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Mrs Margaret Downie's Outputs (12)

Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. [NHS Grampian R&D Poster] (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SIVERS, S., DOWNIE, M., TAI, J., MORGAN, H., TURNER, S., HERD, F., WORDIE, A. and DONALD, A. 2023. Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. Presented at the 2023 NHS Grampian research and development conference (NHS Grampian R&D 2023), 20 September 2023, Aberdeen, UK.

Conflicts between parents and clinicians over the care of children with life-limiting conditions can reach the point where courts must intervene, causing distress, unwanted media attention and costs. This NHS Grampian case study sought to understand... Read More about Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. [NHS Grampian R&D Poster].

Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. [RCPCH Poster] (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SIVERS, S., DOWNIE, M., TAI, J., MORGAN, H., TURNER, S., HERD, F., WORDIE, A. and DONALD, A. 2023. Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. Presented at the 2023 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health conference (RCPCH 2023), 23-25 May 2023, Glasgow, UK.

Conflicts over the care of children with life-limiting conditions can reach the point where courts have to intervene,
but giving evidence causes distress, unwanted media attention and costs. The decision in Charlie Gard’s case in England
included a... Read More about Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. [RCPCH Poster].

Resolving Scottish paediatric end-of-life conflicts. (2022)
Journal Article
SIVERS, S. and DOWNIE, M. 2023. Resolving Scottish paediatric end-of-life conflicts. Medico-legal journal [online], 91(1), pages 46-49. Available from:

This article considers mediation as a means of resolving decision-making disputes between clinicians and parents in paediatric end-of-life cases. It examines the legal tests applied in England and Wales, and notes the lack of precedent in Scotland. T... Read More about Resolving Scottish paediatric end-of-life conflicts..

Weathering the storm. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WORK, F. and the RGU INSTITUTIONAL RESILIENCE PROJECT GROUP. 2022. Weathering the storm. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

Resilient Learning Communities is the 2020-2023 sector-wide QAA Enhancement theme (QAA 2020), with a specific aim to improve the student learning experience. QAA Enhancement themes involve institutions, staff and students working together to share pr... Read More about Weathering the storm..

Social work and human rights: a practice guide. (2019)
HARMS-SMITH, L., MARTINEZ-HERRERO, M.I.,ARNELL, P., BOLGER, J., BUTLER-WARKE, A., COOK, W., DOWNIE, M., FARMER, N., NICHOLLS, J. and MACDERMOTT, D. 2019. Social work and human rights: a practical guide. Birmingham: BASW [online]. Available from

The legislation and policy under which social workers practice is governed by human rights legislation. The Human Rights Act 1998 identified a number of protections including the right to liberty (Article 5) and the right to family life (Article 8).... Read More about Social work and human rights: a practice guide..

Social work and human rights: the international context. (2019)
HARMS-SMITH, L., MARTINEZ-HERRERO, M.I., ARNELL, P., BOLGER, J., BUTLER-WARKE, A., DOWNIE, M., NICHOLLS, J. and MACDERMOTT, D. 2019. Social work and human rights: the international context. Birmingham: BASW [online]. Available from

This publication is a companion to ‘Social Work and Human Rights: A Practice Guide’. Both publications can be read separately or together. To maintain continuity between the two the numbering of ‘Social Work and Human Rights: The International Contex... Read More about Social work and human rights: the international context..

Offshore helicopter travel: is the U.K. oil and gas industry failing offshore workers? (2019)
Journal Article
DOWNIE, M. and GOSLING, D. 2020. Offshore helicopter travel: is the U.K. oil and gas industry failing offshore workers? New solutions: a journal of environmental and occupational health policy [online], 29(4), pages 504-518. Available from:

In the United Kingdom, oil and gas workers have been transported by helicopter to their workplace at offshore installations for over fifty years. During that time, there have been numerous fatal helicopter accidents. Despite calls from trade unions,... Read More about Offshore helicopter travel: is the U.K. oil and gas industry failing offshore workers?.

Preferential pay protection: does UK law provide poorer protection to those discriminated against on grounds of protected characteristics other than gender? (2019)
Journal Article
DOWNIE, M. 2019. Preferential pay protection: does UK law provide poorer protection to those discriminated against on grounds of protected characteristics other than gender? International journal of decrimination and the law [online], 19(1), pages 4-25. Available from:

UK law treats equal pay claims based on gender (brought under the equal pay provisions of Part 5 Chapter 3 of the Equality Act 2010) differently from equal pay claims based on other protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, m... Read More about Preferential pay protection: does UK law provide poorer protection to those discriminated against on grounds of protected characteristics other than gender?.

Impacts of cultural differences on international arbitration based on the example of Iran. (2018)
HOWARD, M. 2018. Impacts of cultural differences on international arbitration based on the example of Iran. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This research aims to ascertain whether and to what extent cultural issues impact the accessibility and effectiveness of international arbitration, and to provide recommendations which will contribute to the improvement of international arbitration.... Read More about Impacts of cultural differences on international arbitration based on the example of Iran..

Anglo-American comparison of employers' liability for discrimination in employment based on weightism. (2015)
Journal Article
MIDDLEMISS, S. and DOWNIE, M. 2015. Anglo-American comparison of employers' liability for discrimination in employment based on weightism. Equal rights review, 15, pages 87-111.

This article analyses and compares research into discrimination based on weight (weightism) and the legal rules that cover it in the United Kingdom and the United States. Weightism is discrimination that is often based on stereotypical views of peopl... Read More about Anglo-American comparison of employers' liability for discrimination in employment based on weightism..

Recent changes in the evidential requirements in indirect sex and race discrimination cases. (2009)
Journal Article
MIDDLEMISS, S. and DOWNIE, M. 2009. Recent changes in the evidential requirements in indirect sex and race discrimination cases. International journal of law and management [online], 51(6), pages 367-373. Available from:

The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse the impact of recent case law on the various evidential requirements in the area of indirect sex and indirect race discrimination in employment. It is intended to distil from the case law a comprehen... Read More about Recent changes in the evidential requirements in indirect sex and race discrimination cases..