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The importance of cephalopods in the diet of fish on the northwest European shelf. (2022)
Journal Article
BARRETT, C.J., BARRY, P., MACLEOD, E., STOTT, S., VIEIRA, R. and LAPTIKHOVSKY, V. 2022. The importance of cephalopods in the diet of fish on the northwest European shelf. ICES journal of marine science [online], 79(5), pages 1675-1686. Available from:

Cephalopods are universal to the world's oceans and prey to many fish species. On the northwest European shelf, integrated ecosystem assessments are rapidly evolving into the preferred method for holistically assessing stocks, but cephalopods appear... Read More about The importance of cephalopods in the diet of fish on the northwest European shelf..

Has the risk of socially responsible investments (SRI) companies stocks changed in the COVID-19 period? International evidence. (2022)
Journal Article
BRZESZCZYŃSKI, J., GAJDKA, J., PIETRASZEWSKI, P. and SCHABEK, T. 2022. Has the risk of socially responsible investments (SRI) companies stocks changed in the COVID-19 period? International evidence. Finance research letters [online], 49, article 102986. Available from:

In this study, we investigate changes in risk of socially responsible investments (SRI) companies in the periods before and during the COVID-19 pandemic relying on a broad dataset covering SRI indices from 35 markets analyzed between 2016 and 2021. O... Read More about Has the risk of socially responsible investments (SRI) companies stocks changed in the COVID-19 period? International evidence..

Contribution of aerosol species to the 2019 smoke episodes over the east coast of peninsular Malaysia. (2022)
Journal Article
NAPI, N.N.L.M., OOI, M.C.G., LATIF, M.T., JUNENG, L., NADZIR, M.S.M., CHAN, A., LI, L. and ABDULLAH, S. 2022. Contribution of aerosol species to the 2019 smoke episodes over the east coast of peninsular Malaysia. Aerosol and air quality research [online], 22(7), article 210393. Available from:

Large-scale biomass burning (BB) emits large amounts of aerosols that lead to transboundary smoke events and adversely impacts human health, whilst causing societal and environmental issues. High ambient PM2.5 concentration in the year 2019 based on... Read More about Contribution of aerosol species to the 2019 smoke episodes over the east coast of peninsular Malaysia..

Women's empowerment as an outcome of NGO projects: is the current approach sustainable? (2022)
Journal Article
AL HAKIM, G., BASTIAN, B.L., NG, P.Y. and WOOD, B.P. 2022. Women's empowerment as an outcome of NGO projects: is the current approach sustainable? Administrative sciences [online], 12(2), article 62. Available from:

The area of women's empowerment has attracted increasing attention among a wide range of interest groups, from authors to researchers to feminist scholars and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This paper aims to identify the diverse understandin... Read More about Women's empowerment as an outcome of NGO projects: is the current approach sustainable?.

Having skin in the game: how players purchase representation in games. (2022)
Journal Article
REZA, A., CHU, S., NEDD, A. and GARDNER, D. 2022. Having skin in the game: how players purchase representation in games. Convergence [online], 28(6), pages 1621-1642. Available from:

Microtransactions are a relatively new feature of video game software involving the purchase of in-game items, often using real money. Players may use these transactions to purchase in-game advantages, or cosmetic features such as 'skins', which chan... Read More about Having skin in the game: how players purchase representation in games..

A multi-objective optimization model for EVSE deployment at workplaces with smart charging strategies and scheduling policies. (2022)
Journal Article
ERDOGAN, N., KUCUKSARI, S. and MURPHY, J. 2022. A multi-objective optimization model for EVSE deployment at workplaces with smart charging strategies and scheduling policies. Energy [online], 254(Part A), article number 124161. Available from:

This study proposes a multi-objective optimization model to determine the optimal charging infrastructure for a transition to plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) at workplaces. The developed model considers all cost aspects of a workplace charging stati... Read More about A multi-objective optimization model for EVSE deployment at workplaces with smart charging strategies and scheduling policies..

Novel hyperbolic clustering-based band hierarchy (HCBH) for effective unsupervised band selection of hyperspectral images. (2022)
Journal Article
SUN, H., ZHANG, L., REN, J. and HUANG, H. 2022. Novel hyperbolic clustering-based band hierarchy (HCBH) for effective unsupervised band selection of hyperspectral images. Pattern recognition [online], 130, article number 108788. Available from:

For dimensionality reduction of HSI, many clustering-based unsupervised band selection (UBS) methods have been proposed due to their superiority of reducing the high redundancy between selected bands. However, most of these methods fail to reflect th... Read More about Novel hyperbolic clustering-based band hierarchy (HCBH) for effective unsupervised band selection of hyperspectral images..

Effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits. (2022)
Journal Article
PUÓN-PELÁEZ, X.-H.D., MCEWAN, N.R., ÁLVAREZ-MARTÍNEZ, R.C., MARISCAL-LANDÍN, G., NAVA-MORALES, G.M., MOSQUEDA, J. and OLVERA-RAMÍREZ, A.M. 2022. Effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits. Pathogens [online], 11(5), article 571. Available from:

This study aimed to investigate the effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits. Rabbits that had either recovere... Read More about Effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits..

An improved feedforward-long short-term memory modeling method for the whole-life-cycle state of charge prediction of lithium-ion batteries considering current-voltage-temperature variation. (2022)
Journal Article
WANG, S., TAKYI-ANINAKWA, P., JIN, S., YU, C., FERNANDEZ, C. and STROE, D.-I. 2022. An improved feedforward-long short-term memory modeling method for the whole-life-cycle state of charge prediction of lithium-ion batteries considering current-voltage-temperature variation. Energy [online], 254(Part A), article 124224. Available from:

The whole-life-cycle state of charge (SOC) prediction plays a significant role in various applications of lithium-ion batteries, but with great difficulties due to their internal capacity, working temperature, and current-rate variations. In this pap... Read More about An improved feedforward-long short-term memory modeling method for the whole-life-cycle state of charge prediction of lithium-ion batteries considering current-voltage-temperature variation..

'Fowl' play: reverse place-branding of Toxteth, Liverpool through the celebrity discourse of Robbie Fowler. (2022)
Journal Article
BUTLER-WARKE, A. 2023. 'Fowl' play: reverse place-branding of Toxteth, Liverpool through the celebrity discourse of Robbie Fowler. Social and cultural geography [online], 24(9), pages 1538-1556. Available from:

This paper interrogates the concept of place-branding and celebrity. It uses Liverpool Football Club striker Robbie Fowler and his roots in Toxteth as a way to contest the unidirectional relationship between celebrity and place. Where 'traditional' p... Read More about 'Fowl' play: reverse place-branding of Toxteth, Liverpool through the celebrity discourse of Robbie Fowler..

Demystifying the black box: the importance of interpretability of predictive models in neurocritical care. (2022)
Journal Article
MOSS, L., CORSAR, D., SHAW, M., PIPER, I. and HAWTHORNE, C. 2022. Demystifying the black box: the importance of interpretability of predictive models in neurocritical care. Neurocritical care [online], 37(Supplement 2): big data in neurocritical care, pages 185-191. Available from:

Neurocritical care patients are a complex patient population, and to aid clinical decision-making, many models and scoring systems have previously been developed. More recently, techniques from the field of machine learning have been applied to neuro... Read More about Demystifying the black box: the importance of interpretability of predictive models in neurocritical care..

Images of entrepreneurship: divergent national constructions of what it is to 'do' entrepreneurship. (2022)
Journal Article
CUNNINGHAM, J. and FRASER, S.S. 2022. Images of entrepreneurship: divergent national constructions of what it is to 'do' entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and regional development [online], 34(7-8): special issue in memory of Professor Alistair Anderson 'Social perspectives of entrepreneuring, pages 576-581. Available from:

In this research note, we further Alistair R. Anderson's argument that an atomized view of entrepreneurship as an economic function provides limited understanding of what it is to actually do entrepreneurship. We take the stance that entrepreneurship... Read More about Images of entrepreneurship: divergent national constructions of what it is to 'do' entrepreneurship..

Survey to identify research priorities for primary care in Scotland during and following the COVID-19 pandemic. (2022)
Journal Article
HUBBARD, G., GRIST, F., POPE, L.M., CUNNINGHAM, S., MAXWELL, M., BENNIE, M., GUTHRIE, B., MERCER, S.W. 2022. Survey to identify research priorities for primary care in Scotland during and following the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Open [online], 12(5), article number e056817. Available from:

Objectives To identify research priorities for primary care in Scotland following the COVID-19 pandemic. Design Modified James Lind Alliance methodology; respondents completed an online survey to make research suggestions and rank research themes in... Read More about Survey to identify research priorities for primary care in Scotland during and following the COVID-19 pandemic..

Multi-sourced sensing and support vector machine classification for effective detection of fire hazard in early stage. (2022)
Journal Article
CHEN, S., REN, J., YAN, Y., SUN, M., HU, F. and ZHAO, H. 2022. Multi-sourced sensing and support vector machine classification for effective detection of fire hazard in early stage. Computers and electrical engineering [online], 101, article 108046. Available from:

Accurate detection and early warning of fire hazard are crucial for reducing the associated damages. Due to the limitations of smoke-based detection mechanism, most commercial detectors fail to distinguish the smoke from dust and steam, leading to fr... Read More about Multi-sourced sensing and support vector machine classification for effective detection of fire hazard in early stage..

