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Dr Lyndsay Alexander's Outputs (71)

Feasibility and acceptability of a multi-components intervention (PDConnect) to support physical activity in people living with Parkinson's: a mixed methods study. (2023)
JONES, J.C. 2023. Feasibility and acceptability of a multi-components intervention (PDConnect) to support physical activity in people living with Parkinson's: a mixed methods study. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

The benefits of physical activity (PA) for people with Parkinson's are widely acknowledged. To date, research has focussed on the effectiveness of PA interventions, with limited research exploring the optimum means of supporting people living with Pa... Read More about Feasibility and acceptability of a multi-components intervention (PDConnect) to support physical activity in people living with Parkinson's: a mixed methods study..

Perceptions and experiences of different Long COVID community rehabilitation service models from the perspectives of people living with Long COVID and healthcare professionals. (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
DUNCAN, E., ALEXANDER, L., COWIE, J., MORRIS, J., MOSS, R., PRESTON, J., SHIM, J., STAGE, E., TOOMAN, T. and COOPER, K. 2023. Perceptions and experiences of different Long COVID community rehabilitation service models from the perspectives of people living with Long COVID and healthcare professionals. MedRxiv [online]. Available from:

To explore the perceptions and experiences of barriers and facilitators to accessing Long COVID community rehabilitation. We used a qualitative descriptive design over two rounds of data collection with three participant groups: i) people with experi... Read More about Perceptions and experiences of different Long COVID community rehabilitation service models from the perspectives of people living with Long COVID and healthcare professionals..

Interventions to support the mental health and wellbeing of engineering students: a scoping review. (2023)
Journal Article
TAIT, J.E., ALEXANDER, L.A., HANCOCK, E.I. and BISSET, J. 2024. Interventions to support the mental health and wellbeing of engineering students: a scoping review. European journal of engineering education [online], 49(1), pages 45-69. Available from:

Engineering students enter a challenging sector in higher education and are potentially at risk of poor mental health and or mental wellbeing and less likely to seek help when experiencing poor mental health or wellbeing. We carried out a scoping rev... Read More about Interventions to support the mental health and wellbeing of engineering students: a scoping review..

Patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy: a systematic review with meta-analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
SHIM, J., PAVLOVA, A.V., MOSS, R.A., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., TZORTZIOU BROWN, V., MORRISSEY, D., ALEXANDER, L., COOPER, K. and SWINTON, P.A. 2023. Patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Physiotherapy [online], 120, pages 78-94. Available from:

The objective of this study was to synthesise exercise therapy intervention data investigating patient rating outcomes for the management of tendinopathy. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials investigating exercise th... Read More about Patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy: a systematic review with meta-analysis..

Exploring the potential of technology to promote exercise snacking for older adults who are prefrail in the home setting: user-centered design study. (2023)
Journal Article
STAWARZ, K., LIANG, I.J., ALEXANDER, L., CARLIN, A., WIJEKOON, A. and WESTERN, M. 2023. Exploring the potential of technology to promote exercise snacking for older adults who are prefrail in the home setting: user-centered design study. JMIR aging [online], 6, article e41810. Available from:

Older adults have an increased risk of falls, injury, and hospitalization. Maintaining/increasing participation in physical activity (PA) into older age can prevent some of the age-related declines in physical functioning that may contribute to loss... Read More about Exploring the potential of technology to promote exercise snacking for older adults who are prefrail in the home setting: user-centered design study..

Effect of resistance exercise dose components for tendinopathy management: a systematic review with meta-analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
PAVLOVA, A.V., SHIM, J.S.C., MOSS, R., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., ALEXANDER, L., BROWN, V.T., MORRISSEY, D., COOPER, K. and SWINTON, P.A. 2023. Effect of resistance exercise dose components for tendinopathy management: a systematic review with meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine [online], 57(20), pages 1327-1334. Available from:

The objective of this study was to investigate potential moderating effects of resistance exercise dose components - including intensity, volume and frequency - for the management of common tendinopathies. The study was conducted through a systematic... Read More about Effect of resistance exercise dose components for tendinopathy management: a systematic review with meta-analysis..

What CBA-informed interventions currently exist to support prehabilitation? Scoping review protocol. [Protocol] (2023)
SHIM, J., ALEXANDER, L., PEPPER, S., PAVLOVA, A., MCCALLUM, M. and COOPER, K. 2023. What CBA-informed interventions currently exist to support prehabilitation? Scoping review protocol. [Protocol]. OSF preprints [online]. Available from:

Prehabilitation or pre-operative services vary extensively in content and accessibility, as there are currently no nationwide standards in place for providing and evaluating prehabilitation. Furthermore, there has been a lack of consideration of the... Read More about What CBA-informed interventions currently exist to support prehabilitation? Scoping review protocol. [Protocol].

