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Monitoring health in smart homes using simple sensors. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MASSIE, S., FORBES, G., CRAW, S., FRASER, L. and HAMILTON, G. 2018. Monitoring health in smart homes using simple sensors. In Bach, K., Bunescu, R., Farri, O., Guo, A., Hasan, S., Ibrahim, Z.M., Marling, C., Raffa, J., Rubin, J. and Wu, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International workshop on knowledge discovery in healthcare data (KDH), co-located with the 27th International joint conference on artificial intelligence and the 23rd European conference on artificial intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2018), 13 July 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. CEUR workshop proceedings, 2148. Aachen: CEUR-WS [online], pages 33-37. Available from:

We consider use of an ambient sensor network, installed in Smart Homes, to identify low level events taking place which can then be analysed to generate a resident's profile of activities of daily living (ADLs). These ADL profiles are compared to bot... Read More about Monitoring health in smart homes using simple sensors..

Matching networks for personalised human activity recognition. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SANI, S., WIRATUNGA, N., MASSIE, S. and COOPER, K. 2018. Matching networks for personalised human activity recognition. In Bichindaritz, I., Guttmann, C., Herrero, P., Koch, F., Koster, A., Lenz, R., López Ibáñez, B., Marling, C., Martin, C., Montagna, S., Montani, S., Reichert, M., Riaño, D., Schumacher, M.I., ten Teije, A. and Wiratunga, N. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st Joint workshop on artificial intelligence in health, organized as part of the Federated AI meeting (FAIM 2018), co-located with the 17th International conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems (AAMAS 2018), the 35th International conference on machine learning (ICML 2018), the 27th International joint conference on artificial intelligence (IJCAI 2018), and the 26th International conference on case-based reasoning (ICCBR 2018), 13-19 July 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. CEUR workshop proceedings, 2142. Aachen: CEUR-WS [online], pages 61-64. Available from:

Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has many important applications in health care which include management of chronic conditions and patient rehabilitation. An important consideration when training HAR models is whether to use training data from a gene... Read More about Matching networks for personalised human activity recognition..

Opinion context extraction for aspect sentiment analysis. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BANDHAKAVI, A., WIRATUNGA, N., MASSIE, S. and LUHAR, R. 2018. Opinion context extraction for aspect sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of the 12th Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) international conference on web and social media (ICWSM 2018), 25-28 June 2018, Palo Alto, USA. Palo Alto: AAAI Press [online], pages 564-567. Available from:

Sentiment analysis is the computational study of opinionated text and is becoming increasing important to online commercial applications. However, the majority of current approaches determine sentiment by attempting to detect the overall polarity of... Read More about Opinion context extraction for aspect sentiment analysis..

Use of "gay dating apps" (GDAs) by men who have sex with men: different patterns and evaluation of such use in relation to individual well-being and collective identity processes. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ZERVOULIS, K., REED. R., SMITH, D.S. and DINOS, S. 2018. Use of "gay dating apps" (GDAs) by men who have sex with men: different patterns and evaluation of such use in relation to individual well-being and collective identity processes. Presented at the 2018 International LGBTQ psychology pre-conference: preaching to the choir (Preach 2018), 24-25 June 2018, Montreal, Canada.

There is growing literature and empirical work that is investigating if and how mobile phone and tablet dating apps are influencing the lives of their users. An online questionnaire-based study was developed to investigate how men who have sex with m... Read More about Use of "gay dating apps" (GDAs) by men who have sex with men: different patterns and evaluation of such use in relation to individual well-being and collective identity processes..

New trends on digitisation of complex engineering drawings. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MORENO-GARCIA, C.F., ELYAN, E. and JAYNE, C. 2019. New trends on digitisation of complex engineering drawings. Neural computing and applications [online], 31(6): selected papers from the proceedings of the 18th Engineering applications of neural networks conference (EANN 2017), 25-27 August 2017, Athens, Greece, pages 1695-1712. Available from:

Engineering drawings are commonly used across different industries such as oil and gas, mechanical engineering and others. Digitising these drawings is becoming increasingly important. This is mainly due to the legacy of drawings and documents that m... Read More about New trends on digitisation of complex engineering drawings..

Knowledge driven approaches to e-learning recommendation. (2018)
MBIPOM, B. 2018. Knowledge driven approaches to e-learning recommendation. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Learners often have difficulty finding and retrieving relevant learning materials to support their learning goals because of two main challenges. The vocabulary learners use to describe their goals is different from that used by domain experts in tea... Read More about Knowledge driven approaches to e-learning recommendation..

Improving e-learning recommendation by using background knowledge. (2018)
Journal Article
MBIPOM, B., CRAW, S. and MASSIE, S. 2021. Improving e-learning recommendation by using background knowledge. Expert systems [online], 38(7): artificial intelligence/EDMA 2017, article e12265. Available from:

There is currently a large amount of e-Learning resources available to learners on the Web. However, learners often have difficulty finding and retrieving relevant materials to support their learning goals because they lack the domain knowledge to cr... Read More about Improving e-learning recommendation by using background knowledge..

I've got a feeling: the effect of haptic information on the preferred location of purchase of guitars and stringed wooden instruments. (2017)
PIRIE, E. 2017. I've got a feeling: the effect of haptic information on the preferred location of purchase of guitars and stringed wooden instruments. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This thesis develops technology adoption and sensory information literatures through an evaluation of antecedents to consumers purchase location intention of Musical Instruments (MI). With the unique factor of instrument heterogeneity MI e-retail sal... Read More about I've got a feeling: the effect of haptic information on the preferred location of purchase of guitars and stringed wooden instruments..

What the Five Foundations theory tells us about the Conservative and Labour party Twitter feeds. [Blog post] (2017)
Digital Artefact
SMITH, D.S. and BARONI, B. 2017. What the Five Foundations theory tells us about the Conservative and Labour party Twitter feeds. [Blog post]. Posted on the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) British and Irish Politics and Policy blog [online], 2 August 2017. Available from:

In this blog post, authors David Smith and Beatrice Baroni argue that differences between the messages communicated by the two main parties through Twitter during the election campaign were consistent with differences between left- and right-wing mor... Read More about What the Five Foundations theory tells us about the Conservative and Labour party Twitter feeds. [Blog post].

Understanding the ecology of the Personally Significant Learning Environment (PSLE): one year on. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEPHENS, M., PATTERSON, C., PRICE, A.M., SNELGROVE-CLARKE, E., WORK, F. and CHIANG, V.C.L. 2016. Understanding the ecology of the Personally Significant Learning Environment (PSLE): one year on. Presented at the 27th International networking for healthcare education conference (NET2016), 6-8 September 2016, Cambridge, UK.

Personal learning environments (PLE) have been shown to be critical in how students negotiate, manage and experience their learning. Understandings of PLEs are largely restricted by narrow definitions that focus on technology alone. The idea of a PLE... Read More about Understanding the ecology of the Personally Significant Learning Environment (PSLE): one year on..