Mind the gap! A survey comparing current strength training methods used in men's versus women's first team and academy soccer. (2022)
Journal Article
MCQUILLIAM, S.J., CLARK, D.R., ERSKINE, R.M. and BROWNLEE, T.E. 2022. Mind the gap! A survey comparing current strength training methods used in men's versus women's first team and academy soccer. Science and medicine in football [online], 6(5): towards a better understanding of health and performance is sponsored and supported by Adidas and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), pages 597-604. Available from:

Much less is known about strength and conditioning (S&C) practice in women's versus men's soccer. The aim of this study was to compare S&C practice between coaches working in men's or women's soccer, at first team or academy level, worldwide. A total... Read More about Mind the gap! A survey comparing current strength training methods used in men's versus women's first team and academy soccer..

What are scoping reviews? Providing a formal definition of scoping reviews as a type of evidence synthesis. (2022)
Journal Article
MUNN, Z., POLLOCK, D., KHALIL, H., ALEXANDER, L., MCINERNEY, P., GODFREY, C.M., PETERS, M. and TRICCO, A.C. 2022. What are scoping reviews? Providing a formal definition of scoping reviews as a type of evidence synthesis. JBI evidence synthesis [online], 20(4), pages 950-952. Available from:

Evidence synthesis encompasses a broad range of review types and scoping reviews are an increasingly popular approach to synthesizing evidence in a number of fields. They sit alongside other evidence synthesis methodologies such as systematic reviews... Read More about What are scoping reviews? Providing a formal definition of scoping reviews as a type of evidence synthesis..

Development of composite cold-formed steel-rubberised concrete semi-rigid moment-resisting connections. (2022)
Journal Article
BAGHERI SABBAGH, A., JAFARIFAR, N., DENIZ, D. and TORABIAN, S. 2022. Development of composite cold-formed steel-rubberised concrete semi-rigid moment-resisting connections. Structures [online], 40, pages 866-879. Available from:

This paper presents the development of a composite cold-formed steel (CFS)-rubberised concrete (RuC) semi-rigid moment-resisting connection suitable for framed building structures. The connection comprises built-up tubular cold-formed steel beam and... Read More about Development of composite cold-formed steel-rubberised concrete semi-rigid moment-resisting connections..

Superpixel nonlocal weighting joint sparse representation for hyperspectral image classification. (2022)
Journal Article
ZHANG, A., PAN, Z., FU, H., SUN, G., RONG, J., REN, J., JIA, X. and YAO, Y. 2022. Superpixel nonlocal weighting joint sparse representation for hyperspectral image classification. Remote sensing [online], 14(9), article 2125. Available from:

Joint sparse representation classification (JSRC) is a representative spectral–spatial classifier for hyperspectral images (HSIs). However, the JSRC is inappropriate for highly heterogeneous areas due to the spatial information being extracted from a... Read More about Superpixel nonlocal weighting joint sparse representation for hyperspectral image classification..

Development of a fixative protocol using formaldehyde and gluteraldehyde for preservation of microbial art on agar plates. (2022)
Journal Article
WILSON, S., LAW, S.P., MCEWAN, N.R., WRIGHT, R. and MACASKILL, J.S. [2022]. Development of a fixative protocol using formaldehyde and gluteraldehyde for preservation of microbial art on agar plates. Journal of applied microbiology [online], 133(2), pages 665-672. Available from:

Aims: Agar art bridges the gap between science and art using microbes instead of paint. Afterwards, the art can change in response to microbial fluctuation, meaning preservation of the original art is essential. Here, formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde... Read More about Development of a fixative protocol using formaldehyde and gluteraldehyde for preservation of microbial art on agar plates..

Time-course analysis following initial warm-up to inform pre-pitch entry preparations of soccer substitutes. (2022)
Journal Article
SWINTON, P.A., SYMON, K., MAUGHAN, P., BURGESS, K.E. and DOLAN, E. 2022. Time-course analysis following initial warm-up to inform pre-pitch entry preparations of soccer substitutes. International journal of sports science and coaching [online], 17(4), pages 860-867. Available from:

The purpose of this study was to investigate the time-course of decrements in physical performance following a pre-match warm-up in soccer players. Knowledge of this information could be used to inform re-warm-ups and pre-pitch entry practices of soc... Read More about Time-course analysis following initial warm-up to inform pre-pitch entry preparations of soccer substitutes..