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Evaluating a pass/fail grading model in first year undergraduate computing. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ZARB, M., MCDERMOTT, R., MARTIN, K., YOUNG, T. and MCGOWAN, J. 2023. Evaluating a pass/fail grading model in first year undergraduate computing. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2023), 18-21 October 2023, College Station, TX, USA. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article 10343276. Available from:

This Innovative Practice Full Paper investigates the implications of implementing a Pass/Fail marking scheme within the undergraduate curriculum, specifically across first year computing modules in a Scottish Higher Education Institution. The motivat... Read More about Evaluating a pass/fail grading model in first year undergraduate computing..

What is Skill? (and why does it matter?). (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MCDERMOTT, R. and DANIELS, M. 2023. What is skill? (and why does it matter?). In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2023), 18-21 October 2023, College Station, TX, USA. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article 10343520. Available from:

This Research-to-Practice Full Paper seeks to investigate the concept of Skill within a Competency Framework, such as that described by the CC2020 document. The notion of skill is fundamental to modern educational discourse. As educators, we strive,... Read More about What is Skill? (and why does it matter?)..

Incite: digital art and activism. (2023)
DELAPPE, J. and LEUZZI, L. (eds.) 2023. Incite: digital art and activism. Aberdeen: peacock and the worm.

INCITE: Digital Art and Activism is a collaborative artists' book, featuring creative responses from artists, scholars and activists connected through the Digital Art and Activism Network, and edited by Joseph DeLappe (Abertay University) and Laura L... Read More about Incite: digital art and activism..

Recent advances in multimodal artificial intelligence for disease diagnosis, prognosis and prevention. (2023)
Journal Article
ALI, H., SHAH, Z., ALAM, T., WIJAYATUNGA, P. and ELYAN, E. 2023. Recent advances in multimodal artificial intelligence for disease diagnosis, prognosis and prevention. Frontiers in radiology [online], 3, article number 1349830. Available from:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained huge attention in computer-aided decision-making in the healthcare domain. Many novel AI methods have been developed for disease diagnosis and prognosis which may support in the prevention of disease. Most dise... Read More about Recent advances in multimodal artificial intelligence for disease diagnosis, prognosis and prevention..

Coming together differently. (2023)
Book Chapter
WINTER, J. 2023. Coming together differently. In Johanna Billing: each moment presents what happens. London: Whitechapel Gallery [online]. Available from:

In this essay, Judith Winter reflects on the origins and inspiration for Johanna Billing's work, "Each Moment Presents What Happens". The author looks back in particular towards John Cage's undocumented 1952 work, "Untitled Event (Theater Piece No. 1... Read More about Coming together differently..

Lecturers' and clients' experiences of using learning by developing action model with project-based computing science study modules in Finland and the UK. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LINTILÄ, T. 2023. Lecturers' and clients' experiences of using learning by developing action model with project-based computing science study modules in Finland and the UK. In Chova, L.G., Martínez. C.G. and Lees, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th International conference on education and new learning technologies (EDULEARN 2023), 3-5 July 2023, Palma, Spain. Valencia: IATED [online], pages 2121-2129. Available from:

This article describes research in which the Learning by Developing (LbD) action model has been used as a teaching and learning method for computer science students in Finland and Great Britain. The study has been conducted as action research, and it... Read More about Lecturers' and clients' experiences of using learning by developing action model with project-based computing science study modules in Finland and the UK..

A research on the use of learning by developing action model in computing studies in Finland and the UK HEIs. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LINTILÄ, T. and ZARB, M. 2023. A research on the use of learning by developing action model in computing studies in Finland and the UK HEIs. In Chova, L.G., Martínez. C.G. and Lees, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 17th International technology, education and development conference (INTED 2023), 6-8 March 2023, Valencia, Spain. Valencia: IATED [online], pages 3261-3269. Available from:

This article describes a study in which the Learning by Developing (LbD) action model has been used as a teaching and learning method for computing students in Finland and the United Kingdom. The study has been carried out as action research, and the... Read More about A research on the use of learning by developing action model in computing studies in Finland and the UK HEIs..

Agriculture in Africa: the emerging role of artificial intelligence. (2023)
Book Chapter
ADEBOLA, T. and IBEKE, E. 2023. Agriculture in Africa: the emerging role of artificial intelligence. In Ncube, C., Oriakhogba, D., Rutenberg, I. and Schonwetter, T. (eds.) Artificial intelligence and the law in Africa. Johannesburg: Lexis Nexis [online], Chapter 14. Available from:

This chapter critically considers the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to agriculture in Africa. It contends that, while African countries can utilise AI to address agricultural challenges, realising the full potential of AI in agriculture... Read More about Agriculture in Africa: the emerging role of artificial intelligence..

