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Mode I fracture toughness of optimized alkali-treated Bambusa Vulgaris bamboo by Box-Behnken design. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ROSLAN, S.A., HASSAN, M.Z., RASID, Z.A., BANI, N.A., SARIP, S., DAUD, M.Y.M. and MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F. 2019. Mode I fracture toughness of optimized alkali-treated Bambusa Vulgaris bamboo by Box-Behnken design. In Awang, M., Emamian, S.S. and Yusof, F. (eds.) Advances in material sciences and engineering: selected papers from the proceedings of the 4th international conference on mechanical, manufacturing and plant engineering (ICMMPE 2018), 14-15 November 2018, Melaka, Malaysia. Lecture notes in mechanical engineering. Singapore: Springer [online], pages 565-575. Available from:

Alkaline treatment is widely being used to treat natural fibres and it improves the fibre surface for better bonding with the polymer matrix. The aim of this study is to optimize the alkaline treatment variables such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) concen... Read More about Mode I fracture toughness of optimized alkali-treated Bambusa Vulgaris bamboo by Box-Behnken design..

A novel power state evaluation method for the lithium battery packs based on the improved external measurable parameter coupling model. (2019)
Journal Article
WANG, S.-L., STROE, D.-I., FERNANDEZ, C., XIONG, L.-Y., FAN, Y.-C. and CAO, W. 2020. A novel power state evaluation method for the lithium battery packs based on the improved external measurable parameter coupling model. Journal of cleaner production [online], 242, article ID 118506. Available from:

The power state evaluation plays a decisive influence on the safety implication of the lithium battery packs, and there is no effective online evaluation method so far due to the imbalance phenomenon among the internal connected battery cells, which... Read More about A novel power state evaluation method for the lithium battery packs based on the improved external measurable parameter coupling model..

A cross-sectional survey of the pharmacy workforce in general practice in Scotland. (2019)
Journal Article
STEWART, D., MACLURE, K., NEWHAM, R., GIBSON-SMITH, K., BRUCE, R., CUNNINGHAM, S., MACLURE, A., FRY, S., MACKERROW, J. and BENNIE, M. 2020. A cross-sectional survey of the pharmacy workforce in general practice in Scotland. Family practice [online], 37(2), pages 206-212. Available from:

Background: In Scotland, there has been significant investment in pharmacy teams in general medical practices over recent years, aligned to current government policy. Objectives: To characterize the national pharmacy workforce including activities un... Read More about A cross-sectional survey of the pharmacy workforce in general practice in Scotland..

Photovoltaic expansion-limit through a net energy metering scheme for selected Malaysian public hospitals. (2019)
Journal Article
AMRAN, M.E., MUHTAZARUDDIN, M.N., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., BANI, N.A., AHMAD ZAIDI, T.Z., KAMALUDDIN, K.A. and ARDILA-REY, J.A. 2019. Photovoltaic expansion-limit through a net energy metering scheme for selected Malaysian public hospitals. Sustainability [online], 11(18), article 5131. Available from:

This paper presents an optimization approach in determining the expansion-limit of Renewable Distributed Generation (DG) capacity through a Net Energy Metering (NEM) scheme specifically for selected Malaysian public hospitals. In this study, the tota... Read More about Photovoltaic expansion-limit through a net energy metering scheme for selected Malaysian public hospitals..

From augmented to authentic: weaving the past into the future. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEED, J., JIANG, Y. and CROSS, K. 2019. From augmented to authentic: weaving the past into the future. Presented at 2019 Shoormal conference: new coasts and shorelines: shifting sands in the creative economy, 18-21 September 2019, Lerwick, UK

As our understanding of the provenance and inherent value of artisan textile and craft skills alters through our increasingly digital and fast paced world, there needs to be a revaluing of hand/human processes that reconnect people and products in an... Read More about From augmented to authentic: weaving the past into the future..

Capability approach for realising the sustainable development goals through responsible management education: the case of UK business school academics. (2019)
Journal Article
NDUBUKA, N. and REY-MARMONIER, E. 2019. Capability approach for realising the sustainable development goals through responsible management education: the case of UK business school academics. International journal of management education [online], 17(3), article ID 100319. Available from:

This paper assesses whether RME can help UK business schools that are signatories to the PRME contribute to the realisation of any of the 17 SDGs through the lens of 15 UK business school academics. We found that RME (in the context of this study) ca... Read More about Capability approach for realising the sustainable development goals through responsible management education: the case of UK business school academics..

