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Professor Scott Cunningham's Outputs (19)

A qualitative exploration of key stakeholders’ views and perceptions in relation to organisational change for the implementation of polypharmacy management in Oman. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AL BULUSHI, S., MCINTOSH, T., GRANT, A., STEWART, D. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2022. A qualitative exploration of key stakeholders' views and perceptions in relation to organisational change for the implementation of polypharmacy management in Oman. Presented at the 50th ESCP (European Society of Clinical Pharmacy) symposium on clinical pharmacy, polypharmacy and ageing: highly individualized, interprofessional, person-centered care, 19-21 October 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.

Polypharmacy contributes to patient non-adherence and increases medication harm. Barriers to implementation prevent desired outcomes when addressing inappropriate polypharmacy at organisational levels and there is a need for theory-based strategies f... Read More about A qualitative exploration of key stakeholders’ views and perceptions in relation to organisational change for the implementation of polypharmacy management in Oman..

Exploring experiences, behaviours and associated behavioural determinants of healthcare professionals in Qatar regarding medically related social media use. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ABABNEH, M., STEWART, D., PEDERSEN, S., NAZAR, Z. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2022. Exploring experiences, behaviours and associated behavioural determinants of healthcare professionals in Qatar regarding medically related social media use. Presented at the 50th ESCP (European Society of Clinical Pharmacy) symposium on clinical pharmacy, polypharmacy and ageing: highly individualized, interprofessional, person-centered care, 19-21 October 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.

There is an accumulation of evidence that healthcare professionals are increasingly using social media to provide services to patients, share and disseminate information, and develop their professional skills. Research originating from the Middle Eas... Read More about Exploring experiences, behaviours and associated behavioural determinants of healthcare professionals in Qatar regarding medically related social media use..

A qualitative study on pharmacist prescribing for patients with chronic kidney disease. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ALRIISI, F.A., STEWART, D., ALNAAMANI, H., FAHMY, M. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2022. A qualitative study on pharmacist prescribing for patients with chronic kidney disease. Presented at 2022 ESCP (European Society of Clinical Pharmacy) Spring workshop: taking care of patients with neurological disorders, 28-29 April 2022, Zürich, Switzerland.

Background and Objective: Chronic Kidney Disease has a high risk of morbidity and mortality. The available evidence worldwide demonstrates that nonmedical prescribing by pharmacist in various clinical specialties is safe and effective approach. There... Read More about A qualitative study on pharmacist prescribing for patients with chronic kidney disease..

Developing a socioecological framework of understanding to deconstruct the complex personal growth narratives of health and social care students, entering healthcare practice early during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ADAMS, N.N., BUTLER-WARKE, A., TORRANCE, N., GRANT, A., KENNEDY, C., KYDD, A., CUNNINGHAM, S. and DOUGLAS, F. 2021. Developing a socioecological framework of understanding to deconstruct the complex personal growth narratives of health and social care students, entering healthcare practice early during the Covid-19 pandemic. Presented at 2021 British Sociological Association (BSA) annual conference: remaking the future, 13 April 2021, [virtual conference].

During the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant lockdown, UK health and social care students were offered the opportunity to become ‘early entrants’: nursing and midwifery students were asked to enter extended paid placements, while some student pharmacis... Read More about Developing a socioecological framework of understanding to deconstruct the complex personal growth narratives of health and social care students, entering healthcare practice early during the Covid-19 pandemic..

Using the theoretical domains framework to investigate clinicians’ behavioural determinants of antimicrobial prescribing in Qatar. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TALKHAN, H., STEWART, D., MCINTOSH, T., ZIGLAM, H., ABDULROUF, P.V., AL-HAIL, M., DIAB, M. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2021. Using the theoretical domains framework to investigate clinicians’ behavioural determinants of antimicrobial prescribing in Qatar. Presented at 2021 Health services research and pharmacy practice conference (HSRPP 2021): designing healthcare: stimulating interdisciplinary and co-design for quality healthcare, 8-9 April 2021, [virtual conference].

Introduction: A recent systematic review by Talkhan et al demonstrated the need for theoretically based behaviour change interventions in this area. [1] For development of such complex interventions, emphasis should be placed on using theory to syste... Read More about Using the theoretical domains framework to investigate clinicians’ behavioural determinants of antimicrobial prescribing in Qatar..

Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions that improve clinicians’ antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TALKHAN, H., STEWART, D., MCINTOSH, T., ABDULROUF, P.V., AL-HAIL, M., CUNNINGHAM, S. and ZIGLAM, H. 2019. Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions that improve clinicians’ antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review. Presented at 2019 Federation of Infection Societies conference (FIS 2019), 11-14 November 2019, Edinburgh, UK.

