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Mrs Tracy Pirie's Outputs (9)

Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via a qualitative approach. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M., GOODHAND, K., PIRIE, T. and FORBES-MCKAY, K. 2023. Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via a qualitative approach. Presented at the 2023 Advance HE teaching and learning conference: shaping the future of HE, 4-6 July 2023, Keele, UK.

This presentation seeks to outline the concepts of independent learning (IL) and its importance in the development of lifelong learning amongst a range of staff and students within a Scottish University context. By exploring staff and student perspec... Read More about Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via a qualitative approach..

Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via qualitative techniques. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M, PIRIE, T., FORBES-MCKAY, K. and GOODHAND, K. 2022. Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via qualitative techniques. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

There is increasing interest in the role of independent learning (IL) in higher education (Thomas, 2015). Indeed, numerous studies have found important differences between high and low achieving students in relation to goal setting, monitoring, use o... Read More about Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via qualitative techniques..

Organisational development programmes and employees’ career development: the moderating role of gender. (2022)
Journal Article
PINNINGTON, A., ALDABBAS, H., MIRSHAHI, F. and PIRIE, T. 2022. Organisational development programmes and employees' career development: the moderating role of gender. Journal of workplace learning [online], 34(5), pages 466-496. Available from:

Purpose: This study aims to investigate the relationship between different organisational development programmes (360-degree feedback; Coaching; Job assignment; Employee assistance programmes; On-the-job training; Web-based career information; Contin... Read More about Organisational development programmes and employees’ career development: the moderating role of gender..

A "whole-person" education: students innovating and reflecting with the Scottish Innovative Student Awards. [Case study] (2020)
MARTZOUKOU, K., MOULE, C. and BREMNER, P. 2020. A "whole-person" education: students innovating and reflecting with the Scottish Innovative Student Awards. [Case study]. Held on SlideShare [online]. Available from:

This case study presents how the Scottish Innovative Student Awards (SISA) from the Scottish Institute for Enterprise (SIE) have been implemented at the School of Creative and Cultural Business within Robert Gordon University (RGU). RGU was the first... Read More about A "whole-person" education: students innovating and reflecting with the Scottish Innovative Student Awards. [Case study].

From placement to academic meltdown: a qualitative study of student experience in the transition from third year placement back to fourth year academic study. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRIE, T. and MCNICHOLAS, C. 2015. From placement to academic meltdown: a qualitative study of student experience in the transition from third year work placement back to fourth year academic study. Presented at the 2015 International conference on Enhancement and innovation in higher education, 9-11 June 2015, Glasgow, UK.

Placements perform a valuable role in enhancing discipline-relevant skill sets, improving confidence and making students more employable. A declining trend in placement uptake may be due to problems experienced with the transition back into universit... Read More about From placement to academic meltdown: a qualitative study of student experience in the transition from third year placement back to fourth year academic study..

The information seeking behaviour of oil and gas industry workers in the context of health, safety and emergency response: a discussion of the value of models of information behaviour. (2013)
Journal Article
MARCELLA, R., PIRIE, T. and ROWLANDS, H. 2013. The information seeking behaviour of oil and gas industry workers in the context of health, safety and emergency response: a discussion of the value of models of information behaviour. Information research [online], 18(3), Article 583. Available from:

Introduction. We explore the application of models of information seeking behaviour to the findings of a study of the information needs of oil and gas workers in relation to health, safety and emergency response. Method. Primary data were collected t... Read More about The information seeking behaviour of oil and gas industry workers in the context of health, safety and emergency response: a discussion of the value of models of information behaviour..

Managing the safety chain: the management of workforce safety and competency in the oil and gas industry. (2012)
MARCELLA, R., ROWLANDS, H. and PIRIE, T. 2012. Managing the safety chain: the management of workforce safety and competency in the oil and gas industry. Unpublished internal document. OPITO International FZ LLC.

Aberdeen Business School, part of Robert Gordon University, have conducted multiple interviews in nine operating and contracting companies across the globe to gain insight into the management of workforce safety and competency, with a view of identif... Read More about Managing the safety chain: the management of workforce safety and competency in the oil and gas industry..

Tick safety not boxes: competency and compliance in the oil and gas industry. (2011)
MARCELLA, R., PIRIE, T. and DOIG, D. 2011. Tick safety not boxes: competency and compliance in the oil and gas industry. Unpublished internal document. Dubai: OPITO International FZ LLC.

This paper details the results of an independent study, conducted by Aberdeen Business School at Robert Gordon University and commissioned by OPITO. It sought to explore the primary goals of organisations in the oil and gas industry in addressing com... Read More about Tick safety not boxes: competency and compliance in the oil and gas industry..

Beyond the barricades: the quest for global health, safety and emergency response training standards in the oil and gas industry. (2010)
MARCELLA, R. and PIRIE, T. 2010. Beyond the barricades: the quest for global health, safety and emergency response training standards in the oil and gas industry. Unpublished internal document. Dubai: OPITO International FZ LLC.

An independent study, covering senior leaders in sixty companies across the globe, was conducted by the Aberdeen Business School at Robert Gordon University, to assist OPITO in exploring how internationalisation impacts on emergency response and basi... Read More about Beyond the barricades: the quest for global health, safety and emergency response training standards in the oil and gas industry..