Dr Kostas Stavrianakis k.stavrianakis@rgu.ac.uk
Research Fellow B
Societal and environmental assessment
People Involved
Professor Zoe Morrison
Dr Jacob Nielsen j.nielsen2@rgu.ac.uk
Research Fellow B
Project Description
The EU has set a clear target to curb climate change: a climate neutral industry by 2050. For several crucial EU industries, this means that the CO2 they emit needs to be captured, utilised and/or stored.
ConsenCUS aims to provide an industrial roadmap to a net-zero carbon future through “Carbon neutral clusters by electricity-based innovations in Capture, Utilisation and Storage”.
We will demonstrate this concept by integrating a demonstration unit at major cement, magnesia and oil refining installations. The project presents technological innovations in the 3 main components of CCUS:
1) carbon capture based on alkali absorption, coupled to a novel electrodialysis cell (100 kg CO2/h),
2) conversion of CO2 to formate and formic acid for the current market, as well as emerging markets and (3) safe cyclic loading of CO2 into salt formations and aquifers for storage.
The capture and conversion routes are unique in taking only electricity and water as consumables, while providing energy- and cost-efficiency beyond the current industrial standard (targets: TRL 6-7, 1.4 GJ and €34 per tonne CO2). Life cycle analysis and techno-economic evaluations will address how the innovations can be exploited, optimising environmental benefits while providing sound business cases for the three sectors participating and beyond. ConsenCUS also designs so-called CO2 clusters and networks in NW and SE Europe, around our demonstration sites. Our partners are spread across the CO2 value chain and will optimise such clusters based on an interconnected network of emitters fitted with (our) carbon capture and utilisation technology, other CO2 end users and geological storage.
Joint infrastructure and operation will drive cost down and encourage collaboration. Importantly, we will create narratives to promote CCUS at communities surrounding these cluster components, by clarifying the social and environmental impact to locals, raising awareness alongside investigating their critical needs.
With partners in the UK, Denmark, Netherlands, China, Greece, Romania, Canada and led by Stichting New Energy Coalition.
Project Acronym | ConsenCUS |
Status | Project Live |
Value | £849,832.00 |
Project Dates | May 1, 2021 - Apr 30, 2025 |
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