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A review of optical concentrators for portable solar photovoltaic systems for developing countries. (2018)
Journal Article
FREIER, D., RAMIREZ-INIGUEZ, R., JAFRY, T., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F. and GAMIO, C. 2018. A review of optical concentrators for portable solar photovoltaic systems for developing countries. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews [online], 90, pages 957-968. Available from:

Worldwide, over 1.1 billion people have no access to electricity. The consequences for the affected people include health hazards from fuels used for lighting, limits to learning when it gets dark, a short productive day and high expenditures on ligh... Read More about A review of optical concentrators for portable solar photovoltaic systems for developing countries..

The effect of ladder climbing on forearm function. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEWART, A. and MITCHELL, D. 2018. The effect of ladder climbing on forearm function. In Charles, R. and Wilkinson, J. (eds.) Proceedings of Ergonomics and human factors 2018: contemporary ergonomics and human factors, 23-25 April 2018, Birmingham, UK. Loughborough: Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, pages 195-201.

Wind energy technicians are required to be capable of manual ascent of turbines before conducting essential maintenance. This mandates vertical ladder ascent which involves considerable forearm exertion which may have implications for such maintenanc... Read More about The effect of ladder climbing on forearm function..

Calibration and comparison of VIV wake oscillator models for low mass ratio structures. (2018)
Journal Article
KURUSHINA, V., PAVLOVSKAIA, E., POSTNIKOV, A. and WIERCIGROCH, M. 2018. Calibration and comparison of VIV wake oscillator models for low mass ratio structures. International journal of mechanical sciences [online], 142-143, pages 547-560. Available from:

In this work, Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) of a rigid cylinder on elastic supports is reviewed and modelled. We consider a cylinder moving both cross-flow and in-line, subjected to fluid forces calculated as proposed in [1]. A suite of wake oscilla... Read More about Calibration and comparison of VIV wake oscillator models for low mass ratio structures..

Neutron scattering of porous rocks subjected to uniaxial compression in cryogenic conditions for offshore drilling operations in Arctic. [Dataset] (2018)
FAISAL, N., SANAEE, R., LEE, T.L., MCLAUGHLIN, A. and SINGH, R.M. 2018. Neutron scattering of porous rocks subjected to uniaxial compression in cryogenic conditions for offshore drilling operations in Arctic. [Dataset]. Hosted on STFC ISIS neutron and muon source data journal [online]. Available from:

In August 2015, the oil and gas company (Royal Dutch Shell plc) were granted the final permit it needs to begin drilling below the ocean floor for oil in the Arctic. They have been allowed to drill just the top sections of two wells, off the coast of... Read More about Neutron scattering of porous rocks subjected to uniaxial compression in cryogenic conditions for offshore drilling operations in Arctic. [Dataset].

Eighteen months of Meeple Like Us: an exploration into the state of board game accessibility. (2018)
Journal Article
HERON, M.J., BELFORD, P.H., REID, H. and CRABB, M. 2018. Eighteen months of Meeple Like Us: an exploration into the state of board game accessibility. Computer games journal [online], 7(2), pages 75-95. Available from:

The study of game accessibility to date has largely focused on the topic of accessibility within a video game context. Largely underexplored in the academic and professional literature is accessibility in the domain of tabletop games, especially thos... Read More about Eighteen months of Meeple Like Us: an exploration into the state of board game accessibility..

Collision avoidance effects on the mobility of a UAV swarm using chaotic ant colony with model predictive control. (2018)
Journal Article
DENTLER, J., ROSALIE, M., DANOY, G., BOUVRY, P., KANNAN, S., OLIVARES-MENDEZ, M.A. and VOOS, H. 2019. Collision avoidance effects on the mobility of a UAV swarm using chaotic ant colony with model predictive control. Journal of intelligent and robotic systems [online], 93(1-2), pages 227-243. Available from:

The recent development of compact and economic small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) permits the development of new UAV swarm applications. In order to enhance the area coverage of such UAV swarms, a novel mobility model has been presented in previou... Read More about Collision avoidance effects on the mobility of a UAV swarm using chaotic ant colony with model predictive control..