Co-designing the inflammatory arthritis self-management (aiM) intervention. (2023)
KNUTH, A. 2023. Co-designing the inflammatory arthritis self-management (aiM) intervention. Robert Gordon University, DPT thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Self-management is an integral part of care for people living with inflammatory arthritis. The benefits of self-management interventions for people living with long-term conditions are well established. To date, most of the inflammatory arthritis sel... Read More about Co-designing the inflammatory arthritis self-management (aiM) intervention..

What are small, medium and large effect sizes for exercise treatments of tendinopathy? A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
SWINTON, P.A., SHIM, J.S.C., PAVLOVA, A.V., MOSS, R., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., BROWN, V.T., MORRISSEY, D., ALEXANDER, L. and COOPER, K. 2023. What are small, medium and large effect sizes for exercise treatments of tendinopathy? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ open sport and exercise medicine [online], 9(1), article number e001389. Available from:

The objective of this study was to quantify and describe effect size distributions from exercise therapies across a range of tendinopathies and outcome domains, to inform future research and clinical practice through conducting a systematic review wi... Read More about What are small, medium and large effect sizes for exercise treatments of tendinopathy? A systematic review and meta-analysis..

Recommendations for the extraction, analysis, and presentation of results in scoping reviews. (2022)
Journal Article
POLLOCK, D., PETERS, M.D.J., KHALIL, H., MCINERNEY, P., ALEXANDER, L., TRICCO, A.C., EVANS, C., BRANDÃO DE MORAES, É., GODFREY, C.M., PIEPER, D., SARAN, A., STERN, C. and MUNN, Z. 2023. Recommendations for the extraction, analysis, and presentation of results in scoping reviews. JBI evidence synthesis [online], 21(3), pages 520-532. Available from:

Scoping reviewers often face challenges in the extraction, analysis, and presentation of scoping review results. Using best-practice examples and drawing on the expertise of the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group and an editor of a journal that pub... Read More about Recommendations for the extraction, analysis, and presentation of results in scoping reviews..

The role of scoping reviews in reducing research waste. (2022)
Journal Article
KHALIL, H., PETERS, M.D.J., MCINERNEY, P.A., GODFREY, C.M., ALEXANDER, L., EVANS, C., PIEPER, D., MORAES, E.B., TRICCO, A.C. MUNN, Z. and POLLOCK, D. 2022. The role of scoping reviews in reducing research waste. Journal of clinical epidemiology [online], 152, pages 30-35. Available from:

Scoping reviews and evidence map methodologies are increasingly being used by researchers. The objective of this article is to examine how scoping reviews can reduce research waste. This article summarizes the key issues facing the research community... Read More about The role of scoping reviews in reducing research waste..

Feasibility and acceptability of PDConnect: a collaborative approach to physical activity for people with Parkinson's. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JONES, J., ALEXANDER, L., HANCOCK, L. and COOPER, K. 2022. Feasibility and acceptability of PDConnect: a collaborative approach to physical activity for people with Parkinson's. Presented at the 2022 International congress of Parkinson's disease and movement disorders (MDS 2022), 15-18 September 2022, Madrid, Spain.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of a novel collaborative telehealth-based physical activity intervention for people with Parkinson's. The benefits of physical activity for people with Parkinson's (PwP) are wide... Read More about Feasibility and acceptability of PDConnect: a collaborative approach to physical activity for people with Parkinson's..

The use of aquatic physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. [Protocol] (2022)
MURRAY, L., KENNEDY, M., ALEXANDER, L., MALONE, M. and MAIR, L. 2022. The use of aquatic physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. [Protocol]. Hosted on OSF [online]. Available from:

To identify existing literature related to aquatic exercise therapy used to manage upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders and identify key concepts, intervention components, and gaps in the evidence base. Musculoskeletal conditions are a global ch... Read More about The use of aquatic physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal upper extremity disorders: a scoping review. [Protocol].

The effectiveness of multifactorial and multicomponent interventions for the prevention of falls for adults in hospital settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
PAVLOVA, A.V., SWINTON, P.A., GREIG, L., ALEXANDER, L. and COOPER, K. 2022. The effectiveness of multifactorial and multicomponent interventions for the prevention of falls for adults in hospital settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. MedRxiv [online]. Available from:

The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the effectiveness of multicomponent and multifactorial interventions for reducing falls in adult in-patients. Falls are the most common cause of accidental injury in hospitals... Read More about The effectiveness of multifactorial and multicomponent interventions for the prevention of falls for adults in hospital settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis..