Folate deficiency promotes differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells without affecting the methylation status of regulated genes. (2019)
Journal Article
KOLB, A.F., PETRIE, L., MAYER, C.D., PIRIE, L. and DUTHIE, S.J. 2019. Folate deficiency promotes differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells without affecting the methylation status of regulated genes. Biochemical journal [online], 476(19), pages 2769-2795. Available from:

Elevated serum homocysteine, an intermediate of cellular one-carbon metabolism, is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Folate deficiency increases serum homocysteine and may contribute to CVD progression. Vascular smooth musc... Read More about Folate deficiency promotes differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells without affecting the methylation status of regulated genes..

Investigation of slug-churn flow induced transient excitation forces at pipe bend. (2019)
Journal Article
HOSSAIN, M., CHINENYE-KANU, N.M., DROUBI, G.M. and ISLAM, S.Z. 2019. Investigation of slug-churn flow induced transient excitation forces at pipe bend. Journal of fluids and structures [online], 91, article ID 102733. Available from:

Numerical simulations of two-phase flow induced fluctuating forces at a pipe bend have been carried out to study the characteristics of multiphase flow induced vibration (FIV). The multiphase flow patterns and turbulence were modelled using the volum... Read More about Investigation of slug-churn flow induced transient excitation forces at pipe bend..

Towards Blockchains for architectural design: consensus mechanisms for collaboration in BIM. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUNAS, T., LOMBARDI, D. and JABI, W. 2019. Towards blockchains for architectural design: consensus mechanisms for collaboration in BIM. In Sousa, J.P., Henriques, G.C. and Xavier, J.P. (eds.) Proceedings of the 37th Education and research in computer aided architectural design in Europe (eCAADe) and 23rd Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital (SIGraDi) joint conference 2019 (eCAADe SIGraDi 2019): architecture in the age of the 4th industrial revolution, 11-13 September 2019, Porto, Portugal. Porto: eCAADe; SIGraDi; FAUP, volume 1, pages 267-274. Hosted on CumInCAD [online]. Available from:

We present a Blockchain collaboration mechanism on optimisation problems between distributed participants who work with building information modelling tools. The blockchain mechanism is capable of executing smart contracts, acting as a reward mechani... Read More about Towards Blockchains for architectural design: consensus mechanisms for collaboration in BIM..

The use of machine learning algorithms for detecting advanced persistent threats. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
EKE, H.N., PETROVSKI, A. and AHRIZ, H. 2019. The use of machine learning algorithms for detecting advanced persistent threats. In Makarevich, O., Babenko, L., Anikeev, M., Elci, A. and Shahriar, H. (eds.). Proceedings of the 12th Security of information and networks international conference 2019 (SIN 2019), 12-15 September 2019, Sochi, Russia. New York: ACM [online], article No. 5. Available from:

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) have been a major challenge in securing both Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) systems. Due to their capability to navigates around defenses and to evade detection for a prolonged period of... Read More about The use of machine learning algorithms for detecting advanced persistent threats..

The effects of a sleep/recovery supplement: 'Night Time Recharge' on sleep parameters in young adults. (2019)
Journal Article
SIMPER, T., GILMARTIN, M., ALLWOOD, D., TAYLOR, L. and CHAPPELL, A. 2019. The effects of a sleep/recovery supplement: 'night time recharge' on sleep parameters in young adults. Nutrition and health [online], 25(4), pages 265-274. Available from:

Background: Concentrated cherry juice reportedly contains melatonin which, in turn, has been highlighted as an important regulator in initiating sleep. Aim: The present investigation aims to clarify whether Night Time Recharge (NTR), a marketed sleep... Read More about The effects of a sleep/recovery supplement: 'Night Time Recharge' on sleep parameters in young adults..

Systems thinking and CMM for continuous improvement in the construction industry. (2019)
Journal Article
OMOTAYO, T.S., BOATENG, P., OSOBAJO, O., OKE, A. and OBI, L.I. 2020. Systems thinking and CMM for continuous improvement in the construction industry. International journal for productivity and performance management [online], 69(2), pages 271-296. Available from:

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a capability maturity model (CMM) developed to implement continuous improvement in small and medium scale construction companies (SMSCC) in Nigeria. Design/methodology/approach: A multi-strategy approa... Read More about Systems thinking and CMM for continuous improvement in the construction industry..

Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions that improve clinicians’ antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TALKHAN, H., STEWART, D., MCINTOSH, T., AL HAIL, M., ABDOULROUF, P. ZIGLAM, H. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2019. Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions that improve clinicians’ antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review. Presented at the 5th International conference on prevention and infection control (ICPIC 2019), 10-13 September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland.

Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and its threats have long been recognised. Many countries have developed antimicrobial stewardship programmes with strategies to optimise antimicrobial prescribing, minimise AMR and improve outcomes. There... Read More about Theoretical approaches in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions that improve clinicians’ antimicrobial prescribing: a systematic review..

