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All Outputs (61)

Inconsistency and contradiction: lessons in improvisation in the work of Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison. (2016)
Book Chapter
DOUGLAS, A. and FREMANTLE, C. 2016. Inconsistency and contradiction: lessons in improvisation in the work of Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison. In Brady, J. (ed.) Elemental: an arts and ecology reader. Manchester: Gaia Project Press, [online]. Available from:

The essay draws out the learning from the authors' analysis of the practice of Helen Mayer Harrison (1927-2018) and Newton Harrison (b.1932), collectively known as 'the Harrisons'. Inconsistency and contradiction are conventionally eliminated in rese... Read More about Inconsistency and contradiction: lessons in improvisation in the work of Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison..

Walking in unquiet landscapes: layers of human settlements in the hills of Aberdeenshire. (2016)
Newspaper / Magazine
DOUGLAS, A. and FREMANTLE, C. 2016. Walking in unquiet landscapes: layers of human settlements in the hills of Aberdeenshire. Tate etc., 36, pages 94-95.

Other traditions run through depictions of the British landscape, below and beyond romantic idealisations. Here, Anne Douglas and Chris Fremantle trace the layers of human settlements in the hills of Aberdeenshire.

The hope of something different. (2015)
Digital Artefact
FREMANTLE, C. 2015. The hope of something different. Posted on A restless art: thinking about community and participatory art [online]. 17 December 2015. Available from:

Participatory art is a rich and diverse practice. Much of its energy comes from the creative tensions between different theories and visions, as may be seen from some of the reaction to the Turner Prize jury's choice. But art is not only intellectual... Read More about The hope of something different..

Owning failure: insights into the perceptions and understandings of art educators. (2015)
Journal Article
FREMANTLE, C. and KEARNEY, G. 2015. Owning failure: insights into the perceptions and understandings of art educators. International journal of art and design education [online], 34(3), pages 309-318. Available from:

Failure forms an important dimension of art and design and is inherent in creative endeavours. This article explores current literature on failure in the art and design context and offers a contribution through qualitative research drawing upon inter... Read More about Owning failure: insights into the perceptions and understandings of art educators..

Are design-led innovation approaches applicable to SMEs? (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GULARI, M.N. and FREMANTLE, C. 2015. Are design-led innovation approaches applicable to SMEs? In Bingham, G., Southee, D., McCardle, J., Kovacevic, A., Bohemia, E. and Parkinson, B. (eds.) Proceedings of the 17th International conference on engineering and product design eduction (E&PDE 2015): great expectations: design teaching, research and enterprise, 3-4 September 2015, Loughborough, UK. Glasgow: Design Society [online], pages 556-561. Available from:

This study analyses the design discourse and approaches in order to identify whether design-led innovation approaches are applicable to SMEs. It discusses the number of concepts that are widely used in design including design-driven innovation, desig... Read More about Are design-led innovation approaches applicable to SMEs?.

Immersing the artist and designer in the needs of the clinician: evolving the brief for distraction and stress reduction in a new Child Protection Unit. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FREMANTLE, C., HEPBURN, L-A., HAMILTON, A. and SANDS, J. 2015. Immersing the artist and designer in the needs of the clinician: evolving the brief for distraction and stress reduction in a new Child Protection Unit. In Christer, K. (ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd European conference on Design4Health 2015, 13-16 July 2015, Sheffield, UK. Sheffield; Sheffield Hallam University [online], pages 1-10. Available from:

Engaging clinicians in the design of new, less stressful spaces in healthcare is an interdisciplinary challenge for artists and designers. The design brief is the primary means of ensuring shared understanding and success criteria for creative projec... Read More about Immersing the artist and designer in the needs of the clinician: evolving the brief for distraction and stress reduction in a new Child Protection Unit..

Ecoartscotland library / The Caledonian everyday. [Installation and seminar series] (2015)
Exhibition / Performance
FREMANTLE, C. 2015. Ecoartscotland library / The Caledonian everyday. Installation and seminar series held during the exhibition Sylva Caledonia, 4 April - 22 May 2015, Summerhall, Edinburgh.

The Sylva Caledonia exhibition was held on 4 April - 22 May 2015, Summerhall, Edinburgh, and formed part of the 2015 Edinburgh International Science Festival. Among other works, the exhibtion featured 'The Ecoartscotland Library' by Chris Fremantle -... Read More about Ecoartscotland library / The Caledonian everyday. [Installation and seminar series].

The graphic line: an event in its own material. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, A. and RAVETZ, A. 2014. The graphic line: an event in its own material. Presented at the Making traces symposium, 19-22 November 2014, Odense, Denmark.

Amanda Ravetz is a film maker and anthropologist. Anne Douglas is a visual artist with a background in sculpture. For the past couple of years, they have been collaborating together as associates in Tim Ingold's research project, exploring drawing in... Read More about The graphic line: an event in its own material..

Working together. (2014)
Book Chapter
FREMANTLE, C. 2014. Working together. In Monoian, E., Ferry, R. and Land Art Generator Initiative (eds.) New energies: Land Art Generator Initiative, Copenhagen. London: Prestel [online], pages 2-5. Available from:

The Land Art Generator Initiative asks artists and designers to work with renewable energy engineers to develop place-making proposals. Proposals to the Open Competitions are required to deliver mid-scale energy generation in the form of public art.... Read More about Working together..

Scottish artists bring nature into healthcare. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FREMANTLE, C. 2014. Scottish artists bring nature into healthcare. Presented at the 2014 Global Alliance for Arts and Health conference, 9-12 April 2014, Houston, USA.

