with the intention of increasing their intercultural competency. Inte... Read More about Building intercultural competence through virtual team collaboration across global classrooms..

A ward-round non-technical skills for surgery (WANTSS) taxonomy. (2019)
Journal Article
SCHUUR, K., MURRAY, K., MARAN, N., FLIN, R. and PATERSON-BROWN, S. 2020. A ward-round non-technical skills for surgery (WANTSS) taxonomy. Journal of surgical education [online], 77(2), pages 369-379. Available from:

Background: Around half of surgical adverse events occur outside the operating room. However the majority of non-technical skills (NTS) training programs have been developed for the intra-operative environment. Ward rounds are a crucial part of extra... Read More about A ward-round non-technical skills for surgery (WANTSS) taxonomy..

In the shadow of public opinion: the European Parliament, civil society organizations and the politicization of trilogues. (2019)
Journal Article
GREENWOOD, J. and ROEDERER-RYNNING, C. 2019. In the shadow of public opinion: the European Parliament, civil society organizations and the politicization of trilogues. Politics and governance [online], 7(3), pages 316-326. Available from:

This article examines the relations between the European Parliament (EP) and civil society organizations (CSOs) in the EU’s legislative process. It focuses specifically on legislative trilogues, an informal institution bringing together the represent... Read More about In the shadow of public opinion: the European Parliament, civil society organizations and the politicization of trilogues..

Capability approach for realising the sustainable development goals through responsible management education: the case of UK business school academics. (2019)
Journal Article
NDUBUKA, N. and REY-MARMONIER, E. 2019. Capability approach for realising the sustainable development goals through responsible management education: the case of UK business school academics. International journal of management education [online], 17(3), article ID 100319. Available from:

This paper assesses whether RME can help UK business schools that are signatories to the PRME contribute to the realisation of any of the 17 SDGs through the lens of 15 UK business school academics. We found that RME (in the context of this study) ca... Read More about Capability approach for realising the sustainable development goals through responsible management education: the case of UK business school academics..

Systems thinking and CMM for continuous improvement in the construction industry. (2019)
Journal Article
OMOTAYO, T.S., BOATENG, P., OSOBAJO, O., OKE, A. and OBI, L.I. 2020. Systems thinking and CMM for continuous improvement in the construction industry. International journal for productivity and performance management [online], 69(2), pages 271-296. Available from:

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a capability maturity model (CMM) developed to implement continuous improvement in small and medium scale construction companies (SMSCC) in Nigeria. Design/methodology/approach: A multi-strategy approa... Read More about Systems thinking and CMM for continuous improvement in the construction industry..

Socially responsible investment and market performance: the case of energy and resource companies. (2019)
Journal Article
BRZESZCZYŃSKI, J., GHIMIRE, B., JAMASB, T. and MCINTOSH, G. 2019. Socially responsible investment and market performance: the case of energy and resource companies. Energy journal [online], 40(5), pages 17-72. Available from:

Do financial markets reward the energy and resource companies for adopting socially responsible practices? In this study, we investigate the stock market performance of major international energy and resource firms, classified within the socially res... Read More about Socially responsible investment and market performance: the case of energy and resource companies..