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Professor Scott Cunningham's Outputs (94)

Comparing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care between patients residing in central and remote locations: a retrospective case series. (2018)
Journal Article
KAMONA, A., CUNNINGHAM, S., ADDISON, B., RUSHWORTH, G.F., CALL, A., BLOE, C., INNES, A., BOND, R.R., PEACE, A. and LESLIE, S.J. 2018. Comparing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care between patients residing in central and remote locations: a retrospective case series. Rural and remote health [online], 18(4), article ID 4618. Available from:

People who experience an ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) due to an occluded coronary artery require prompt treatment. Treatments to open a blocked artery are called reperfusion therapies (RTs), and can include intravenous pharmacological t... Read More about Comparing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care between patients residing in central and remote locations: a retrospective case series..

A multi-perspective evaluation of specialist mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers practising withing general practices in NHS Highland. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BUIST, E., MCLELLAND, R., MACLURE, K., STEWART, D., RUSHWORTH, G., GIBSON SMITH, K., MACLURE, A. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2018. A multi-perspective evaluation of specialist mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers practising within general practices in NHS Highland. Presented at the 9th International College of Mental Health Pharmacy (CMHP) psychiatric pharmacy conference, 12-14 October 2018, Loughborough, UK.

Mental health issues are a common feature of primary care consultations and around a third of GP consultations have a mental health element. The Scottish Government’s 10 year Mental Health Strategy has ambitions to transform services so every GP prac... Read More about A multi-perspective evaluation of specialist mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers practising withing general practices in NHS Highland..

Multidisciplinary views towards the clinical pharmacist: a hospital palliative cancer care team perspective in Malta. (2018)
Journal Article
ATKINS, S.R. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2018. Multidisciplinary views towards the clinical pharmacist: a hospital palliative cancer care team perspective in Malta. Journal of pharmaceutical health services research [online], 9(4), pages 327-333. Available from:

Objectives: To explore the views of the multidisciplinary healthcare team towards the role of the clinical pharmacist within the palliative care unit of an oncology hospital in Malta. At present, in Malta, clinical pharmacists are not routinely invol... Read More about Multidisciplinary views towards the clinical pharmacist: a hospital palliative cancer care team perspective in Malta..

Methodological considerations in clinical outcomes assessment of pharmacy-based minor ailments management: a systematic review. (2018)
Journal Article
PAUDYAL, V., CUNNINGHAM, S., GIBSON SMITH, K., MACLURE, K., RYAN, C. and CORDINA, M. 2018. Methodological considerations in clinical outcomes assessment of pharmacy-based minor ailments management: a systematic review. PLoS one [online], 13(10), article ID e0205087. Available from:

Background: The accessibility of services within community pharmacies provides an ideal opportunity to manage minor ailments, yet over £1.1 billion is spent by the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom (UK) in managing minor ailments in... Read More about Methodological considerations in clinical outcomes assessment of pharmacy-based minor ailments management: a systematic review..

An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers within primary care medical practices in NHS Highland. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MACLURE, K., STEWART, D., BUIST, E., MCLELLAND, R., SHAW, T., MACLURE, A., CUNNINGHAM, S., MACASKILL, K. and RUSHWORTH, G. 2018. An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers within primary care medical practices in NHS Highland. Presented at the 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) world congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (FIP 2018), 2-6 September 2018, Glasgow, UK.

Background: A pilot has been conducted during which a specialist mental health clinical pharmacist prescriber (SMHCPP) consulted with patients by appointment at one of two GP Practices. Purpose: To evaluate the SMHCPP delivered pharmaceutical care to... Read More about An evaluation of mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers within primary care medical practices in NHS Highland..

Technology-enabled pharmaceutical care in NHS Highland: equality of access to remote populations. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MORRISON, C., MACLURE, K., GIBSON SMITH, K., HANNAM, P., DIXON, L., MACRAE, Y., CUNNINGHAM, S. and STEWART, D. 2018. Technology-enabled pharmaceutical care in NHS Highland: equality of access to remote populations. Presented at the 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) world congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (FIP 2018), 2-6 September 2018, Glasgow, UK.

Background: Equity of access to healthcare is a strategic priority in Scotland. Purpose: To evaluate the NHS Highland technology-enabled delivery of pharmaceutical care. Methods: A mixed-methods evaluation followed 3 remotely-based pharmacists who de... Read More about Technology-enabled pharmaceutical care in NHS Highland: equality of access to remote populations..

Exploring the role of pharmacy teams in Scottish GP practice: an interim analysis. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEWART, D., BENNIE, M., MACLURE, K., NEWHAM, R., GIBSON SMITH, K., CUNNINGHAM, S., BRUCE, R., FRY, S. and MACKERROW, J. 2018. Exploring the role of pharmacy teams in Scottish GP practice: an interim analysis. Presented at the 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) world congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (FIP 2018), 2-6 September 2018, Glasgow, UK.

