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Professor Flora Douglas' Outputs (89)

Midwives', health visitors', family nurse practitioners' and women's experiences of the NHS Grampian's Financial Inclusion Pathway in practice: a qualitative investigation of early implementation and impact. [Presentation] (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, F., DAVIS, T., MACIVER, E. and LITTLEJOHN, C. 2022. Midwives', health visitors', family nurse practitioners' and women's experiences of the NHS Grampian's Financial Inclusion Pathway in practice: a qualitative investigation of early implementation and impact. Presented at the 2022 NHS Grampian research and development conference, 12 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

All Local Child Poverty Action Plans require midwives, health visitors and family nurses to identify families with children under five at risk of financial hardship, and to refer them for help to increase their household incomes. This strategy (the s... Read More about Midwives', health visitors', family nurse practitioners' and women's experiences of the NHS Grampian's Financial Inclusion Pathway in practice: a qualitative investigation of early implementation and impact. [Presentation].

Midwives', health visitors', family nurse practitioners' and women's experiences of the NHS Grampian's Financial Inclusion Pathway in practice: a qualitative investigation of early implementation and impact. [Report] (2022)
DOUGLAS, F., MACIVER, E., DAVIS, T. and LITTLEJOHN, C. 2022. Midwives', health visitors', family nurse practitioners' and women's experiences of the NHS Grampian's Financial Inclusion Pathway in practice: a qualitative investigation of early implementation and impact. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

All Local Child Poverty Action Plans require midwives, health visitors and family nurses to identify families with children under five at risk of financial hardship, and to refer them for help to increase their household incomes. This strategy (the s... Read More about Midwives', health visitors', family nurse practitioners' and women's experiences of the NHS Grampian's Financial Inclusion Pathway in practice: a qualitative investigation of early implementation and impact. [Report].

No backstage: the relentless emotional management of acute nursing through the COVID-19 pandemic. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GRANT, A., TORRANCE, N., O'BRIEN, R., DOUGLAS, F., BALDIE, D. and KENNEDY, C. 2022. No backstage: the relentless emotional management of acute nursing through the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the 2022 Annual conference of the British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Study Group (BSA MedSoc 2022), 14-16 September 2022, Lancaster, UK.

The COVID-19 pandemic disordered the routine delivery of health care. We explored nurses' experiences of working in COVID and non-COVID facing roles, focusing on staff in the acute sector of one Scottish health board. The study covered the period bet... Read More about No backstage: the relentless emotional management of acute nursing through the COVID-19 pandemic..

The GP can't help me, there's no point bothering them: exploring the complex healthcare journeys of NHS workers in Scotland suffering from long COVID: a longitudinal study. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ADAMS, N.N., MACIVER, E., KENNEDY, C., DOUGLAS, F., SKÅTUN, D., HERNANDEZ SANTIAGO, V., KYDD, A., TORRANCE, N. and GRANT, A. 2022. The GP can't help me, there's no point bothering them: exploring the complex healthcare journeys of NHS workers in Scotland suffering from long COVID: a longitudinal study. Presented at the 2022 Annual conference of the British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Study Group (BSA MedSoc 2022), 14-16 September 2022, Lancaster, UK.

Globally, Long COVID (LC) affects around 40% of people infected with COVID-19 (Chen et al, 2022). Despite high prevalence, symptoms are variable, and no clear healthcare pathway models exist for diagnosis and treatment. The Candidacy Framework descri... Read More about The GP can't help me, there's no point bothering them: exploring the complex healthcare journeys of NHS workers in Scotland suffering from long COVID: a longitudinal study..

Living with long COVID: the problem of lack of legitimation. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MACIVER, E., ADAMS, N.N., KENNEDY, C., DOUGLAS, F., SKÅTUN, D., HERNANDEZ SANTIAGO, V., TORRANCE, N. and GRANT, A. 2022. Living with long COVID: the problem of lack of legitimation. Presented at the 2022 Annual conference of the British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Study Group (BSA MedSoc 2022), 14-16 September 2022, Lancaster, UK.

The notion of the "sick role" (Parsons, 1951), where affected individuals are exempt from certain normative expectations and responsibilities (e.g. work) in line with societal judgements, rests heavily on the 'legitimation' of illness, principally th... Read More about Living with long COVID: the problem of lack of legitimation..

Mixed methods study of lived experience of long-term Covid-19 on NHS workers in Scotland. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TORRANCE, N., GRANT, A., ADAMS, N., MCIVER, E., DOUGLAS, F., KYDD, A., HERNANDEZ SANTIAGO, V., SKÅTUN, D. and KENNEDY, C. 2022. Mixed methods study of lived experience of long-term Covid-19 on NHS workers in Scotland. Presented at 2022 Faculty of Public Health conference: public health: lighting the path for the next 10, 20, 50 years, 12-13 May 2022, [virtual conference].

Background: Many NHS workers have greater occupational risk of exposure to Covid-19 than the general population. In the first wave of the pandemic in the UK, the risk of healthcare workers testing positive for Covid-19 was seven times higher than non... Read More about Mixed methods study of lived experience of long-term Covid-19 on NHS workers in Scotland..