Which treatment classes and combinations are more effective for the management of common tendinopathies? A systematic review and network meta-analysis. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
SWINTON, P.A., SHIM, J., PAVLOVA, A.V., MOSS, R.A., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., TZORTZIOU BROWN, V., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., MORRISSEY, D., ALEXANDER, L. and COOPER, K. 2022. Which treatment classes and combinations are more effective for the management of common tendinopathies? A systematic review and network meta-analysis. SportRxiv [online]. Available from:

The aim of this research was to quantify the comparative effectiveness of treatment classes used for the management of the most common tendinopathies. The project studied network meta-analyses comparing combinations of exercise, non-exercise, and non... Read More about Which treatment classes and combinations are more effective for the management of common tendinopathies? A systematic review and network meta-analysis..

What are scoping reviews? Providing a formal definition of scoping reviews as a type of evidence synthesis. (2022)
Journal Article
MUNN, Z., POLLOCK, D., KHALIL, H., ALEXANDER, L., MCINERNEY, P., GODFREY, C.M., PETERS, M. and TRICCO, A.C. 2022. What are scoping reviews? Providing a formal definition of scoping reviews as a type of evidence synthesis. JBI evidence synthesis [online], 20(4), pages 950-952. Available from:

Evidence synthesis encompasses a broad range of review types and scoping reviews are an increasingly popular approach to synthesizing evidence in a number of fields. They sit alongside other evidence synthesis methodologies such as systematic reviews... Read More about What are scoping reviews? Providing a formal definition of scoping reviews as a type of evidence synthesis..

Moving from consultation to co-creation with knowledge users in scoping reviews: guidance from the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group. (2022)
Journal Article
POLLOCK, D., ALEXANDER, L., MUNN, Z., PETERS, M.D.J., KHALIL, H., GODFREY, C.M., MCINERNEY, P., SYNNOT, A. and TRICCO, A.C. 2022. Moving from consultation to co-creation with knowledge users in scoping reviews: guidance from the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group. JBI evidence synthesis [online], 20(4), pages 969-979. Available from:

Knowledge user consultation is often limited or omitted in the conduct of scoping reviews. Not including knowledge users within the conduct and reporting of scoping reviews could be due to a lack of guidance or understanding about what consultation r... Read More about Moving from consultation to co-creation with knowledge users in scoping reviews: guidance from the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group..

The effect of dose components on resistance exercise therapies for tendinopathy management: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
PAVLOVA, A.V., SHIM, J., MOSS, R.A., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., MORRISSEY, D., ALEXANDER, L., COOPER, K. and SWINTON, P.A. 2022. The effect of dose components on resistance exercise therapies for tendinopathy management: a systematic review and meta-analysis. SportRxiv [online]. Available from:

The purpose of this study was to investigate potential moderating effects of resistance exercise dose components including intensity, volume and frequency, for the management of common tendinopathies. The research was undertaken through a systematic... Read More about The effect of dose components on resistance exercise therapies for tendinopathy management: a systematic review and meta-analysis..

Are patients satisfied? A systematic review and meta-analysis of patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
SHIM, J., PAVLOVA, A.V., MOSS, R.A., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., TZORTZIOU BROWN, V., MORRISSEY, D., ALEXANDER, L., COOPER, K. and SWINTON, P.A. 2022. Are patients satisfied? A systematic review and meta-analysis of patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy. SportRxiv [online]. Available from:

Outcomes measuring patient rating of overall condition, including patient satisfaction, are associated with improved general health and higher quality of life. However, this outcome domain is under-explored in the management of tendinopathy. The purp... Read More about Are patients satisfied? A systematic review and meta-analysis of patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy..

Exercise therapy for tendinopathy: a scoping review mapping interventions and outcomes. (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
ALEXANDER, L., SHIM, J., HARRISON, I., MOSS, R., GREIG, L., PAVLOVA, A., PARKINSON, E., MACLEAN, C., MORRISSEY, D., SWINTON, P., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., BROWN, V. and COOPER, K. 2021. Exercise therapy for tendinopathy: a scoping review mapping interventions and outcomes. SportRxiv [online]. Available from:

The aim of this research was to comprehensively map exercise interventions and outcomes across all tendinopathies. The study took the form of a scoping review. Eligibility criteria (PCC) included: 1) participants - any age or gender, with any tendino... Read More about Exercise therapy for tendinopathy: a scoping review mapping interventions and outcomes..