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Corrigendum to: Factual disagreements in construction delay disputes: identification, evaluation and testing of the justifications for differences in opinion. (2022)
Journal Article
ATANASOV, V.A., GREENWOOD, D.J., SANCHEZ, D.E. and HATCHER, C.J. 2022. Corrigendum to: Factual disagreements in construction delay disputes: identification, evaluation and testing of the justifications for difference in opinion. IOP conference series: earth and environmental science [online], 1101(5): planning, partnership, and law; selected papers from 2022 World building congress (WBC2022): building our future; informing practice to enhance the lives of current and future generations, 27-30 June 2022, Melbourne, Australia, article 052033. Available from:

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Interdisciplinary pedagogical environments in architectural education. (2022)
Journal Article
MARTÍNEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.J. and DUNDJEROVIC, A. 2022. Interdisciplinary pedagogical environments in architectural education. Charrette, 8(2), pages 33-43. Hosted on Ingenta connect [online]. Available from:

This paper proposes the creation of interdisciplinary pedagogical environments to construct creative dialogues in architecture, landscape and performance practice that can be applied to the creation of new intersectional knowledge in various fields.... Read More about Interdisciplinary pedagogical environments in architectural education..

C-suite bias, firm characteristics, and capital structure decisions of quoted industrial firms in Nigeria. (2022)
Journal Article
FAGBEMI, T.O., KOLAWOLE, M.A., ADIGBOLE, E.A. and ABOGUN, S. 2023. C-suite bias, firm characteristics, and capital structure decisions of quoted industrial firms in Nigeria. Colombo business journal [online], 13(2), pages 21-47. Available from:

Most people exaggerate their own skills and accomplishments, which can have disastrous results. The C-suite has a tremendous impact on business choices, as decisions made in the workplace can be skewed by unconscious prejudice, and this bias can have... Read More about C-suite bias, firm characteristics, and capital structure decisions of quoted industrial firms in Nigeria..

Online parameter identification and state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on improved artificial fish swarms forgetting factor least squares and differential evolution extended Kalman filter. (2022)
Journal Article
XIAO, W., WANG, S., YU, C., YANG, X., QIU, J. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2022. Online parameter identification and state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on improved artificial fish swarms forgetting factor least squares and differential evolution extended Kalman filter. Journal of The Electrochemical Society [online], 169(12), 120534. Available from:

State of Charge (SOC) estimation is the focus of battery management systems, and it is critical to accurately estimate battery SOC in complex operating environments. To weaken the impact of unreasonable forgetting factor values on parameter estimatio... Read More about Online parameter identification and state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on improved artificial fish swarms forgetting factor least squares and differential evolution extended Kalman filter..

A novel nonlinear decreasing step-bacterial foraging optimization algorithm and simulated annealing-back propagation model for long-term battery state of health estimation. (2022)
Journal Article
XIONG, R., WANG, S., YU, C., FERNANDEZ, C., XIAO, W. and JIA, J. 2023. A novel nonlinear decreasing step-bacterial foraging optimization algorithm and simulated annealing-back propagation model for long-term battery state of health estimation. Journal of energy storage [online], 59, article 106484. Available from:

With the rapid development of electric energy storage, more and more attention has been paid to the accurate construction of energy storage lithium-ion battery (LIB) model and the efficient monitoring of battery states. Based on this requirement, a s... Read More about A novel nonlinear decreasing step-bacterial foraging optimization algorithm and simulated annealing-back propagation model for long-term battery state of health estimation..

A feasibility study into the production of a mussel matrix reference material for the cyanobacterial toxins microcystins and nodularins. (2022)
Journal Article
TURNER, A.D., BEACH, D.G., FOSS, A., SAMDAL, I.A., LØVBERG, K.L.E., WAACK, J., EDWARDS, C., LAWTON, L.A., DEAN, K.J., MASKREY, B.H. and LEWIS, A.M. 2023. A feasibility study into the production of a mussel matrix reference material for the cyanobacterial toxins microcystins and nodularins. Toxins [online], 15(1), article 27. Available from:

Microcystins and nodularins, produced naturally by certain species of cyanobacteria, have been found to accumulate in aquatic foodstuffs such as fish and shellfish, resulting in a risk to the health of the seafood consumer. Monitoring of toxins in su... Read More about A feasibility study into the production of a mussel matrix reference material for the cyanobacterial toxins microcystins and nodularins..

