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Ms Daria Belkouri's Outputs (9)

Navigating building standards and building warrant processes in Scotland building information repositories. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BELKOURI, D. YAU, H.M., DOUNAS, T. and YORKSTON, J. 2024. Navigating building standards and building warrant processes in Scotland building information repositories. In Srećković, M., Kassem, M., Soman, R. and Chassiakos, A. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2024 European conference on computing in construction (EC3 2024), 14-17 July 2024, Chania, Greece. Newcastle: Newcastle University [online], pages 372-379. Available from:

Our paper explores the improvements needed navigating the building standards and in workflows for building warrants completion processes in Scotland. We examine this optimization with a user experience, information and data flow lens, under the direc... Read More about Navigating building standards and building warrant processes in Scotland building information repositories..

Digital creativity in urban interventions: using technology as an engagement and idea inducing tool. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BELKOURI, D. and DOUNAS, T. 2024. Digital creativity in urban interventions: using technology as an engagement and idea inducing tool. In Di Marco, G., Lombardi, D. and Tedjosaputro, M. (eds.) Creativity in the age of digital reproduction: proceedings of the 1st xArch symposium (xArch 2023), 11-12 November 2023, Suzhou, China. Lecture notes in civil engineering, 343. Singapore: Springer [online], pages 103-110. Available from:

The urban planning discipline is increasingly turning to specialized technologies to better understand the multiple and complex processes within cities. Automation is already reshaping infrastructure and urban ecosystems. This study seeks to reconcil... Read More about Digital creativity in urban interventions: using technology as an engagement and idea inducing tool..

Walking through the abstract(ed) city and co-creating urban space. (2024)
Journal Article
BELKOURI, D. and LAING, R. 2024. Walking through the abstract(ed) city and co-creating urban space. Applied mobilities [online], 9(1), pages 63-83. Available from:

This paper explores how co-designing urban walkability can be augmented by an innovative hybrid approach, whereby virtual records and visualisations of the walking experience can enhance the awareness, perceptions and immersion of the participant in... Read More about Walking through the abstract(ed) city and co-creating urban space..

Rethinking engagement in urban design: reimagining the value of co-design and participation at every stage of planning for autonomous vehicles. (2023)
Journal Article
BELKOURI, D., KHAIRY, L., LAING, R. and LANNG, D.B. 2024. Rethinking engagement in urban design: reimagining the value of co-design and participation at every stage of planning for autonomous vehicles. Archnet-IJAR [online], 18(2), pages 393-408. Available from:

The practical demonstrations and research which led to the preparation of this paper involved a combination of stakeholder engagement, policy debate and the practical demonstration and testing of autonomous vehicles. By adhering to a design approach... Read More about Rethinking engagement in urban design: reimagining the value of co-design and participation at every stage of planning for autonomous vehicles..

Being there: capturing and conveying noisy slices of walking in the city. (2022)
Journal Article
BELKOURI, D., LANNG, D.B. and LAING, R. 2022. Being there: capturing and conveying noisy slices of walking in the city. Mobilities [online], 17(6), pages 914-931. Available from:

The practice of walking allows us to engage with the city slowly, through kinaesthetic skill and the multisensorial apparatus of the body. Studying the city through this immersed practice-on-the-move facilitates attention to the direct contact with t... Read More about Being there: capturing and conveying noisy slices of walking in the city..

Shifting perspectives on autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen ‘through the eyes’ of autonomous vehicles. (2022)
Journal Article
BELKOURI, D., LAING, R. and GRAY, D. 2022. Shifting perspectives on autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen 'through the eyes' of autonomous vehicles. TeMA: journal of land use, mobility and environment [online], 2022(1): new scenarios for safe mobility in urban areas, pages 167-179. Available from:

It is likely that Autonomous Vehicles will have significant social, cultural, spatial and environmental implications and that the interaction between humans, automated vehicles and physical environment will provide an array of challenges. This paper... Read More about Shifting perspectives on autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen ‘through the eyes’ of autonomous vehicles..

Through the eyes of autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen from a different perspective. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BELKOURI, D., LAING, R. and GRAY, D. 2022. Through the eyes of autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen from a different perspective. Transportation research procedia [online], 60: proceedings of the 25th Living and walking in cities international conference 2021 (LWC 2021): new scenarios for safe mobility in urban areas, 9-10 September 2021, Brescia, Italy, pages 496-503. Available from:

It is likely that Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) will have significant social, cultural, spatial and environmental implications and the interaction between humans, automated vehicles and physical environment will provide an array of challenges. This paper... Read More about Through the eyes of autonomous vehicles: using laser scanning technology to engage the public via the analysis of journeys seen from a different perspective..

Is what cities need what people want? An evaluation of "Spaces for people" in Aberdeen city centre, in order to ensure post-pandemic-induced people-first approach to future sustainable public life. (2021)
BELKOURI, D., KHAIRY, L. and LAING, R. 2021. Is what cities need what people want? An evaluation of "Spaces for people" in Aberdeen city centre, in order to ensure post-pandemic-induced people-first approach to future sustainable public life. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

Due to the unprecedented global pandemic and subsequent measures to control the spread of COVID-19, cities have had to quickly re-evaluate the importance and use of public, accessible places around us, and acknowledge that the quality of outdoor spac... Read More about Is what cities need what people want? An evaluation of "Spaces for people" in Aberdeen city centre, in order to ensure post-pandemic-induced people-first approach to future sustainable public life..

Aberdeen: one step at a time: how to prioritise movement of people and make walking cool. (2020)
BELKOURI, D. and LAING, R. 2020. Aberdeen: one step at a time: how to prioritise movement of people and make walking cool. Hosted on the CIVITAS project website [online]. Available from:

During the course of undertaking local evaluation within the PORTIS project in Aberdeen, our experience suggested that in order to develop a much deeper understanding of cause and effect in relation to walking within the city, we would need to collec... Read More about Aberdeen: one step at a time: how to prioritise movement of people and make walking cool..