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Dr Sarah Sivers' Outputs (25)

Enforcement of environmental laws in the oil and gas industry: quo vadis Nigeria? (2024)
AKERELE, O.N. 2024. Enforcement of environmental laws in the oil and gas industry: quo vadis Nigeria? Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

The importance of law in promoting environmentally responsible attitudes and actions cannot be overstated. Legislation is an effective tool for environmental protection, pollution planning, pollution prevention and pollution control. Nigerian environ... Read More about Enforcement of environmental laws in the oil and gas industry: quo vadis Nigeria?.

Party autonomy and judicial participation in commercial arbitration: recalibrating the role of Nigerian courts. (2023)
ADULOJU, B.M. 2023. Party autonomy and judicial participation in commercial arbitration: recalibrating the role of Nigerian courts. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Courts and arbitration tribunals aim to resolve disputes and make enforceable decisions in their distinctive way. However, unlike courts, tribunals lack state enforcement power to function independently. Consequently, arbitrating parties have had to... Read More about Party autonomy and judicial participation in commercial arbitration: recalibrating the role of Nigerian courts..

Understanding the causes of disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
SIVERS, S. 2023. Understanding the causes of disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

This briefing note provides a summary of the findings from a project looking at dispute resolution in paediatrics, funded by NHS Grampian Charity.

Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. [NHS Grampian R&D Poster] (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SIVERS, S., DOWNIE, M., TAI, J., MORGAN, H., TURNER, S., HERD, F., WORDIE, A. and DONALD, A. 2023. Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. Presented at the 2023 NHS Grampian research and development conference (NHS Grampian R&D 2023), 20 September 2023, Aberdeen, UK.

Conflicts between parents and clinicians over the care of children with life-limiting conditions can reach the point where courts must intervene, causing distress, unwanted media attention and costs. This NHS Grampian case study sought to understand... Read More about Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. [NHS Grampian R&D Poster].

Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. [RCPCH Poster] (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SIVERS, S., DOWNIE, M., TAI, J., MORGAN, H., TURNER, S., HERD, F., WORDIE, A. and DONALD, A. 2023. Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. Presented at the 2023 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health conference (RCPCH 2023), 23-25 May 2023, Glasgow, UK.

Conflicts over the care of children with life-limiting conditions can reach the point where courts have to intervene,
but giving evidence causes distress, unwanted media attention and costs. The decision in Charlie Gard’s case in England
included a... Read More about Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. [RCPCH Poster].

Resolving Scottish paediatric end-of-life conflicts. (2022)
Journal Article
SIVERS, S. and DOWNIE, M. 2023. Resolving Scottish paediatric end-of-life conflicts. Medico-legal journal [online], 91(1), pages 46-49. Available from:

This article considers mediation as a means of resolving decision-making disputes between clinicians and parents in paediatric end-of-life cases. It examines the legal tests applied in England and Wales, and notes the lack of precedent in Scotland. T... Read More about Resolving Scottish paediatric end-of-life conflicts..

Extending the frontier of the Nigerian insanity defence: comparative analyses of the insanity defence in England and Scotland to offer alternative options for development. (2022)
EZE, K.U. 2022. Extending the frontier of the Nigerian insanity defence: comparative analyses of the insanity defence in England and Scotland to offer alternative options for development. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Criminal responsibility determines whom the law will punish. A person must be criminally responsible before a court can punish them. The situation is challenging when a defendant raises insanity as a defence to criminal responsibility, because not ev... Read More about Extending the frontier of the Nigerian insanity defence: comparative analyses of the insanity defence in England and Scotland to offer alternative options for development..

The relationship between the social licence and law in the context of the Scottish fracking debate: a textual, thematic and comparative analysis of environmental and planning law governing onshore oil and gas authorisations in Scotland. (2022)
JONES, A. 2022. The relationship between the social licence and law in the context of the Scottish fracking debate: a textual, thematic and comparative analysis of environmental and planning law governing onshore oil and gas authorisations in Scotland. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

The Governments of the constituent parts of the UK have, in recent years, considered promoting the exploitation of UK shale formations via fracking in order to recover oil and gas. In all jurisdictions, this has been met with opposition groups citing... Read More about The relationship between the social licence and law in the context of the Scottish fracking debate: a textual, thematic and comparative analysis of environmental and planning law governing onshore oil and gas authorisations in Scotland..

The importance of the protection of micro enterprises in B2B international commercial contracts. (2022)
ADETOBA, O.A. 2022. The importance of the protection of micro enterprises in B2B international commercial contracts. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

This thesis examines the growing disparity in the application of the doctrine of freedom of contract in international commercial contracts, because of the need to protect perceived weaker parties. Using the qualitative doctrinal legal research and ad... Read More about The importance of the protection of micro enterprises in B2B international commercial contracts..

National oil companies and resource nationalism: a challenge for a petroleum resource-rich state. (2020)
AZUBIKE, V.C. 2020. National oil companies and resource nationalism: a challenge for a petroleum resource-rich state. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Debates on the relevance of national oil companies (NOCs) as a means for a state to adequately manage their petroleum resources have been put forward by some critics. Some critics argue that the traditional national oil company model is antiquated. A... Read More about National oil companies and resource nationalism: a challenge for a petroleum resource-rich state..

