The clinically extremely vulnerable to COVID: identification and changes in healthcare while self-isolating (shielding) during the coronavirus pandemic.
Preprint / Working Paper
BUTLER, J.E., NATH, M., BLANA, D., BALL, W.P., BEECH, N., BLACK, C., OSLER, G., PAYTRIGNET, S., WILDE, K., WOZNIAK, A. and SAWHNEY, S. 2021. The clinically extremely vulnerable to COVID: identification and changes in healthcare while self-isolating (shielding) during the coronavirus pandemic. Hosted on medRxiv [online]. Available from:
In March 2020, the government of Scotland identified people deemed clinically extremely vulnerable to COVID due to their pre-existing health conditions. These people were advised to strictly self-isolate (shield) at the start of the pandemic, except... Read More about The clinically extremely vulnerable to COVID: identification and changes in healthcare while self-isolating (shielding) during the coronavirus pandemic..