Background: Scottish Government policy has highlighted the potential contribution of pharmacy teams, comprising pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, in GP practices in Scotland. Purpose: To explore the role of pharmacy teams in GP practices in Scotl... Read More about Exploring the role of pharmacy teams in Scottish GP practice: an interim analysis..

A systematic review of clinicians' views and experiences of direct-acting oral anticoagulants in the management of non-valvular atrial fibrillation. (2018)
Journal Article
GENERALOVA, D., CUNNINGHAM, S., LESLIE, S.J., RUSHWORTH, G.F., MCIVER, L. and STEWART, D. 2018. A systematic review of clinicians' views and experiences of direct-acting oral anticoagulants in the management of non-valvular atrial fibrillation. British journal of clinical pharmacology [online], 84(12), pages 2692-2703. Available from:

Introduction: While a plethora of systematic reviews have provided evidence of efficacy, effectiveness and safety of direct-acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in the management of non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF), there has been little emphasis... Read More about A systematic review of clinicians' views and experiences of direct-acting oral anticoagulants in the management of non-valvular atrial fibrillation..

A qualitative study of the perspectives of older people in remote Scotland on accessibility to healthcare, medicines and medicines-taking. (2018)
Journal Article
STEWART, D., GIBSON-SMITH, K., CUNNINGHAM, S., PFLEGER, S and RUSHWORTH, G. 2018. A qualitative study of the perspectives of older people in remote Scotland on accessibility to healthcare, medicines and medicines-taking. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 40(5), pages 1300-1308. Available from:

Background: Recent evidence highlights the disproportionate rates of health inequality often experienced within remote and rural communities. Access to medicines within remote and rural communities may also prove problematic. Objective: The aim was t... Read More about A qualitative study of the perspectives of older people in remote Scotland on accessibility to healthcare, medicines and medicines-taking..

Stakeholders' views and experiences of pharmacist prescribing: a systematic review. (2018)
Journal Article
JEBARA, T., CUNNINGHAM, S., MACLURE, K., AWAISU, A., PALLIVALAPILA, A. and STEWART, D. 2018. Stakeholders' views and experiences of pharmacist prescribing: a systematic review. British journal of clinical pharmacology [online], 84(9), pages 1883-1905. Available from:

AIMS: The aims of this systematic review were to: (1) critically appraise, synthesize and present the available evidence on the views and experiences of stakeholders on pharmacist prescribing and; (2) present the perceived facilitators and barriers f... Read More about Stakeholders' views and experiences of pharmacist prescribing: a systematic review..

The structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AL RAIISI, F., STEWART, D., SALGADO, T., FERNANDEZ-LLIMOS, F., FAHMY, M. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2018. The structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review. European journal of hospital pharmacy [online], 25(Supplement 1): proceedings of the 23rd European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) congress 2018: hospital pharmacists: show us what you can do!, 21-23 March 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, article number 4CPS-192. Available from:

The aim of this systematic review was to critically appraise, synthesize and present the available evidence for the structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice in caring from patients with chronic kidney disease. The key... Read More about The structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review..

The experiences and beliefs of older people in Scottish very sheltered housing about using multi-compartment compliance aids. (2018)
Journal Article
STEWART, D., GIBSON-SMITH, K., MACLEOD, J., STRATH, A., PAUDYAL, V., FORBES-MCKAY, K., CUNNINGHAM, S. and MACLURE, K. 2018. The experiences and beliefs of older people in Scottish very sheltered housing about using multi-compartment compliance aids. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 40(2), pages 394-402. Available from:

The aim was to describe the experiences and beliefs of older people surrounding the use of MCAs, with emphasis on issues of personalisation, reablement, shared decision-making, independence and support. This was a qualitative study comprising individ... Read More about The experiences and beliefs of older people in Scottish very sheltered housing about using multi-compartment compliance aids..

Exploring the facilitators and barriers towards implementation of electronic prescribing, dispensing, and administration of medicines in hospitals in Ireland. (2017)
HOGAN-MURPHY, D. 2017. Exploring the facilitators and barriers towards implementation of electronic prescribing, dispensing, and administration of medicines in hospitals in Ireland. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Limited data exist on the facilitators and barriers to implementing electronic systems for medicines management in hospitals. Whilst numerous studies advocate system use in improved patient safety and efficiency within the health service, their rate... Read More about Exploring the facilitators and barriers towards implementation of electronic prescribing, dispensing, and administration of medicines in hospitals in Ireland..