Efficient breast cancer classification network with dual squeeze and excitation in histopathological images. (2022)
Journal Article
SARKER, M.M.K., AKRAM, F., ALSHARID, M., SINGH, V.K., YASRAB, R. and ELYAN, E. 2023. Efficient breast cancer classification network with dual squeeze and excitation in histopathological images. Diagnostics [online], 13(1), article 103. Available from:

Medical image analysis methods for mammograms, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cannot provide the underline features on the cellular level to understand the cancer microenvironment which makes them unsuitable for breast cancer subtyp... Read More about Efficient breast cancer classification network with dual squeeze and excitation in histopathological images..

An improved forgetting factor recursive least square and unscented particle filtering algorithm for accurate lithium-ion battery state of charge estimation. (2022)
Journal Article
HAO, X., WANG, S., FAN, Y., XIE, Y. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2023. An improved forgetting factor recursive least square and unscented particle filtering algorithm for accurate lithium-ion battery state of charge estimation. Journal of energy storage [online], 59, article 106478. Available from:

As an indispensable part of the battery management system, accurately predicting the estimation of the state of charge (SOC) has attracted more attention, which can improve the efficiency of battery use and ensure its safety performance. Taking the t... Read More about An improved forgetting factor recursive least square and unscented particle filtering algorithm for accurate lithium-ion battery state of charge estimation..

Developing a framework for stakeholders collaboration in the management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria. (2022)
Journal Article
JOHNSON, F.I., LAING, R., BJEIRMI, B. and LEON, M. 2022. Developing a framework for stakeholders collaboration in the management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria. AIMS energy [online], 10(6), pages 1230-1260. Available from:

Multi-stakeholder collaboration becomes imperative when a single agency - such as the NNPC or the oil companies - cannot by themselves adequately address a recurring menace, such as oil pipeline disasters. Thus, agencies - such as the National Emerge... Read More about Developing a framework for stakeholders collaboration in the management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria..

Women's gendered experiences of political instability: Kibera during the 2017 Kenyan elections. (2022)
Journal Article
MUELLER-HIRTH, N., VERTIGANS, S. and GIBSON, N. 2023. Women's gendered experiences of political instability: Kibera during the 2017 Kenyan elections. Women's studies international forum [online], 96, article 102668. Available from:

This study examines how residents of Kibera, an multi-ethnic informal settlement and opposition stronghold in Nairobi, Kenya, understood and negotiated political instability in the run up to, and during, the contested elections of 2017. Much of the s... Read More about Women's gendered experiences of political instability: Kibera during the 2017 Kenyan elections..

Assessing the contribution of open crop straw burning to ground-level ozone and associated health impacts in China and the effectiveness of straw burning bans. (2022)
Journal Article
HUANG, L., ZHU, Y., LIU, H., WANG, Y., ALLEN, D.T., OOI, M.C.G., MANOMAIPHIBOON, K., LATIF, M.T., CHAN, A. and LI, L. 2023. Assessing the contribution of open crop straw burning to ground-level ozone and associated health impacts in China and the effectiveness of straw burning bans. Environment international [online], 171, article 107710. Available from:

In recent years, ozone pollution in China has been shown to increase in frequency and persistence despite the concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) decreasing steadily. Open crop straw burning (OCSB) activities are extensive in China and... Read More about Assessing the contribution of open crop straw burning to ground-level ozone and associated health impacts in China and the effectiveness of straw burning bans..

Comparative strength and stability analysis of conventional and lighter composite flexible risers in ultra-deep water subsea environment. (2022)
Journal Article
NAMMI, S.K., GUPTA, R. and PANCHOLI, K. [2022]. Comparative strength and stability analysis of conventional and lighter composite flexible risers in ultra-deep water subsea environment. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: journal of process mechanical engineering [online], OnlineFirst. Available from:

The hybrid flexible risers have a multi-layered structure and use thermoplastic composite for the pressure and tensile armour. In contrast, a conventional flexible riser uses heavier carbon steel as armour which significantly contributes to its weigh... Read More about Comparative strength and stability analysis of conventional and lighter composite flexible risers in ultra-deep water subsea environment..

An unsupervised domain adaptation method towards multi-level features and decision boundaries for cross-scene hyperspectral image classification. (2022)
Journal Article
ZHAO, C., QIN, B., FENG, S., ZHU, W., ZHANG, L. and REN, J. 2022. An unsupervised domain adaptation method towards multi-level features and decision boundaries for cross-scene hyperspectral image classification. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing [online], 60, article 5546216. Available from:

Despite success in the same-scene hyperspectral image classification (HSIC), for the cross-scene classification, samples between source and target scenes are not drawn from the independent and identical distribution, resulting in significant performa... Read More about An unsupervised domain adaptation method towards multi-level features and decision boundaries for cross-scene hyperspectral image classification..

