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A comparison of feature extractors for panorama stitching in an autonomous car architecture. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CORTÉS-GALLARDO, E., MORENO-GARCIA, C.F., ZHU, A., CHÍPULI-SILVA, D., GONZÁLEZ-GONZÁLEZ, J.A., MORALES-ORTIZ, D., FERNÁNDEZ, S., URRIZA, B., VALVERDE-LÓPEZ, J., MARÍN, A., PÉREZ, H., IZQUIERDO-REYES, J. and BUSTAMANTE-BELLO, R. 2019. A comparison of feature extractors for panorama stitching in an autonomous care architecture. In Proceedings of 2019 International conference on mechatronics, electronics and automotive engineering (ICMEAE 2019), 26-29 November 2019, Cuernavaca, Mexico. Piscataway: IEEE [online], page 50-55. Available from:

Panorama stitching consists on frames being put together to create a 360o view. This technique is proposed for its implementation in autonomous vehicles instead of the use of an external 360o camera, mostly due to its reduced cost and improved aerody... Read More about A comparison of feature extractors for panorama stitching in an autonomous car architecture..

Towards a conversational agent for threat detection in the internet of things. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MCDERMOTT, C.D., JEANNELLE, B. and ISAACS, J.P. 2019. Towards a conversational agent for threat detection in the internet of things. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Cyber science on cyber situational awareness, data analytics and assessment (Cyber SA): pioneering research and innovation in cyber situational awareness, 3-4 June 2019, Oxford, UK. Piscataway: IEEE [online], chapter 6. Available from:

A conversational agent to detect anomalous traffic in consumer IoT networks is presented. The agent accepts two inputs in the form of user speech received by Amazon Alexa enabled devices, and classified IDS logs stored in a DynamoDB Table. Aural anal... Read More about Towards a conversational agent for threat detection in the internet of things..

The effects of measurement error and testing frequency on the fitness-fatigue model applied to resistance training: a simulation approach. (2019)
Journal Article
STEPHENS HEMINGWAY, B.H., BURGESS, K.E., ELYAN, E. and SWINTON, P.A. 2020. The effects of measurement error and testing frequency on the fitness-fatigue model applied to resistance training: a simulation approach. International journal of sports science and coaching [online], 15(1), pages 60-71. Available from:

This study investigated the effects of measurement error and testing frequency on prediction accuracy of the standard fitness-fatigue model. A simulation-based approach was used to systematically assess measurement error and frequency inputs commonly... Read More about The effects of measurement error and testing frequency on the fitness-fatigue model applied to resistance training: a simulation approach..

Design thinking and acceptance requirements for designing gamified software. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRAS, L., DELLAGIACOMA, D., PERINI, A., SUSI, A., GIORGINI, P. and MYLOPOULOS, J. 2019. Design thinking and acceptance requirements for designing gamified software. In Kolp, M., Vanderdonckt, J., Snoeck, M. and Wautelet, Y. (eds.) Proceedings of 13th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Research challenges in information science international conference 2019 (RICS 2019): towards a design science for information systems, 29-31 May 2019, Brussels, Belgium. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 81-92. Available from:

Gamification is increasingly applied to engage people in performing tool-supported collaborative tasks. From previous experiences we learned that available gamification guidelines are not sufficient, and more importantly that motivational and accepta... Read More about Design thinking and acceptance requirements for designing gamified software..

Data stream mining: methods and challenges for handling concept drift. (2019)
Journal Article
WARES, S., ISAACS, J. and ELYAN, E. 2019. Data stream mining: methods and challenges for handling concept drift. SN applied sciences [online], 1(11), article ID 1412. Available from:

Mining and analysing streaming data is crucial for many applications, and this area of research has gained extensive attention over the past decade. However, there are several inherent problems that continue to challenge the hardware and the state-of... Read More about Data stream mining: methods and challenges for handling concept drift..

From augmented to authentic: weaving the past into the future. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEED, J., JIANG, Y. and CROSS, K. 2019. From augmented to authentic: weaving the past into the future. Presented at 2019 Shoormal conference: new coasts and shorelines: shifting sands in the creative economy, 18-21 September 2019, Lerwick, UK

As our understanding of the provenance and inherent value of artisan textile and craft skills alters through our increasingly digital and fast paced world, there needs to be a revaluing of hand/human processes that reconnect people and products in an... Read More about From augmented to authentic: weaving the past into the future..

室内3D点云模型的门窗检测. (2019)
Journal Article
SHEN, L., LI, G., XIAN, C., JIANG, Y. and XIONG, Y. 2019. 室内3D点云模型的门窗检测. Jisuanji fuzhu sheji yu tuxingxue xuebao/Journal of computer-aided design and computer graphics [online], 31(9), pages 1494-1501. Available from:

This paper proposes a 3D-2D-3D algorithm for doors and windows detection in 3D indoor environment of point cloud data. Firstly, by setting up a virtual camera in the middle of this 3D environment, a set of pictures are taken from different angles by... Read More about 室内3D点云模型的门窗检测..

Flood risk management in sponge cities: the role of integrated simulation and 3D visualization. (2019)
Journal Article
WANG, C., HOU, J., MILLER, D., BROWN, I. and JIANG, Y. 2019. Flood risk management in sponge cities: the role of integrated simulation and 3D visualization. International journal of disaster risk reduction [online], 39, article ID 101139. Available from:

The Sponge City concept has been promoted as a major programme of work to address increasing flood risk in urban areas, in combination with wider benefits for water resources and urban renewal. However, realization of the concept requires collaborati... Read More about Flood risk management in sponge cities: the role of integrated simulation and 3D visualization..