A modified-Delphi study of a framework to support the potential implementation of pharmacist prescribing. (2019)
Journal Article
JEBARA, T., CUNNINGHAM, S., MACLURE, K., PALLIVALAPILA, A., AWAISU, A., AL HAIL, M. and STEWART, D. 2020. A modified-Delphi study of a framework to support the potential implementation of pharmacist prescribing. Research in social and administrative pharmacy [online], 16(6), pages 812-818. Available from:

Background: There is an extensive evidence base of the effectiveness and safety of pharmacist prescribing around the globe. There is therefore potential to develop a framework to support the implementation in Qatar to achieve the National Vision 2030... Read More about A modified-Delphi study of a framework to support the potential implementation of pharmacist prescribing..

Seven pillars and five minds: small business workplace information literacy. (2019)
Journal Article
LOCKERBIE, H. and WILLIAMS, D. 2019. Seven pillars and five minds: small business workplace information literacy. Journal of documentation [online], 75(5), pages 977-994. Available from:

Purpose: To develop and test a theoretical framework for understanding information literacy (IL) within the context of a small business workplace environment. The theoretical framework developed related IL competencies to competencies for success as... Read More about Seven pillars and five minds: small business workplace information literacy..

User engagement with political 'facts' in the context of the fake news phenomenon: an exploration of information behaviour. (2019)
Journal Article
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and WALICKA, A. 2019. User engagement with political ‘facts’ in the context of the fake news phenomenon: an exploration of information behaviour. Journal of documentation [online], 75(5), pages 1082-1099. Available from:

The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a study that explored human behaviour in response to political ‘facts’ presented online by political parties in Scotland. The study consisted of interactive online interviews with 23 citizens in... Read More about User engagement with political 'facts' in the context of the fake news phenomenon: an exploration of information behaviour..

Scottish citizens' perceptions of the credibility of online political 'facts' in the 'fake news' era: an exploratory study. (2019)
Journal Article
BAXTER, G., MARCELLA, R. and WALICKA, A. 2019. Scottish citizens’ perceptions of the credibility of online political 'facts' in the 'fake news' era: an exploratory study. Journal of documentation [online], 75(5), pages 1100-1123. Available from:

The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a study that explored public perceptions of the credibility of 'facts and figures' contained within five social media posts produced by political parties in Scotland. The study consisted of an on... Read More about Scottish citizens' perceptions of the credibility of online political 'facts' in the 'fake news' era: an exploratory study..

Minimum aperture transit in healthy adults of different size to predict egress capability. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEWART, A., NEVILL, A. and JOHNSON, C. 2019. Minimum aperture transit in healthy adults of different size to predict egress capability. In Charles, R. and Golightly, D. (eds) Contemporary ergonomics and human factors 2019: proceedings of the Ergonomics and human factors 2019 (EHF 2019), 29 April - 1 May 2019, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. Birmingham : CIEHF [online]. Available from:

Minimum aperture dimensions have traditionally been considered from an industrial perspective for facilitating safe confined-space working or emergency exit from transportation. However, secular trends for increased typical body size resulting from g... Read More about Minimum aperture transit in healthy adults of different size to predict egress capability..

An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist independent prescribers within general practice in remote and rural Scotland. (2019)
Journal Article
BUIST, E. MCLELLAND, R., RUSHWORTH, G.F., STEWART, D., GIBSON-SMITH, K., MACLURE, A., CUNNINGHAM, S. and MACLURE, K. 2019. An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist independent prescribers within general practice in remote and rural Scotland. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 41(5), pages 1138-1142. Available from:

Background: A 12-month pilot was implemented in two general practices in remote and rural Scotland, with patients referred by general practitioners to specialist mental health pharmacist independent prescribers. Objective: The objective was to evalua... Read More about An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist independent prescribers within general practice in remote and rural Scotland..

Multi-residue ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry method for comprehensive multi-class anthropogenic compounds of emerging concern analysis in a catchment-based exposure-driven study. (2019)
Journal Article
PROCTOR, K., PETRIE, B., BARDEN, R., ARNOT, T. and KASPRZYK-HORDERN, B. 2019. Multi-residue ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry method for comprehensive multi-class anthropogenic compounds of emerging concern analysis in a catchment-based exposure-driven study. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry [online], 411(27), pages 7061-7086. Available from:

This paper presents a new multi-residue method for the quantification of more than 142 anthropogenic compounds of emerging concern (CECs) in various environmental matrices. These CECs are from a wide range of major classes including pharmaceuticals,... Read More about Multi-residue ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry method for comprehensive multi-class anthropogenic compounds of emerging concern analysis in a catchment-based exposure-driven study..