Ongoing efforts to improve antimicrobial utilization in hospitals among African countries and implications for the future. (2022)
Journal Article
SALEEM, Z., GODMAN, B., COOK, A. et al. 2022. Ongoing efforts to improve antimicrobial utilization in hospitals among African countries and implications for the future. Antibiotics [online], 11(12), article number 1824. Available from:

There are serious concerns with rising antimicrobial resistance (AMR) across countries increasing morbidity, mortality and costs. These concerns have resulted in a plethora of initiatives globally and nationally including national action plans (NAPs)... Read More about Ongoing efforts to improve antimicrobial utilization in hospitals among African countries and implications for the future..

Past, present, and future perspectives of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1). (2022)
Journal Article
MORROW, G.B. and MUTCH, N.J. 2023. Past, present, and future perspectives of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1). Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis [online], 49(3), pages 305-313. Available from:

Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), a SERPIN inhibitor, is primarily known for its regulation of fibrinolysis. However, it is now known that this inhibitor functions and contributes to many (patho)physiological processes including inflammation... Read More about Past, present, and future perspectives of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1)..

Belokon v. Kyrgyzstan: practical implications of award set-asides arising from corruption allegations. (2022)
Journal Article
LAI, R. and MAK, C.H.W. 2022. Belokon v. Kyrgyzstan: practical implications of award set-asides arising from corruption allegations. ASIL insights [online], 26(14). Available from:

As one of the most arbitration-friendly jurisdictions, French courts have long had a tradition of judicial non-interference in the arbitral process. In the context of annulment proceedings, French courts are normally granted limited scope in reviewin... Read More about Belokon v. Kyrgyzstan: practical implications of award set-asides arising from corruption allegations..

A scoping review of non-professional medication practices and medication safety outcomes during public health emergencies. (2022)
Journal Article
KELLY, D., KOAY, A., MINEVA, G., VOLZ, M., MCCOOL, A., MCLOUGHLIN, E., Ó CONLUAIN, R., SHARMA, M., KERR, A., FRANKLIN, B.D. and GRIMES, T. 2022. A scoping review of non-professional medication practices and medication safety outcomes during public health emergencies. Public health [online], 214, pages 50-60. Available from:

Public health emergencies (PHE) can disrupt personal medication practices and increase the risk of medication-related harm and other negative medication-related outcomes. Our aim was to examine the extent and nature of published research on this topi... Read More about A scoping review of non-professional medication practices and medication safety outcomes during public health emergencies..

Enhancing the catalytic activity of eggshell-derived CaO catalyst and its application in biodiesel production from waste chicken fat. (2022)
Journal Article
SALEEM, M., JAMIL, F., QAMAR, O.A., AKHTER, P., HUSSAIN, M., KHURRAM, M.S., AL-MUHTASEB, A.H., INAYAT, A. and SHAH, N.S. 2022. Enhancing the catalytic activity of eggshell-derived CaO catalyst and its application in biodiesel production from waste chicken fat. Catalysts [online], 12(12), article number 1627. Available from:

The comparatively greater cost of producing biodiesel in comparison to petroleum diesel is one of the key drawbacks. Eggshells and leftover chicken fat are examples of poultry wastes that can be used to produce biodiesel at a low cost as catalysts an... Read More about Enhancing the catalytic activity of eggshell-derived CaO catalyst and its application in biodiesel production from waste chicken fat..

Graphene oxide's regenerative acidity and its effects on the hydration of type II Portland cement. (2022)
Journal Article
SHEIKH, T.M., ANWAR, M.P., MUTHOOSAMY, K., JAGANATHAN, J., CHAN, A. and MOHAMED, A.A. 2023. Graphene oxide's regenerative acidity and its effects on the hydration of type II Portland cement. Construction and building materials [online], 364, article 129933. Available from:

Incorporation of graphene oxide (GO) has been found to considerably improve the hydration process, strength and durability of Portland cement. However, the exact nature of its chemical interactions with the cement are unclear. In this study, GO of va... Read More about Graphene oxide's regenerative acidity and its effects on the hydration of type II Portland cement..

Resolving Scottish paediatric end-of-life conflicts. (2022)
Journal Article
SIVERS, S. and DOWNIE, M. 2023. Resolving Scottish paediatric end-of-life conflicts. Medico-legal journal [online], 91(1), pages 46-49. Available from:

This article considers mediation as a means of resolving decision-making disputes between clinicians and parents in paediatric end-of-life cases. It examines the legal tests applied in England and Wales, and notes the lack of precedent in Scotland. T... Read More about Resolving Scottish paediatric end-of-life conflicts..