Many countries have developed antimicrobial stewardship programmes with strategies to optimise antimicrobial prescribing. There remains a need for behaviour change interventions at clinician level to promote appropriate prescribing. Theories should b... Read More about Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions that improve clinicians’ antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review..

Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions that improve clinicians’ antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TALKHAN, H., STEWART, D., MCINTOSH, T., AL HAIL, M., ABDOULROUF, P. ZIGLAM, H. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2019. Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions that improve clinicians’ antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review. Presented at the 5th International conference on prevention and infection control (ICPIC 2019), 10-13 September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland.

Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and its threats have long been recognised. Many countries have developed antimicrobial stewardship programmes with strategies to optimise antimicrobial prescribing, minimise AMR and improve outcomes. There... Read More about Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions that improve clinicians’ antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review..

Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interversions that improve clinicians' antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TALKHAN, H., CUNNINGHAM, S., STEWART, D., MCINTOSH, T., AL-HAIL, M., ROUF, P.V.A. and ZIGLAM, H. 2019. Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions that improve clinicians’ antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review. Presented at the 2019 Health services research and pharmacy practice conference (HSRPP 2019), 8-9 April 2019, Birmingham, UK.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and its threats have long been recognised. Many countries have developed antimicrobial stewardship programmes with strategies to optimise antimicrobial prescribing, minimise AMR and improve outcomes. There remains a nee... Read More about Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interversions that improve clinicians' antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review..

A theoretically based cross-sectional survey on the behaviours and experiences of clinical pharmacists caring for chronic kidney disease patients. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AL RAIISI, F., STEWART, D., ASHLEY, C., FAHMY, M. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2019. A theoretically based cross-sectional survey on the behaviours and experiences of clinical pharmacists caring for chronic kidney disease patients. European journal of hospital pharmacy [online], 26(Supplement 1): proceedings of the 24th European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) congress 2019: personalised hospital pharmacy: meeting the needs of every patient, 27-29 March 2019, Barcelona, Spain, article number 4CPS-193. Available from:

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a comorbid condition with high economic burden. Patients need multiple medications and pharmacists provide care that improves outcomes. Al Raiisi et al. recently completed a systematic review showing a paucity of infor... Read More about A theoretically based cross-sectional survey on the behaviours and experiences of clinical pharmacists caring for chronic kidney disease patients..

A multi-perspective evaluation of specialist mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers practising withing general practices in NHS Highland. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BUIST, E., MCLELLAND, R., MACLURE, K., STEWART, D., RUSHWORTH, G., GIBSON SMITH, K., MACLURE, A. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2018. A multi-perspective evaluation of specialist mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers practising within general practices in NHS Highland. Presented at the 9th International College of Mental Health Pharmacy (CMHP) psychiatric pharmacy conference, 12-14 October 2018, Loughborough, UK.

Mental health issues are a common feature of primary care consultations and around a third of GP consultations have a mental health element. The Scottish Government’s 10 year Mental Health Strategy has ambitions to transform services so every GP prac... Read More about A multi-perspective evaluation of specialist mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers practising withing general practices in NHS Highland..

An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers within primary care medical practices in NHS Highland. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MACLURE, K., STEWART, D., BUIST, E., MCLELLAND, R., SHAW, T., MACLURE, A., CUNNINGHAM, S., MACASKILL, K. and RUSHWORTH, G. 2018. An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers within primary care medical practices in NHS Highland. Presented at the 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) world congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (FIP 2018), 2-6 September 2018, Glasgow, UK.

Background: A pilot has been conducted during which a specialist mental health clinical pharmacist prescriber (SMHCPP) consulted with patients by appointment at one of two GP Practices. Purpose: To evaluate the SMHCPP delivered pharmaceutical care to... Read More about An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers within primary care medical practices in NHS Highland..

Technology-enabled pharmaceutical care in NHS Highland: equality of access to remote populations. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MORRISON, C., MACLURE, K., GIBSON SMITH, K., HANNAM, P., DIXON, L., MACRAE, Y., CUNNINGHAM, S. and STEWART, D. 2018. Technology-enabled pharmaceutical care in NHS Highland: equality of access to remote populations. Presented at the 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) world congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (FIP 2018), 2-6 September 2018, Glasgow, UK.

Background: Equity of access to healthcare is a strategic priority in Scotland. Purpose: To evaluate the NHS Highland technology-enabled delivery of pharmaceutical care. Methods: A mixed-methods evaluation followed 3 remotely-based pharmacists who de... Read More about Technology-enabled pharmaceutical care in NHS Highland: equality of access to remote populations..

