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All Outputs (25)

Meta skills and level learning outcomes: is there a miss-match? (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. and PIRIE, E. 2024. Meta skills and level learning outcomes: is there a miss-match? Presented at the 2024 Advanced HE teaching and learning conference: future-focused education: innovation, inclusion and impact, 2-4 July 2024, Nottingham, UK.

The authors conducted a qualitative research over an academic year using six modules in six creative degrees to evaluate if students and staff were able to articulate what meta skills they have learned on a module. In four out of the six modules stud... Read More about Meta skills and level learning outcomes: is there a miss-match?.

Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via a qualitative approach. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M., GOODHAND, K., PIRIE, T. and FORBES-MCKAY, K. 2023. Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via a qualitative approach. Presented at the 2023 Advance HE teaching and learning conference: shaping the future of HE, 4-6 July 2023, Keele, UK.

This presentation seeks to outline the concepts of independent learning (IL) and its importance in the development of lifelong learning amongst a range of staff and students within a Scottish University context. By exploring staff and student perspec... Read More about Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via a qualitative approach..

Innovative pedagogical approaches for developing students' mindsets to enhance their learning experience and future employability. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P., AIR, C. and MOULE, C. 2023. Innovative pedagogical approaches for developing students' mindsets to enhance their learning experience and future employability. Presented at the 2023 International higher education teaching and learning annual conference (HETL 2023): re-imagining education: collaboration and compassion, 12-14 June 2023, Aberdeen, UK.

The development of students' entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets requires varied methods of teaching in degree programmes to be successful. The Robert Gordon University (RGU) Innovation Award - adapted with permission from the Scottish Institute... Read More about Innovative pedagogical approaches for developing students' mindsets to enhance their learning experience and future employability..

Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop] (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MOULE, C., BREMNER, P. and AIR, C. 2023. Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop]. Presented at the 2023 International higher education teaching and learning annual conference (HETL 2023): re-imagining education: collaboration and compassion, 12-14 June 2023, Aberdeen, UK, Workshop 15.

The workshop aims to: 1) Outline the three levels of the RGU Innovation Award, highlighting the pedagogic aspects of design thinking; 2) Engage delegates in a technique that they can use with students to develop an innovative mindset (this technique... Read More about Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop].

Exploring students' independent learning and its relationship to mindset and academic performance. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FORBES-MCKAY, K.E., BREMNER, P. and JOHNSTON, P. 2023. Exploring students' independent learning and its relationship to mindset and academic performance. Presented at the 2023 International higher education teaching and learning annual conference (HETL 2023): re-imagining education: collaboration and compassion, 12-14 June 2023, Aberdeen, UK.

There is increasing interest in the role of independent learning (IL) in higher education (Thomas, 2015). Indeed, several studies demonstrate the impact of IL on students' academic achievement (Difrancesca et al. 2016). Research also suggests that mo... Read More about Exploring students' independent learning and its relationship to mindset and academic performance..

Enhancing our understanding of independent learning amongst RGU students. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FORBES-MCKAY, K. BREMNER, P. and JOHNSTON, P. 2022. Enhancing our understanding of independent learning amongst RGU students. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

There is increasing interest in the role of independent learning (IL) in higher education (Thomas, 2015). Indeed, several studies demonstrate the significant impact of IL on students' academic achievement (Difrancesca et al. 2016) and retention in hi... Read More about Enhancing our understanding of independent learning amongst RGU students..

Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via qualitative techniques. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M, PIRIE, T., FORBES-MCKAY, K. and GOODHAND, K. 2022. Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via qualitative techniques. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

There is increasing interest in the role of independent learning (IL) in higher education (Thomas, 2015). Indeed, numerous studies have found important differences between high and low achieving students in relation to goal setting, monitoring, use o... Read More about Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via qualitative techniques..

The Scottish Innovative Student Awards: preparing students to tackle wicked problems. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DAVIDSON, A., BREMNER, P. and PERKINS, J. 2021. The Scottish Innovative Student Awards: preparing students to tackle wicked problems. Presented at the 2021 Employability symposium: 3E's for wicked problems, 22 April 2021, virtual symposium [online]. Available from:

This session introduced the Scottish Innovative Student Awards (SISA), and gave an overview of how SISA helps students to tackle wicked problems with innovation and an orientation towards transforming the future. The session also presented two case s... Read More about The Scottish Innovative Student Awards: preparing students to tackle wicked problems..

Designing and owning the future. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DAVIDSON, A. and BREMNER, P.A.M. 2020. Designing and owning the future. Workshop presented at the 5th International enhancement conference of QAA Scotland: building resilient learning communities: using evidence to support student success, 3-5 November 2020, virtual conference.

The aim of this workshop was to help conference attendees use a couple of tools and techniques developed by the Scottish Institute for Enterprise, which are intended to help students "pre-experience" their future and to foster students' career vision... Read More about Designing and owning the future..

Innovative teaching practices in developing enterprising, ethical and work ready graduates. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DAVIDSON, A. and BREMNER, P. 2020. Innovative teaching practices in developing enterprising, ethical and work ready graduates. Presented at the Online festival of learning, teaching and student experience (LTSE 2020), 14-18 September 2020, virtual conference.

This presentation introduced attendees to the Museum of the Future methodology that allows students to design and experience the future. the presenters demonstrated how this experiential learning can help students deal with both the push of the prese... Read More about Innovative teaching practices in developing enterprising, ethical and work ready graduates..