Community midwives, health visitors and family nurses' experiences of the early implementation of the so-called financial inclusion pathway in NHS Grampian. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, F., MACIVER, E., DAVIS, T. and LITTLEJOHN, C. 2022. Community midwives, health visitors and family nurses' experiences of the early implementation of the so-called financial inclusion pathway in NHS Grampian. Presented at 2022 Faculty of Public Health conference: public health: lighting the path for the next 10, 20, 50 years, 12-13 May 2022, [virtual conference].

Background: Since the introduction of the Child Poverty Act (2017) and the requirement that all local authorities develop and deliver Child Poverty Action Plans the so called ‘Financial Inclusion Pathway’ (FIP) emerged in 2019 as one of a number of s... Read More about Community midwives, health visitors and family nurses' experiences of the early implementation of the so-called financial inclusion pathway in NHS Grampian..

Low-income parents' perspectives and experiences of engaging with early years health professionals about financial challenges and income maximisation. [FPH 2022 talk] (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, F., MACIVER, E., DAVIS, T. and LITTLEJOHN, C. 2022. Low-income parents' perspectives and experiences of engaging with early years health professionals about financial challenges and income maximisation. Presented at 2022 Faculty of Public Health conference: public health: lighting the path for the next 10, 20, 50 years, 12-13 May 2022, [virtual conference].

Background: In a similar vein to wishing to understand health professionals experiences of the FIP, this element of the study was concerned to understand parents' perspectives about the acceptability or impact of this initiative in relation to its ai... Read More about Low-income parents' perspectives and experiences of engaging with early years health professionals about financial challenges and income maximisation. [FPH 2022 talk].

Exploring women's motivations to freebirth and their experience of maternity care: protocol for a systematic qualitative evidence synthesis. [Protocol] (2022)
VELO HIGUERAS, M., DOUGLAS, F. and KENNEDY, C. 2024. Exploring women's motivations to freebirth and their experience of maternity care: protocol for a systematic qualitative evidence synthesis. [Protocol]. PROSPERO [online], item number CRD42022325482. Available from:

Freebirth is the deliberate choice to give birth at home without a regulated healthcare professional. It is also known as unassisted childbirth. While the choice to decline professional care refers mainly to the intrapartum period, women who freebirt... Read More about Exploring women's motivations to freebirth and their experience of maternity care: protocol for a systematic qualitative evidence synthesis. [Protocol].

Conversations about financial hardship should not be off limits. (2022)
Journal Article
DOUGLAS, F.C., AVENELL, A. and MOHAMED, S. 2022. Conversations about financial hardship should not be off limits. BMJ [online], 376(8329), article o557. Available from:

Poverty is both a cause and an outcome of mental health distress. Poverty-driven household food insecurity directly affects health outcomes including obesity and diabetes, mental health, and leads to poor health condition management, increased health... Read More about Conversations about financial hardship should not be off limits..

Good food is good medicine. [Blog post] (2021)
Digital Artefact
DOUGLAS, F. and GOODWIN, S. 2021. Good food is good medicine. [Blog post]. Posted on the Independent Food Aid Network website [online], 12 November 2021. Available from:

The growth of charitable food aid in the UK is a phenomenon that needs deep and persistent questioning. This was the reasoning behind our recent web-based Creative Conversation, and the motivation to co-write this piece as we reflected upon this expe... Read More about Good food is good medicine. [Blog post].

Low income parents’ perspectives and experiences of engaging with early years health professionals about financial challenges and income maximisation. [SSM 2021 poster] (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, F., MACIVER, E. and DAVIS, T. 2021. Low income parents' perspectives and experiences of engaging with early years health professionals about financial challenges and income maximisation. Presented at 65th Society for Social Medicine and Population Health annual scientific meeting 2021 (SSM 2021), 15-17 September 2021, [virtual conference].

Background: Since the introduction of the Child Poverty Act (2017) in Scotland, all health visitors, midwives and family nurses in Scotland are expected to screen and offer a financial advice referral to at-risk pregnant women and parents/carers of f... Read More about Low income parents’ perspectives and experiences of engaging with early years health professionals about financial challenges and income maximisation. [SSM 2021 poster].

Parents’ perspectives and experiences of parenting and caring for young children on a low income in the North East Scotland. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, F., MACIVER, E. and DAVIS, T. 2021. Parents’ perspectives and experiences of parenting and caring for young children on a low income in the North East Scotland. Presented at 65th Society for Social Medicine and Population Health annual scientific meeting 2021 (SSM 2021), 15-17 September 2021, [virtual conference].

Background: Families with young children, and lone parent families in particular, are at greater risk of poverty and food insecurity, compared to other UK population groups. Tackling child poverty has been a key Scottish Government policy since the i... Read More about Parents’ perspectives and experiences of parenting and caring for young children on a low income in the North East Scotland..