π–π interaction between metal–organic framework and reduced graphene oxide for visible-light photocatalytic H2 production. (2018)
Journal Article
KARTHIK, P., VINOTH, R., ZHANG, P., CHOI, W., BALARAMAN, E. and NEPPOLIAN, B. 2018. π–π interaction between metal–organic framework and reduced graphene oxide for visible-light photocatalytic H2 production. ACS applied energy materials [online], 1(5), pages 1913-1923. Available from:

Solar water splitting provides a promising path for sustainable hydrogen production and solar energy storage. In recent times, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have received considerable attention as promising materials for diverse solar energy conver... Read More about π–π interaction between metal–organic framework and reduced graphene oxide for visible-light photocatalytic H2 production..

A case study of polypharmacy management in nine European countries: implications for change management and implementation. (2018)
Journal Article
MCINTOSH, J., ALONSO, A., MACLURE, K., STEWART, D., KEMPEN, T., MAIR, A., CASTEL-BRANCO, M., CODINA, C., FERNANDEZ-LLIMOS, F., FLEMING, G., GENNIMATA, D., GILLESPIE, U., HARRISON, C., ILLARIO, M., JUNIUS-WALKER, U., KAMPOLIS, C.F., KARDAS, P., LEWEK, P., MALVA, J., MENDITTO, E., SCULLIN, C., WIESE, B. 2018. A case study of polypharmacy management in nine European countries: implications for change management and implementation. PLoS ONE [online], 13(4), article number e0195232. Available from:

Background: - Multimorbidity and its associated polypharmacy contribute to an increase in adverse drug events, hospitalizations, and healthcare spending. This study aimed to address: what exists regarding polypharmacy management in the European Union... Read More about A case study of polypharmacy management in nine European countries: implications for change management and implementation..

Dispute resolution under the FIDIC and NEC Conditions: paradox of philosophies and procedures? (2018)
Journal Article
MANTE, J. 2018. Dispute resolution under the FIDIC and NEC Conditions: paradox of philosophies and procedures? International construction law review [online], 35(2), pages 182-223. Available from:

A careful reader of the philosophical underpinnings and the dispute resolution frameworks of the FIDIC and NEC Conditions of Contract will likely be baffled by the paradoxical relationship between the underpinning ethos of these forms and the approac... Read More about Dispute resolution under the FIDIC and NEC Conditions: paradox of philosophies and procedures?.

Aggregation of classifiers: a justifiable information granularity approach. (2018)
Journal Article
NGUYEN, T.T., PHAM, X.C., LIEW, A.W.-C. and PEDRYCZ, W. 2019. Aggregation of classifiers: a justifiable information granularity approach. IEEE transactions on cybernetics [online], 49(6), pages 2168-2177. Available from:

In this paper, we introduced a new approach of combining multiple classifiers in a heterogeneous ensemble system. Instead of using numerical membership values when combining, we constructed interval membership values for each class prediction from th... Read More about Aggregation of classifiers: a justifiable information granularity approach..

A UK perspective on human factors and patient safety education in pharmacy curricula. (2018)
Journal Article
VOSPER, H. and HIGNETT, S. 2018. A UK perspective on human factors and patient safety education in pharmacy curricula. American journal of pharmaceutical education [online], 82(3), article number 6184. Available from:

Objective: - To take a systematic approach to exploring patient safety teaching in health care curricula, particularly in relation to how educators ensure students achieve patient safety competencies. Findings: - There is a lack of formally articulat... Read More about A UK perspective on human factors and patient safety education in pharmacy curricula..

What does it mean when people call a place a shithole? Understanding a discourse of denigration in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. (2018)
Journal Article
BUTLER, A., SCHAFRAN, A. and CARPENTER, G. 2018. What does it mean when people call a place a shithole? Understanding a discourse of denigration in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Transactions of the institute of British Geographers [online], 43(3), pages 496-510. Available from:

This paper investigates what people mean when they engage in the discourse of denigration. Building on existing literature on territorial stigmatisation that either focuses on macro-scale uses and effects of territorial stigmatisation or micro-scale... Read More about What does it mean when people call a place a shithole? Understanding a discourse of denigration in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland..

Development of a novel characterisation methodology for the aerodynamic coefficients of a tractor–trailer unit based on relative flow angles and vehicle dimensions. (2018)
Journal Article
MALVIYA, V., ASIM, T., SENDANAYAKE, I. and MISHRA, R. 2018. Development of a novel characterisation methodology for the aerodynamic coefficients of a tractor–trailer unit based on relative flow angles and vehicle dimensions. Arabian journal for science and technology [online], 43(9), pages 4957-4978. Available from:

Tractor–trailer units are integral part of the heavy commercial vehicle industry, used globally for goods transportation. Manufacturers have been trying to design aerodynamically efficient tractor–trailer units to reduce ever increasing fuel costs. I... Read More about Development of a novel characterisation methodology for the aerodynamic coefficients of a tractor–trailer unit based on relative flow angles and vehicle dimensions..