Collaboration between universities and the Scottish Institute for Enterprise to ensure students skill sets are fit for the future. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P. and MOULE, C. 2020. Collaboration between universities and the Scottish Institute for Enterprise to ensure students skill sets are fit for the future. Presented at the 2020 International entrepreneurship educators conference (IEECOnline), 9-11 September 2020, virtual conference. Available from:

Keeping students' skills sets work ready is a challenge for all universities within their degree programmes. Often skills are embedded in module descriptors, hard to identify and hard for students to relate to the outside world. At Robert Gordon Univ... Read More about Collaboration between universities and the Scottish Institute for Enterprise to ensure students skill sets are fit for the future..

Students innovating and reflecting: Scottish Innovative Student Awards. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. and DAVIDSON, A. 2020. Students innovating and reflecting: Scottish Innovative Student Awards. Presented at Enhancing students' innovation and reflection skills: the SISA programme, 1 July 2020, webinar. Available from:

This webinar was organised by OneHE Mindsets. The presentation offered an overview of the Scottish Innovative Student Awards (SISA) programme, explaining what it involves and offering some key insights from its implementation with a number of courses... Read More about Students innovating and reflecting: Scottish Innovative Student Awards..

Collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches to develop creative mindsets. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. and DAVIDSON, A. 2020. Collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches to develop creative mindsets. Presented at Creative experiment in the higher education classroom, 25-26 June 2020, virtual symposium.

The three-tier Scottish Innovative Student Awards (SISA - from the Scottish Institute of Enterprise (SIE) are an awards programme that develops innovation skills in both undergraduate and postgraduate students. At the Ro... Read More about Collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches to develop creative mindsets..

The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. and LAING, A. 2019. The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities? Journal of learning development in higher education [online], 16: special issue of articles from the 2019 Association for Learning Development in Higher Education conference (ALDINHE 2019), 15-17 April 2019, Exeter, UK, article 535. Available from:

Upskilling moves quickly in today’s ‘disrupted’ workplace, and skill sets need to change to meet the needs of the digital economy (Gray, 2016), sometimes referred to as the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). Using a mixed methods approach and drawin... Read More about The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities?.

Widening academic and student participation and engagement in Scotland's HE innovation and enterprise agenda. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DAVIDSON, A., BREMNER, P. and PERKINS, J. 2019. Widening academic and student participation and engagement in Scotland's HE innovation and enterprise agenda. Presented at Focus on: graduate skills 2018-19; sharing practice event, 5th June 2019, Glasgow, UK. Glasgow: QAA [online]. Available from:

This presentation examines the Scottish Innovative Student Awards (SISA) which are run by the Scottish Institute for Enterprise in collaboration with 3 of Scotland’s Innovation Centres, the Digital Health and Care Institute, the Data Lab and Censis.... Read More about Widening academic and student participation and engagement in Scotland's HE innovation and enterprise agenda..

Developing the student journey through collaborative professional skills enhancement sessions. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M., LAING, A. and SCOTT, H. 2019. Developing the student journey through collaborative professional skills enhancement sessions. Presented at the 2019 Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access (DELTA) learning and teaching conference (LTC 2019): learning without borders, 2 May 2019, Aberdeen, UK.

This presentation outlined the Professional Skills Enhancement programme, and how it seeks to aid the student in becoming 'work ready'. The authors highlights it's move and development into other degree programmes within the School of Creative and C... Read More about Developing the student journey through collaborative professional skills enhancement sessions..

Developing students' innovation and enterprise skills through external collaboration. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P. A. M., CRAWFORD, I. and GODSMAN, F. 2019. Developing students’ innovation and enterprise skills through external collaboration. Presented at the 2019 Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access (DELTA) Learning and teaching conference (LTC 2019): learning without borders, 2 May 2019, Aberdeen, UK.

This presentation aimed to outline the Scottish Innovative Student Awards (SISA) process from the Scottish Institute for Enterprise (SIE), to provide an progress update on SISA and to demonstrate the student enhancement.

The gap between degree outcomes and employability skills. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. 2018. The gap between degree outcomes and employability skills. Presented at the 15th Enhancement in higher education conference: evaluation, evidence and enhancement: inspiring staff and students, 7 June 2018, Glasgow, UK.

This research aims to highlight, via the use of qualitative and quantitative methods, a possible mismatch between a degree learning outcomes and employability skills. By use of a mixed methods approach, inclusive of employer feedback, relevant data c... Read More about The gap between degree outcomes and employability skills..

The gap between degree outcomes and employability skills: using scholarly enquiry to aid in future teaching practice. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. 2018. The gap between degree outcomes and employability skills: using scholarly enquiry to aid in future teaching practice. Presented at the 2018 Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access (DELTA) Learning and teaching conference (LTC 2018): future work, future graduates; forging the link, 3 May 2018, Aberdeen, UK.

An honours year of any degree performs a valuable platform in enhancing the relevant skills sets, aiding graduates to become more 'work ready'. Whilst these skill sets take into account many factors, they translate to Level Learning Outcomes (LLOs) w... Read More about The gap between degree outcomes and employability skills: using scholarly enquiry to aid in future teaching practice..

From fourth year to the outside world: are we making our fashion graduates 'work ready' - are their skills transferable into the workplace? (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. 2017. From fourth year to the outside world: are we making our fashion graduates 'work ready' - are their skills transferable into the workplace? Presented at the 3rd International enhancement in higher education conference: inspiring excellence, transforming the student experience, 6-8 June 2017, Glasgow, UK.

An honours year of any degree performs a valuable platform in enhancing the relevant skills sets, aiding the students to become more 'work ready'. These skill sets take into account the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) benchmarks t... Read More about From fourth year to the outside world: are we making our fashion graduates 'work ready' - are their skills transferable into the workplace?.