The labour process of illness work: the hard work of chronic illness in austerity. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MACIVER, E., DOUGLAS, F. and YUILL, C. 2021. The labour process of illness work: the hard work of chronic illness in austerity. Presented at 2021 British Sociological Association (BSA) annual conference: remaking the future, 13 April 2021, [virtual conference].

This paper focuses on the invisibilised, hidden and deleted forms of work undertaken by unemployed people with long-term chronic illnesses who are in receipt of state support. We lay out what Pritlovie et al (2019) term the ‘hard work’ of being ill.... Read More about The labour process of illness work: the hard work of chronic illness in austerity..

Developing a socioecological framework of understanding to deconstruct the complex personal growth narratives of health and social care students, entering healthcare practice early during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ADAMS, N.N., BUTLER-WARKE, A., TORRANCE, N., GRANT, A., KENNEDY, C., KYDD, A., CUNNINGHAM, S. and DOUGLAS, F. 2021. Developing a socioecological framework of understanding to deconstruct the complex personal growth narratives of health and social care students, entering healthcare practice early during the Covid-19 pandemic. Presented at 2021 British Sociological Association (BSA) annual conference: remaking the future, 13 April 2021, [virtual conference].

During the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant lockdown, UK health and social care students were offered the opportunity to become ‘early entrants’: nursing and midwifery students were asked to enter extended paid placements, while some student pharmacis... Read More about Developing a socioecological framework of understanding to deconstruct the complex personal growth narratives of health and social care students, entering healthcare practice early during the Covid-19 pandemic..

A qualitative investigation of the perspectives and experiences women and families living on low income in Aberdeen City associated with the introduction of the Financial Inclusion Pathway in 2019/2020. (2021)
DOUGLAS, F. and MACIVER, E. 2021. A qualitative investigation of the perspectives and experiences women and families living on low income in Aberdeen City associated with the introduction of the Financial Inclusion Pathway in 2019/2020. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University [online]. Available from:

This research project aimed to investigate several things: 1) the lived experiences of parents/carers and mothers of infants and young children in relation to the challenges of parenting on very low incomes (including food coping strategies) in Aberd... Read More about A qualitative investigation of the perspectives and experiences women and families living on low income in Aberdeen City associated with the introduction of the Financial Inclusion Pathway in 2019/2020..

An investigation of health and social care students' and recent graduates' clinical placement and professional practice experiences and coping strategies during the Wave 1 COVID-19 pandemic period: supplementary report. (2020)
DOUGLAS, F., KENNEDY, C., TORRANCE, N., GRANT, A., ADAMS, N., BUTLER-WARKE, A., KYDD, A. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2020. An investigation of health and social care students' and recent graduates' clinical placement and professional practice experiences and coping strategies during the Wave 1 COVID-19 pandemic period: supplementary report. Edinburgh: Chief Scientist Office [online]. Available from:

During the first COVID-19 pandemic wave in 2020, nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, allied health and social work professional students from Robert Gordon University (RGU) were encouraged to undertake extended, paid clinical placements, or enter professi... Read More about An investigation of health and social care students' and recent graduates' clinical placement and professional practice experiences and coping strategies during the Wave 1 COVID-19 pandemic period: supplementary report..

An investigation of health and social care students' and recent graduates' clinical placement and professional practice experiences and coping strategies during the Wave 1 COVID-19 pandemic period. (2020)
DOUGLAS, F., KENNEDY, C., TORRANCE, N., GRANT, A., ADAMS, N., BUTLER-WARKE, A., KYDD, A. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2020. An investigation of health and social care students' and recent graduates' clinical placement and professional practice experiences and coping strategies during the Wave 1 COVID-19 pandemic period. Edinburgh: Chief Scientist Office [online]. Available from:

During the first COVID-19 pandemic wave in 2020, nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, allied health and social work professional students from Robert Gordon University (RGU) were encouraged to undertake extended, paid clinical placements, or enter professi... Read More about An investigation of health and social care students' and recent graduates' clinical placement and professional practice experiences and coping strategies during the Wave 1 COVID-19 pandemic period..

A qualitative investigation of lived experiences of long-term health condition management with people who are food insecure. (2020)
Journal Article
DOUGLAS, F., MACIVER, E. and YUILL, C. 2020. A qualitative investigation of lived experiences of long-term health condition management with people who are food insecure. BMC public health [online], 20, article ID 1309. Available from:

Background: As more people are living with one or more chronic health conditions, supporting patients to become activated, self-managers of their conditions has become a key health policy focus both in the UK and internationally. There is also growin... Read More about A qualitative investigation of lived experiences of long-term health condition management with people who are food insecure..

North-east COVID-19 observatory: issue 4. (2020)
KYDD, A., TEODOROWSKI, P., PAPADATOU, Z., VELO HIGUERAS, M., MACLEAN, C. and OZA, R. (eds.) 2020. North-east COVID-19 observatory: issue 4. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

Welcome to our fourth themed issue regarding COVID-19. The focus is on poverty issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. This issue signposts you to useful resources concerning this topic.