Temperature effects explain continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins. (2018)
Journal Article
MANTZOUKI, E., LÜRLING, M., FASTNER, J., DE SENERPONT DOMIS, L., IBELINGS, B.W., TEURLINCX, S. and CHMURA, D. 2018. Temperature effects explain continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins. Toxins [online], 10(4), article number 156. Available from:

Insight into how environmental change determines the production and distribution of cyanobacterial toxins is necessary for risk assessment. Management guidelines currently focus on hepatotoxins (microcystins). Increasing attention is given to other c... Read More about Temperature effects explain continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins..

Open licensing for cultural heritage. (2018)
Journal Article
MUIR, A. 2018. Open licensing for cultural heritage. Journal of cultural heritage [online], 32, pages 267-268. Available from:

This is a book review by the author of Open Licensing for cultural heritage by G. Hamilton and F. Saunderson

Talking about food choices of former homeless young people: making sense of conflicting discourses of blame through social worlds theory. (2018)
Journal Article
GOMBERT, K., DOUGLAS, F., MCARDLE, K. and CARLISLE, S. 2018. Talking about food choices of former homeless young people: making sense of conflicting discourses of blame through social worlds theory. International journal of contemporary education [online], 1(1), pages 19-26. Available from:

After a pilot study at a charitable youth organisation in the North East of Scotland found no considerable improvements in the food choices of former homeless young people accommodated by the organisation (Perry, 2013), the Foodways and Futures proje... Read More about Talking about food choices of former homeless young people: making sense of conflicting discourses of blame through social worlds theory..

Design of solar powered charging backpack. (2018)
Journal Article
TAVERNE, J., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., AYUB, A.S., SELLAMI, N., ABU-BAKAR, S.H., BANI, N.A., MAS'UD, A.A. and IYI, D. 2018. Design of solar powered charging backpack. International journal of power electronics and drive systems [online], 9(2), pages 848-858. Available from:

This paper demonstrated a step by step process in designing a solar powered charging backpack that is capable of charging a mobile phone efficiently. A selection of existing products available on the market were reviewed and compared to ascertain the... Read More about Design of solar powered charging backpack..

Building information modelling: a tool for diffusion of information in Nigeria. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HAMMA-ADAMA, M., GALADIMA, Y.K. and KOUIDER, T. 2018. Building information modelling: a tool for diffusion of information in Nigeria. Presented at the 2018 Conference of the School of Environmental Technology (SETIC 2018): contemporary issues and sustainable practices in the built environment, 10-12 April 2018, Minna, Nigeria.

Building information modelling (BIM) technology has now reached maturity level in several countries around the world. The construction industry internationally is realising potential benefits of using collaborative process in construction, and the in... Read More about Building information modelling: a tool for diffusion of information in Nigeria..

Nano-selenium and its nanomedicine applications: a critical review. (2018)
Journal Article
HOSNEDLOVA, B., KEPINSKA, M., SKALICKOVA, S., FERNANDEZ, C., RUTTKAY-NEDECKY, B., PENG, Q., BARON, M., MELCOVA, M., OPATRILOVA, R., ZIDKOVA, J., BJORKLUND, G., SOCHOR, J. and KIZEK, R. 2018. Nano-selenium and its nanomedicine applications: a critical review. International journal of nanomedicine [online], 13, pages 2107-2128. Available from:

Traditional supplements of selenium generally have a low degree of absorption and increased toxicity. Therefore, it is imperative to develop innovative systems as transporters of selenium compounds, which would raise the bioavailability of this eleme... Read More about Nano-selenium and its nanomedicine applications: a critical review..

In search of sustainable and responsible consumption. (2018)
Journal Article
ZABKAR, V., KOS KOKLIC, M., MCDONALD, S. and ABOSAG, I. 2018. In search of sustainable and responsible consumption. European journal of marketing [online], 52(3/4), pages 470-475. Available from:

Sustainability entails meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. It has become a major norm of behaviour of various societal groups in recent years and it is an increasingly prominent... Read More about In search of sustainable and responsible consumption..