Scotland has a strong portfolio of arts and health projects including both public art installations within healthcare buildings and participatory programmes, in particular with people with long term conditions. This presentation will focus on public... Read More about Scottish artists bring nature into healthcare..

Practising equality? Issues for co-creative and participatory practices addressing social justice and equality. (2013)
Journal Article
HARRIS, P. and FREMANTLE, C. 2013. Practising equality? Issues for co-creative and participatory practices addressing social justice and equality. Participations: journal of audience and reception studies, 10(2), pages 183-200. Available from:

Increasingly co-creativity and participation are considered central aspects of practices across art and design (including architecture) (Bishop, Bourriaud, Hope, Kester, Till). The discourse on Web 2.0 (Leadbeater, Shirky) addresses co-creativity and... Read More about Practising equality? Issues for co-creative and participatory practices addressing social justice and equality..

Practising equality: issues for co-creative and participatory practices addressing social justice and equality. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FREMANTLE, C. and HARRIS, P. 2013. Practising equality: issues for co-creative and participatory practices addressing social justice and equality. Presented at the 2013 Moving targets conference, 15-16 October 2013, Dundee, UK. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University. Held on Vimeo [online]. Available from:

This exercise started from a hunch that it would be useful to break out of the somewhat enclosed discourses in the respective fields of media and art to see if there were useful experiences and even lessons by assuming that participation and co-creat... Read More about Practising equality: issues for co-creative and participatory practices addressing social justice and equality..

The artist as leader: research report. (2009)
DOUGLAS, A. and FREMANTLE, C. 2009. The artist as leader: research report. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University [online]. Available from:

Leadership, along with creativity, is increasingly considered to be one of the important drivers of economic success, as articulated in the Cox Review (2005). Most of the Leadership programmes in the cultural sector (Clore Leadership Programme, Cultu... Read More about The artist as leader: research report..

Jane Jacobs and the nature of (practice and research) work in public. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, A. and FREMANTLE, C. 2009. Jane Jacobs and the nature of (practice and research) work in public. Presented at Public and participative art: performance in everyday life, 14-15 December 2009, Helsinki, Finland.

Jacobs argues that economies follow the same rules as ecological systems. They behave in the same way as systems in nature: as dynamic systems of interdependency. The core of Jacobs' argument is energy, whether it is manifest in ecological systems or... Read More about Jane Jacobs and the nature of (practice and research) work in public..

Making poetry to invent policy: the practice of Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FREMANTLE, C. 2008. Making poetry to invent policy: the practice of Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison. Presented at the 5th Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment UK biennial conference (ASLE UK 2008): activism, apocalypse and the avant-garde, 10-13 July 2008, Edinburgh, UK.

The works of Helen Mayer Harrison (1927-2018) and Newton Harrison (b.1932) focus on large-scale landscape and environment issues from city scale to continental scale. The paper draws on Greenhouse Britain: Losing Ground, Gaining Wisdom (2008), Green... Read More about Making poetry to invent policy: the practice of Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison..

Research: knowledge and method: reflections on Helen Mayer Harrison, Newton Harrison and David Haley's practice. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FREMANTLE, C., DOUGLAS, A. and HALEY, D. 2008. Research: knowledge and method: reflections on Helen Mayer Harrison, Newton Harrison and David Haley's practice. Presented at a Bright Sparks seminar, 2008, London, UK.

This paper is by way of an initial attempt to articulate a set of thoughts that are still emergent. These thoughts are concerned with artists working in public life. They are concerned with the form of research that artists do. They are concerned wit... Read More about Research: knowledge and method: reflections on Helen Mayer Harrison, Newton Harrison and David Haley's practice..

Breaking through the aesthetics of public art. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, A. and FREMANTLE, C. 2008. Breaking through the aesthetics of public art. Presented at Sensuous knowledge 5 (SK5): questioning qualities, 2008, Bergen, Norway.

Our research is concerned with the changing nature of public art. We work with the experience of making art, drawing on articulations of process developed by artists themselves as well as theorists and historians. We also create interventions with ot... Read More about Breaking through the aesthetics of public art..

Research papers: leading through practice. (2007)
Journal Article
DOUGLAS, A. and FREMANTLE, C. (eds.) 2007. Research papers: leading through practice. a-n magazine [online], 2007(3), supplement. Available from:

Artist as Leader is a programme that aims to understand the ways artists lead through their practice with a view to informing and developing a critical understanding of the role of creativity in culture. There are two complimentary parts to the Artis... Read More about Research papers: leading through practice..

When is the artist a creative leader? A provisional framework. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, A. and FREMANTLE, C. 2006. When is the artist a creative leader? A provisional framework. Presented at the Creative rural industries conference: the arts and rural regeneration, 10-13 September 2006, Lancaster, UK.

Ian Hunter, in the "New Rural Arts Strategy", provides us with a framework for thinking about regeneration, by drawing deeply from rural culture - both its traditions as well as the challenges that are posed to it by social, cultural and environmenta... Read More about When is the artist a creative leader? A provisional framework..

An ecology of practice in the everyday: leaving the (social) ground of (artistic) intervention more fertile. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, A. and FREMANTLE, C. 2005. An ecology of practice in the everyday: leaving the (social) ground of (artistic) intervention more fertile. Presented at Sensuous knowledge 2 (SK2): aesthetic practice and aesthetic insight, November 2005, Bergen, Norway.

This paper reviews the projects that fed into the On the Edge research programme between 2001-2004. Jane Jacobs’ The Nature of Economies (2000) offers an account of economies, based on the way energy operates and is transformed in ecosystems. The aut... Read More about An ecology of practice in the everyday: leaving the (social) ground of (artistic) intervention more fertile..