Views and perceptions of key stakeholders in Qatar on pharmacist prescribing. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JEBARA, T., CUNNINGHAM, S., MACLURE, K., AWAISU, A., AL-HAIL, M., PALLIVALAPILA, A. and STEWART, D. 2017. Views and perceptions of key stakeholders in Qatar on pharmacist prescribing. Presented at the 46th European symposium on clinical pharmacy: science meets practice: towards evidence-based clinical pharmacy services, 9-11 October 2017, Heidelberg, Germany.

Background and Objective: Pharmacist prescribing has been implemented successfully in several countries around the world, with evidence of effectiveness, safety and acceptability. The Qatar Health Strategy provides the opportunity to advance further... Read More about Views and perceptions of key stakeholders in Qatar on pharmacist prescribing..

Stakeholders' views and experiences of pharmacist prescribing: a systematic review. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JEBARA, T., CUNNINGHAM, S., MACLURE, K., AWAISU, A., PALLIVALAPILA, A. and STEWART, D 2017. Stakeholders' views and experiences of pharmacist prescribing: a systematic review. Presented at the 46th European symposium on clinical pharmacy: science meets practice: towards evidence-based clinical pharmacy services, 9-11 October 2017, Heidelberg, Germany.

While prescribing has been traditionally been the domain of physicians, prescribing by pharmacists has been implemented successfully in countries across the world. Developments are supported by evidence of effectiveness and safety. To facilitate furt... Read More about Stakeholders' views and experiences of pharmacist prescribing: a systematic review..

Social and cognitive influences on prescribing decisions among non-medical prescribers. (2017)
MCINTOSH, T. 2017. Social and cognitive influences on prescribing decisions among non-medical prescribers. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Non-medical prescribers make an increasing contribution to healthcare across the UK yet little is known about influences on their prescribing decision-making. The aim of this programme of research was to explore and describe prescribing decision-maki... Read More about Social and cognitive influences on prescribing decisions among non-medical prescribers..

Erratum to: Clinical pharmacist evaluation of medication inappropriateness in the emergency department of a teaching hospital in Malta. (2017)
Journal Article
WEST, L.M., CORDINA, M. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2017. Erratum to: clinical pharmacist evaluation of medication inappropriateness in the emergency department of a teaching hospital in Malta. Pharmacy practice [online], 15(3), page 1092. Available from:

The following scoring details of the ‘Medication Appropriateness Index’ (MAI) originated by Hanlon, Schmader and their colleagues were unintentionally inverted erroneously in our artic, WEST, L.M., CORDINA, M. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2012. Cl... Read More about Erratum to: Clinical pharmacist evaluation of medication inappropriateness in the emergency department of a teaching hospital in Malta..

Evaluating pharmacist input into the pharmaceutical care of patients in dispensing medical practices in remote and rural areas of Scotland. (2017)
Journal Article
STEWART, D., ANTHONY, B., MORRISON, C., MACRAE, Y., DIXON, L., FRIEL, E., YOONG, E., CUNNINGHAM, S. and MACLURE, K. 2017. Evaluating pharmacist input into the pharmaceutical care of patients in dispensing medical practices in remote and rural areas of Scotland. Family practice [online], 34(4), pages 491-499. Available from:

Background. - The Highlands and the Western Isles are the two most remote and rural areas of Scotland, with many medical practices in areas where pharmacies would not be viable. Recent regulations state that that dispensing medical practices in these... Read More about Evaluating pharmacist input into the pharmaceutical care of patients in dispensing medical practices in remote and rural areas of Scotland..

Future perspectives on nonmedical prescribing. (2017)
Journal Article
STEWART, D., JEBARA, T., CUNNINGHAM, S., AWAISU, A., PALLIVALAPILA, A. and MACLURE, K. 2017. Future perspectives on nonmedical prescribing. Therapeutic advances in drug safety [online], 8(6), pages 183-197. Available from:

Many countries have implemented nonmedical prescribing (NMP) and many others are scoping prescribing practices with a view to developing NMP. This paper provides a future perspective on NMP in light of findings of an umbrella review of aspects of NMP... Read More about Future perspectives on nonmedical prescribing..

A cross-sectional survey of the access of older people in the Scottish Highlands to general medical practices, community pharmacies and prescription medicines. (2017)
Journal Article
RUSHWORTH, G.F., CUNNINGHAM, S., PFLEGER, S., HALL, J. and STEWART, D. 2017. A cross-sectional survey of the access of older people in the Scottish Highlands to general medical practices, community pharmacies and prescription medicines. Research in social and administrative pharmacy [online], 14(1), pages 76-85. Available from:

Access to medicines and healthcare is more problematic in remote and rural areas. The purpose of this study was to quantify issues of access to general practitioners (GPs), community pharmacies and prescribed medicines in older people resident in the... Read More about A cross-sectional survey of the access of older people in the Scottish Highlands to general medical practices, community pharmacies and prescription medicines..