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Dr Fiona Smith's Outputs (15)

Destabilising the home: place making, dark tourism and the spectral. (2024)
Journal Article
IRONSIDE, R. and SMITH, F. [2024]. Destabilising the home: place making, dark tourism and the spectral. Tourism geographies [online], Latest Articles. Available from:

Ghosts, hauntings and the spectral are intrinsically linked to sites of dark tourism. Supernatural stories commonly emerge in places connected with tragedy, death and the macabre, forming spectral geographies in which the past and present intertwine.... Read More about Destabilising the home: place making, dark tourism and the spectral..

Transformative masculinities: re-examining the role of the male in Red Riding Hood. (2024)
Book Chapter
SMITH, F. and MCKAY, F. 2024. Transformative masculinities: re-examining the role of the male in Red Riding Hood. In Le Clue, N. (ed.) Gender and the male character in 21st century fairy tale narratives: from enchanted heroes to modern masculinities. Leeds: Emerald Publishing Limited [online], chapter 6, pages 75-86. Available from:

Red Riding Hood is said to have been assembled from folktales that pre-date the collector Charles Perrault's 1697 re-telling and initial publishing (Dundes, 1989; Zipes, 1993). Since then, it is a story that has been re-told and re-imagined many time... Read More about Transformative masculinities: re-examining the role of the male in Red Riding Hood..

Weathering the storm. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WORK, F. and the RGU INSTITUTIONAL RESILIENCE PROJECT GROUP. 2022. Weathering the storm. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

Resilient Learning Communities is the 2020-2023 sector-wide QAA Enhancement theme (QAA 2020), with a specific aim to improve the student learning experience. QAA Enhancement themes involve institutions, staff and students working together to share pr... Read More about Weathering the storm..

The uncanny place: a critical appraisal of popular paranormal TV shows. (2022)
Journal Article
SMITH, F. and IRONSIDE, R. 2022. The uncanny place: a critical appraisal of popular paranormal TV shows. Journal of popular television [online], 10(1), pages 95-198. Available from:

This article examines the construction of the uncanny place in reality paranormal television. Two introductory sequences from the British programme Most Haunted (2002-present) are analysed that investigate 'ordinary homes' to consider the way that pl... Read More about The uncanny place: a critical appraisal of popular paranormal TV shows..

Comfort in clothing: a Baumanian critique of how clothing contributes to the well-being of women in the United Kingdom. (2021)
CROSS, K.A. 2021. Comfort in clothing: a Baumanian critique of how clothing contributes to the well-being of women in the United Kingdom. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

This Comfort in Clothing study explores how fashion, clothing and dress practices contribute to the psychosocial well-being of women in the UK. Fashion is a global industry, fuelled in recent times by the growth of the athleisurewear sector, reflecti... Read More about Comfort in clothing: a Baumanian critique of how clothing contributes to the well-being of women in the United Kingdom..

National identity and "Muslim immigrant" representation in the British and Danish press, 2005-2015. (2019)
LAWRIE, M. 2019. National identity and "Muslim immigrant" representation in the British and Danish press, 2005-2015. Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

This thesis examines, through a diachronic analysis, how the British and Danish press utilise national identity when constructing a representation of Muslims. Key cluster events are examined to identify media discourses over a ten-year time period be... Read More about National identity and "Muslim immigrant" representation in the British and Danish press, 2005-2015..

Challenges and opportunities in the reuse of abandoned urban space. (2019)
ZECCA, C. 2019. Challenges and opportunities in the reuse of abandoned urban space. Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

Contemporary cities have emerged as a result of diverse urban and architectural transformations, new interventions and redevelopment, as well as through a cycle of abandonment and regeneration. New categories of resulting spaces are generated through... Read More about Challenges and opportunities in the reuse of abandoned urban space..

Citizen journalism: an analysis of news representation in the coverage of (2019)
Journal Article
RAI, N., PEDERSEN, S. and SMITH, F. 2019. Citizen journalism: an analysis of news representation in the coverage of Journal of communication: media watch [online], 10(2), pages 294-308. Available from:

This article analyses the discussion of nationality and ethnicity on a Bhutanese citizen journalism site which is particularly used by members of the Lhotshampa ethnic group. Many of the citizen journalists are based outside Bhutan, either in refugee... Read More about Citizen journalism: an analysis of news representation in the coverage of

What is citizen journalism? A critical analysis from the perspective of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation. (2016)
RAI, N. 2016. What is citizen journalism? A critical analysis from the perspective of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

With the rise of internet literacy across the world, men and women on the street are increasingly participating in the news media more than ever before. Early speculations about the influence of citizen journalism imbued the practice with an almost m... Read More about What is citizen journalism? A critical analysis from the perspective of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation..

A linguistic and cultural analysis of localisation practices on oil and gas company websites. (2015)
UMOH, I.E. 2015. A linguistic and cultural analysis of localisation practices on oil and gas company websites. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Oil and Gas companies have the inevitable need to operate in a global environment and therefore have a global reach. This thesis seeks to understand the nature and degree of localisation of the websites in this industry. This thesis introduces two no... Read More about A linguistic and cultural analysis of localisation practices on oil and gas company websites..

Global nomadism: a discursive and narratological analysis of identity concepts in the 'mobile professional'. (2015)
WHITEHEAD, G. 2015. Global nomadism: a discursive and narratological analysis of identity concepts in the 'mobile professional'. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This thesis examined to what extent a particular class of highly mobile professionals has internalized the contemporary discourse of corporate global nomadism, proposed by the researcher as an example of the kind of corporate discourses that are emer... Read More about Global nomadism: a discursive and narratological analysis of identity concepts in the 'mobile professional'..

Negotiating meaning in the consumption of the past. (2014)
Journal Article
SMITH, F. and BROWN, M. 2014. Negotiating meaning in the consumption of the past. Journal of fandom studies, 2(2), pages 147-161. Available from:

The Internet and social networking technologies have facilitated communication between groups of retrophiles or fans of the past. The article seeks to examine motivations for retrophilic action and to discuss these ideas within the present late capit... Read More about Negotiating meaning in the consumption of the past..

The road to nowhere? A critical case study of the political discourses in the debates around the decision to construct a bypass road around Aberdeen. (2014)
FURRIE, N. 2014. The road to nowhere? A critical case study of the political discourses in the debates around the decision to construct a bypass road around Aberdeen. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This research examined the role of communication “ and in particular public relations (PR) and public affairs activities “ in the decision-making processes around the proposal to build a bypass road around the city of Aberdeen. The study focused on t... Read More about The road to nowhere? A critical case study of the political discourses in the debates around the decision to construct a bypass road around Aberdeen..

Jungian archetypes and dreams of social enterprise. (2013)
Journal Article
BROWN, M.L., MCDONALD, S. and SMITH, F. 2013. Jungian archetypes and dreams of social enterprise. Journal of organizational change management [online], 26(4), pages 670-688. Available from:

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to consider a psychoanalytic explanation for the challenges facing social entrepreneurs in Scotland. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative approach was used, in an exploratory study involving semi‐structured... Read More about Jungian archetypes and dreams of social enterprise..

Women in media and communication. (2005)
MARCELLA, R., ILLINGWORTH, L., BAXTER, G. and SMITH, F. 2005. Women in media and communication. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

This ESF funded project sought, by examining a particular sector in depth, to improve understanding of best practice in implementing active gender equality policies from the perspective both of companies and the women they employ. Overall the project... Read More about Women in media and communication..