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Nordic women politicians in British newspapers 1900-1914

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Project Description

This project investigates the framing of Nordic women politicians and suffrage campaigners within British newspapers 1900-14. There is a growing body of work investigating press coverage of suffrage campaigners in their own countries and in recent years there have also been a number of studies of the coverage of British suffrage campaigners in overseas newspapers. (Tomida 2020 on coverage of the Women’s Social and Political Union in Japanese newspapers and Gehmacher 2020 on Austrian newspapers).

However, little work has been undertaken investigating British press coverage of the women’s suffrage campaign internationally. This is despite the fact that campaigners for the UK Parliamentary vote for women during the early years of the 20th century often used the Nordic countries as examples of European countries where women had already achieved the vote and representation in national parliaments and continued to make a positive impact on the state of the nation and political debate. Funding is sought to visit the Women's Library based at LSE in London to investigate the coverage and portrayal of Nordic women politicians in its collection of suffrage-related newspapers, such as 'Votes for Women', 'Common Cause' and 'Dreadnaught'.

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Research Society for Victorian Periodicals
Value £2,650.00
Project Dates May 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2023

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