Exploring the role of pharmacy teams in Scottish GP practice: an interim analysis. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEWART, D., BENNIE, M., MACLURE, K., NEWHAM, R., GIBSON SMITH, K., CUNNINGHAM, S., BRUCE, R., FRY, S. and MACKERROW, J. 2018. Exploring the role of pharmacy teams in Scottish GP practice: an interim analysis. Presented at the 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) world congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (FIP 2018), 2-6 September 2018, Glasgow, UK.

Background: Scottish Government policy has highlighted the potential contribution of pharmacy teams, comprising pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, in GP practices in Scotland. Purpose: To explore the role of pharmacy teams in GP practices in Scotl... Read More about Exploring the role of pharmacy teams in Scottish GP practice: an interim analysis..

The structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AL RAIISI, F., STEWART, D., SALGADO, T., FERNANDEZ-LLIMOS, F., FAHMY, M. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2018. The structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review. European journal of hospital pharmacy [online], 25(Supplement 1): proceedings of the 23rd European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) congress 2018: hospital pharmacists: show us what you can do!, 21-23 March 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, article number 4CPS-192. Available from:

The aim of this systematic review was to critically appraise, synthesize and present the available evidence for the structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice in caring from patients with chronic kidney disease. The key... Read More about The structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review..

Views and perceptions of key stakeholders in Qatar on pharmacist prescribing. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JEBARA, T., CUNNINGHAM, S., MACLURE, K., AWAISU, A., AL-HAIL, M., PALLIVALAPILA, A. and STEWART, D. 2017. Views and perceptions of key stakeholders in Qatar on pharmacist prescribing. Presented at the 46th European symposium on clinical pharmacy: science meets practice: towards evidence-based clinical pharmacy services, 9-11 October 2017, Heidelberg, Germany.

Background and Objective: Pharmacist prescribing has been implemented successfully in several countries around the world, with evidence of effectiveness, safety and acceptability. The Qatar Health Strategy provides the opportunity to advance further... Read More about Views and perceptions of key stakeholders in Qatar on pharmacist prescribing..

Stakeholders' views and experiences of pharmacist prescribing: a systematic review. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JEBARA, T., CUNNINGHAM, S., MACLURE, K., AWAISU, A., PALLIVALAPILA, A. and STEWART, D 2017. Stakeholders' views and experiences of pharmacist prescribing: a systematic review. Presented at the 46th European symposium on clinical pharmacy: science meets practice: towards evidence-based clinical pharmacy services, 9-11 October 2017, Heidelberg, Germany.

While prescribing has been traditionally been the domain of physicians, prescribing by pharmacists has been implemented successfully in countries across the world. Developments are supported by evidence of effectiveness and safety. To facilitate furt... Read More about Stakeholders' views and experiences of pharmacist prescribing: a systematic review..

Urban vs rural STEMI patients; is there a difference? (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KAMONA, A., CUNNINGHAM, S., RUSHWORTH, G.F. and LESLIE, S.J. 2016. Urban vs rural STEMI patients; is there a difference? Presented at 2016 NHS Highland research, development and innovation annual conference, 25 Nov 2016, Inverness, UK.

Background: Timely access to reperfusion therapy for ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is vital. Every minute of delay costs 10 days of patient's life. Patients living in the rural Scottish highlands face a lot of challenges to optimum reper... Read More about Urban vs rural STEMI patients; is there a difference?.

Clinical information needs and access for clinical healthcare staff in Highland health and social care service. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ALMAZROUI, K., MACLURE, K., STEWART, D., RUSHWORTH, G. and HANNAM, P. 2016. Clinical information needs and access for clinical healthcare staff in Highland health and social care service. Presented at 2016 NHS Highland research, development and innovation annual conference, 25 November 2016, Inverness, UK.

Background: Clinical information is required by all clinical healthcare staff to promote better patient care and safety. The information needed, sources, formats and accessibility varies from one staff member to another according to factors such as e... Read More about Clinical information needs and access for clinical healthcare staff in Highland health and social care service..

Green, amber, red: a study of the changing status of low priority 'green' patients in a clinical pharmacy patient 'triage' system. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TURNER, N. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2015. Green, amber, red: a study of the changing status of low priority 'green' patients in a clinical pharmacy patient 'triage' system. Presented at the 44th European symposium on clinical pharmacy (ESCP 2015), 28-30 October 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.

Prescription for Excellence is a programme that maps the future of pharmacy in Scotland, highlighting the importance of access to clinical pharmacy services. Clinical pharmacy resources are limited and pharmaceutical care cannot be provided to all pa... Read More about Green, amber, red: a study of the changing status of low priority 'green' patients in a clinical pharmacy patient 'triage' system..