Student interaction with a virtual learning environment: an empirical study of online engagement behaviours during and since the time of COVID-19. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JOHNSTON, P., ZARB, M. and MORENO-GARCIA, C.F. 2023. Student interaction with a virtual learning environment: an empirical study of online engagement behaviours during and since the time of COVID-19. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2023),18-21 October 2023, College Station, TX, USA. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article number 10343048. Available from:

This paper presents an experience report of online attendance and associated behavioural patterns during a module in the first complete semester undertaken fully online in the autumn of 2020, and the corresponding module deliveries in 2021 and 2022.... Read More about Student interaction with a virtual learning environment: an empirical study of online engagement behaviours during and since the time of COVID-19..

Predicting and identifying antimicrobial resistance in the marine environment using AI and machine learning algorithms. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FOUGH, F., JANJUA, G., ZHAO, Y. and DON, A.W. 2023. Predicting and identifying antimicrobial resistance in the marine environment using AI and machine learning algorithms. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) International workshop on Metrology for the sea (MetroSea 2023); learning to measure sea health parameters, 4-6 October 2023, La Valletta, Malta. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 121-126. Available from:

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasingly critical public health issue necessitating precise and efficient methodologies to achieve prompt results. The accurate and early detection of AMR is crucial, as its absence can pose life-threatening r... Read More about Predicting and identifying antimicrobial resistance in the marine environment using AI and machine learning algorithms..

Is artists' exploitation inevitable or is it just a question of identifying effective, enduring, preventative frameworks? (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BLACKWOOD, J., JONES, S., BUTLER, D., CALLAGHAN, B., POULTER, S., SEERS, L. and WRIGHT, J. (eds.) 2023. Is artists’ exploitation inevitable or is it just a question of identifying effective, enduring, preventative frameworks? Proceedings of the 2023 Aberdeen mini summit, 16 June 2023, Aberdeen, UK. Wakefield: Axis [online]. Available from:

Is artists' exploitation inevitable or is it just a question of identifying effective, enduring, preventative frameworks? Developed by independent arts researcher Dr Susan Jones and organised collaboratively with Dr Jon Blackwood, Gray's School of Ar... Read More about Is artists' exploitation inevitable or is it just a question of identifying effective, enduring, preventative frameworks?.

Thermomechanical deformation analysis of a tubular solid oxide steam electrolysis cell. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KURUSHINA, V., RAJENDRAN, V., PRATHURU, A., HOSSAIN, M., FAISAL, N., SOMAN, A., HORRI, B.A. and CAI, Q. 2023. Thermomechanical deformation analysis of a tubular solid oxide steam electrolysis cell. In Proceedings of the 34th Thermal and fluid analysis workshop 2023 (TFAWS 2023), 21-25 August 2023, Maryland, USA. Washington: NASA [online], article number TFAWS23-ID-7. Available from:

Technologies behind electrolysis cells for hydrogen production are making progress in terms of portability, cost reduction, performance enhancement, prolonged operation, and integration in stacks and with existing power infrastructure. The solid oxid... Read More about Thermomechanical deformation analysis of a tubular solid oxide steam electrolysis cell..

Blockchain and smart contracts: a game changer in mediation? (2023)
Journal Article
MAK, C.H.W. and MANTE, J. 2023. Blockchain and smart contracts: a game changer in mediation? Asian journal on mediation, 2023, pages 49-64.

In light of accelerating technological innovation and shifts in dispute resolution paradigms, this article elucidates the transformative potential of blockchain technology and smart contracts in mediation. The paper posits that these advancements off... Read More about Blockchain and smart contracts: a game changer in mediation?.

An exploratory study on wind speed profiling of high-rise building/monument using EnviMET. (2023)
Journal Article
ZAKARIA, N.H., SALLEH, S.A., ISA, N.A., CHAN, A., OOI, M.C.G. and ASMAT, A. 2023. An exploratory study on wind speed profiling of high-rise building/monument using EnviMET. Malaysian construction research journal [online], 20(3): special issue for 6th International conference on research methodology for built environment and engineering 2023 (ICRMBEE 2023), 28 February - 2 March 2023, pages 123-137. Available from:

Envi-MET is a useful tool for simulating wind speed at building heights and modelling microclimatic conditions around buildings, including wind speed around buildings and other structures. Envi-MET is used in this study to simulate wind speed toward... Read More about An exploratory study on wind speed profiling of high-rise building/monument using EnviMET..

