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Professor Christine Edwards' Recognition (65)

Invited lecture Algae Biotechnology Course

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Invited to lecture at University of Cambridge, Department of Plant Sciences' course, Algae biotechnology - techniques and opportunities for the sustainable bioeconomy.

Lecture title - Microalgae: chemical factories
Affiliated Organisations University of Cambridge

Invited lecture SAIC Sustainable Aquaculture Summit

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description The need for field test kits for shellfish toxins

16-17 May, at the Technology and Innovation Centre in Glasgow, 2023
Projects Yes/No shellfish toxin test

Invited lecture 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Mexico (virtual)

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Author/co-author on three talks at the 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae, La Paz, Mexico (online).
8th October 2021

Mitigation of harmful algal blooms and their toxins (Presenter Professor Christine Edwards)

Potentially toxic plastic particles: Microplastics as a vector of microcystins. (Presenter Diana S Moura)

Control of six different Microcystis aeruginosa strains and their toxic metabolites by phycocyanin-enhanced UV-A irradiation (Presenter Indira Menezes)
Projects Safe and Sustainable Shellfish: Introducing local testing and management solutions
Microplastics as a vector for micropollutants in aquatic environments
Elimination at source of biocidal agents from fresh water environments by TiO2 photocatalysis

Invited lecture Waters Northern Food and Environmental Meeting (virtual)

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description The Challenge of Microcystin Analysis
25th & 26th November 2020

Invited lecture International Symposium of Innovative Bioproduction Indonesia on Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Tangerang, Indonesia

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description The establishment of pretreatment protocol for lignocellulose biomass from oil palm and sugarcane industry
Research Centre for Biotechnology, Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
Indonesian Convention Exhibition, BSD City, Tangerang, Indonesia
23rd-24th October 2019

Invited lecture RSC Scottish Analytical Division/RSC Local Section, Aberdeen

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Harmful algal toxins: climate change and analytical challenges
Hosted by the School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, RGU, Aberdeen
13th November 2019
Affiliated Organisations Robert Gordon University

Invited lecture 2nd International Symposium on Cyanobacteria and Public Health, Sri Lanka

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Routes of exposure of cyanotoxins
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
Held in Golden Rose Hotel, Boralesgamuwa, Sri Lanka
15th January 2018
Affiliated Organisations University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Invited lecture Phyconet Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description High value, bioactive peptides from cyanobacteria
Malmaison, Birmingham
31st August 2017

Invited lecture Waters Symposium, Edinburgh

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Essential Tools for Mining Algal Treasure
Glass House Hotel, Edinburgh
23rd March 2017

Invited lecture Limassol Water Services, Cyprus

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Cyanobacterial toxins: Occurrence and Management
April 2016

Invited video lecture International conference on Environment and Biosciences, Pakistan

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Bioactive compounds from cyanobacteria.
Sardar Bahadur Khan Women's University, Pakistan
April 2015

Invited lecture SCI 'Bench to Bank' Lecture Series

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Exploiting nature's chemists - high value bioactive compounds from algae
30th January 2014

Invited lecture 16th European Congress on Biotechnology, Edinburgh, UK

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Exploiting nature's chemists - high value bioactive compounds from algae
13th-16th July 2014

Invited lecture Cyprus University of Technology

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description The good, bad and the algae
November 2014
Affiliated Organisations Cyprus University of Technology

Invited lecture Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and public health in Sri Lanka

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Detection of cyanobacterial toxins
Golden Rose Hotel, Boralesgamuwa, Sri Lanka
15th January 2013

Invited lecture Cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins in water and their public health implications, UK Royal Society Workshop, Accra, Ghana

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Global occurrence of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins
28th July - 1st August 2008

Invited lecture Cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins in water and their public health implications, UK Royal Society Workshop, Accra, Ghana

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Exploiting novel microbes in bioremediation of cyanotoxins
28th July - 1st August 2008

Invited lecture Techfest , Aberdeen, UK

Recognition Type Conferences and External Lectures
Description Scotland in bloom
Techfest (public access seminar programme)
September 2006