Pater knows best: withdrawal of medical treatment from infants in Scotland. (2020)
Journal Article
BROWN, J. and CHRISTIE, S. 2020. Pater knows best: withdrawal of medical treatment from infants in Scotland. Oxford journal of legal studies [online], 40(4), pages 682-707. Available from:

The cases of Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans placed the withdrawal of treatment from terminally ill infants at the forefront of medical law and ethics. In the medico-legal context, Scottish court procedures materially differ from those in England. This... Read More about Pater knows best: withdrawal of medical treatment from infants in Scotland..

An analysis of the deficiencies impeding regulation of environmental standards in the Nigeran oil and gas industry and possible solutions through legal transplantation from other model regimes. (2020)
CHUKS-EZIKE, C. 2020. An analysis of the deficiencies impeding regulation of environmental standards in the Nigeran oil and gas industry and possible solutions through legal transplantation from other model regimes. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Oil and gas resource exploitation has hugely contributed to Nigeria's revenue. This is therefore an important contributor to the Nigerian economy. Nigerian oil and gas business has been mainly facilitated by multinational and indigenous oil companies... Read More about An analysis of the deficiencies impeding regulation of environmental standards in the Nigeran oil and gas industry and possible solutions through legal transplantation from other model regimes..

Advance decisions, dementia and subsequent inconsistent behaviour: a call for greater clarity in the law. (2019)
Journal Article
CHRISTIE, S. 2019. Advance decisions, dementia and subsequent inconsistent behaviour: a call for greater clarity in the law. Journal of medical law and ethics [online], 2019(1). Available from:

This paper considers the interpretation of section 25(2)(c) of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, on the relevance of subsequent inconsistent behaviour by the maker of an advance decision. Consideration of the very few cases, and analysis of how existing... Read More about Advance decisions, dementia and subsequent inconsistent behaviour: a call for greater clarity in the law..

Impacts of cultural differences on international arbitration based on the example of Iran. (2018)
HOWARD, M. 2018. Impacts of cultural differences on international arbitration based on the example of Iran. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This research aims to ascertain whether and to what extent cultural issues impact the accessibility and effectiveness of international arbitration, and to provide recommendations which will contribute to the improvement of international arbitration.... Read More about Impacts of cultural differences on international arbitration based on the example of Iran..

Effective end-of-life care planning in Scotland: culture and law. (2017)
Journal Article
CHRISTIE, S. 2017. Effective end-of-life care planning in Scotland: culture and law. Journal of medical law and ethics (online), 5(1), pages 1-16. Available from:

In the context of an ageing population, end-of-life care planning is increasingly important. The law in Scotland does not, as yet, take the active and specific steps to help address this that are evident in other jurisdictions. I contend that there a... Read More about Effective end-of-life care planning in Scotland: culture and law..

Using corporate tax regimes to promote economic growth and development: a legal analysis of the Nigerian corporate tax regime. (2017)
ONYEJEKWE, N.C. 2017. Using corporate tax regimes to promote economic growth and development: a legal analysis of the Nigerian corporate tax regime. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

The recession that started in the late 2000s has created significant economic and financial challenges globally and within nation states. In particular, oil-producing countries have been further affected by the fall in oil price. It is therefore cruc... Read More about Using corporate tax regimes to promote economic growth and development: a legal analysis of the Nigerian corporate tax regime..

The use of ADR methods in the context of the barriers obstructing access to non ADR justice in Indian sub-continent. (2016)
AMJAD, M. 2016. The use of ADR methods in the context of the barriers obstructing access to non ADR justice in Indian sub-continent. Robert Gordon University, MRes thesis.

This research considers the related questions on access to justice in India sub-continent: what exactly is wrong with the judiciary, what is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and why do people prefer it to the judiciary in settling their disputes... Read More about The use of ADR methods in the context of the barriers obstructing access to non ADR justice in Indian sub-continent..

Bereaved relatives' experiences in relation to post mortem: a qualitative exploration in North East Scotland. (2015)
Journal Article
STEPHEN, A., SHEACH LEITH, V., MACDUFF, C. and CHRISTIE, S. 2015. Bereaved relatives' experiences in relation to post mortem: a qualitative exploration in North East Scotland. Bereavement care [online], 34(3), pages 103-109. Available from:

When a family is grieving the loss of a member the consideration of post mortem is an additional concern. This study set out to explore how relatives are supported to give authorisation and throughout the post mortem process. Thirteen relatives with... Read More about Bereaved relatives' experiences in relation to post mortem: a qualitative exploration in North East Scotland..

Making treatment decisions for the future: advance directives and the question of legislative clarity. (2013)
Journal Article
CHRISTIE, S. and ANDERSON, M. 2013. Making treatment decisions for the future: advance directives and the question of legislative clarity. Journal of medical law and ethics [online], 1(2) pages 85-109. Available from:

This article sets out to consider the extent to which advance directives can be used as an effective means to entrench personal autonomy, and, in the light of their statutory form in numerous other jurisdictions, consider the various approaches which... Read More about Making treatment decisions for the future: advance directives and the question of legislative clarity..

Corporate criminal liability in the United Kingdom: determining the appropriate mechanism of imputation. (2009)
NANA, C.N. 2009. Corporate criminal liability in the United Kingdom: determining the appropriate mechanism of imputation. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

The objectives of this thesis are twofold: firstly, demonstrate that the string of contradictions stretching across substantive and procedural corporate criminal law may be avoided if courts refer to an appropriate mechanism of imputation; and second... Read More about Corporate criminal liability in the United Kingdom: determining the appropriate mechanism of imputation..