Physiological and psychological outcomes of high intensity interval training in patients with heart failure compared to moderate continuous training and usual care: a systematic review with meta analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
CALLUM, K., SWINTON, P., GORELY, T., CRABTREE, D. and LESLIE, S. 2024. Physiological and psychological outcomes of high intensity interval training in patients with heart failure compared to moderate continuous training and usual care: a systematic review with meta analysis. Heart and lung [online], 64, pages 117-127. Available from:

An important component of secondary prevention of CVD (including HF) is comprehensive cardiac rehab, including exercise. Novel, individualised approaches are needed to increase uptake and adherence to exercise programmes. One area offering potential... Read More about Physiological and psychological outcomes of high intensity interval training in patients with heart failure compared to moderate continuous training and usual care: a systematic review with meta analysis..

Analyst herding-whether, why, and when? Two new tests for herding detection in target forecast prices. (2023)
Journal Article
REVELEY, C., SHANAEV, S., BIN, Y., PANTA, H. and GHIMIRE, B. 2023. Analyst herding-whether, why, and when? Two new tests for herding detection in target forecast prices. Economics and business review [online], 9(4), pages 25-55. Available from:

This study proposes two novel tests for security analyst herding based on binomial correlation and forecast error volatility scaling and applies it to investigate herding patterns in analyst target prices in 2008-2020 in the UK. Analysts robustly her... Read More about Analyst herding-whether, why, and when? Two new tests for herding detection in target forecast prices..

Death, ghosts, and spiritual tourism: conceptualizing a dark spiritual experience spectrum for the paranormal market. (2023)
Journal Article
IRONSIDE, R. 2023. Death, ghosts, and spiritual tourism: conceptualizing a dark spiritual experience spectrum for the paranormal market. Journal of scientific exploration [online], 37(4), pages 586-601. Available from:

Paranormal tourism is a lucrative market offering visitors the opportunity to engage with enchanting experiences and stories in destinations around the world. Specifically, ghost tourism connects people to the dead (and death) through dark narratives... Read More about Death, ghosts, and spiritual tourism: conceptualizing a dark spiritual experience spectrum for the paranormal market..

An improved parameter identification and radial basis correction-differential support vector machine strategies for state-of-charge estimation of urban-transportation-electric-vehicle lithium-ion batteries. (2023)
Journal Article
WANG, S., WANG, C., TAKYI-ANINAKWA, P., JIN, S., FERNANDEZ, C. and HUANG, Q. 2024. An improved parameter identification and radial basis correction-differential support vector machine strategies for state-of-charge estimation of urban-transportation-electric-vehicle lithium-ion batteries. Journal of energy storage [online], 80, article number 110222. Available from:

The State estimation and determination of time-varying model parameters are crucial for ensuring the safe management of lithium-ion batteries. This paper designs a limited memory recursive least square algorithm to improve the accuracy of online para... Read More about An improved parameter identification and radial basis correction-differential support vector machine strategies for state-of-charge estimation of urban-transportation-electric-vehicle lithium-ion batteries..

Unforeseen emotional labour: a collaborative autoethnography exploring researcher experiences of studying long COVID in health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2023)
Journal Article
MACIVER, E., ADAMS, N.N., TORRANCE, N., DOUGLAS, F., KENNEDY, C., SKATUN, D., SANTIAGO, V.H. and GRANT, A. 2024. Unforeseen emotional labour: a collaborative autoethnography exploring researcher experiences of studying long COVID in health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. SSM - qualitative research in health [online], 5, article 100390. Available from:

The concept of "emotional labour" describes the regulation of feelings and expressions to fulfil a specific job role, discussed extensively in relation to commercial and caring professions, with more recent scholarship recognising the emotional role... Read More about Unforeseen emotional labour: a collaborative autoethnography exploring researcher experiences of studying long COVID in health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic..

A comprehensive review on the potential of green hydrogen in empowering the low-carbon economy: development status, ongoing trends and key challenges. (2023)
Journal Article
ATTEYA, A.I., ALI, D., HOSSAIN, M. and SELLAMI, N. 2023. A comprehensive review on the potential of green hydrogen in empowering the low-carbon economy: development status, ongoing trends and key challenges. Green energy and environmental technology [online], 2. Available from:

Green hydrogen is currently considered a key element for delivering free-carbon energy. This paper provides an extensive assessment of the potential of green hydrogen technology as a pathway to the low-carbon economy while highlighting the major tech... Read More about A comprehensive review on the potential of green hydrogen in empowering the low-carbon economy: development status, ongoing trends and key challenges..