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A case-based approach to data-to-text generation. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
UPADHYAY, A., MASSIE, S., SINGH, R.K., GUPTA, G. and OJHA, M. 2021. A case-based approach to data-to-text generation. In Sánchez-Ruiz, A.A. and Floyd, M.W. (eds.) Case-based reasoning research and development: proceedings of 29th International conference case-based reasoning 2021 (ICCBR 2021), 13-16 September 2021, Salamanca, Spain. Lecture notes in computer science (LNCS), 12877. Cham: Springer [online], pages 232-247. Available from:

Traditional Data-to-Text Generation (D2T) systems utilise carefully crafted domain specific rules and templates to generate high quality accurate texts. More recent approaches use neural systems to learn domain rules from the training data to produce... Read More about A case-based approach to data-to-text generation..

A deep learning digitisation framework to mark up corrosion circuits in piping and instrumentation diagrams. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TORAL, L., MORENO-GARCIA, C.F., ELYAN, E. and MEMON, S. 2021. A deep learning digitisation framework to mark up corrosion circuits in piping and instrumentation diagrams. In Barney Smith, E.H. and Pal, U. (eds.) Document analysis and recognition: ICDAR 2021 workshops, part II: proceedings of 16th International conference on document analysis and recognition 2021 (ICDAR 2021), 5-10 September 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lecture notes in computer science, 12917. Cham: Springer [online], pages 268-276. Available from:

Corrosion circuit mark up in engineering drawings is one of the most crucial tasks performed by engineers. This process is currently done manually, which can result in errors and misinterpretations depending on the person assigned for the task. In th... Read More about A deep learning digitisation framework to mark up corrosion circuits in piping and instrumentation diagrams..

Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet. (2021)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. and BURNETT, S. 2022. Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet. Digital journalism [online], 10(6): the Coronavirus pandemic and the transformation of (digital) journalism, pages 1098-1114. Available from:

This article analyses news sources used by women to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK parenting website Mumsnet. By using a non-political online ‘third space’ aimed at women, Mumsnetters are able to avoid the aggression women face when they att... Read More about Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet..

Class-decomposition and augmentation for imbalanced data sentiment analysis. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MORENO-GARCIA, C.F., JAYNE, C. and ELYAN, E. 2021. Class-decomposition and augmentation for imbalanced data sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of 2021 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN 2021), 18-22 July 2021, [virtual conference]. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article 9533603. Available from:

Significant progress has been made in the area of text classification and natural language processing. However, like many other datasets from across different domains, text-based datasets may suffer from class-imbalance. This problem leads to model's... Read More about Class-decomposition and augmentation for imbalanced data sentiment analysis..

Re-thinking digital skill development post COVID 19: views from the workplace. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CRAWFORD, I. 2021. Re-thinking digital skill development post COVID 19: views from the workplace. Presented at the 13th international conference on Education and new learning technologies 2021 (EDULEARN 2021), 5-6 July 2021, [virtual conference].

As a result of the revolutionary change in remote and online working practices triggered by the pandemic in 2020, the need for universities to prepare students for the international, virtual, workplace has never been greater. To remain competitive in... Read More about Re-thinking digital skill development post COVID 19: views from the workplace..

Image pre-processing and segmentation for real-time subsea corrosion inspection. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRIE, C. and MORENO-GARCIA, C.F. 2021. Image pre-processing and segmentation for real-time subsea corrosion inspection. In Iliadis, L., Macintyre, J., Jayne, C. and Pimenidis, E. (eds.). Proceedings of the 22nd Engineering applications of neural networks conference (EANN2021), 25-27 June 2021, Halkidiki, Greece. Proceedings of the International Neural Networks Society (INNS), 3. Cham: Springer [online], pages 220-231. Available from:

Inspection engineering is a highly important field in the Oil & Gas sector for analysing the health of offshore assets. Corrosion, a naturally occurring phenomenon, arises as a result of a chemical reaction between a metal and its environment, causin... Read More about Image pre-processing and segmentation for real-time subsea corrosion inspection..

Weighted ensemble of deep learning models based on comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization for medical image segmentation. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DANG, T., NGUYEN, T.T., MORENO-GARCIA, C.F., ELYAN, E. and MCCALL, J. 2021. Weighted ensemble of deep learning models based on comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization for medical image segmentation. In Proceeding of 2021 IEEE (Institute of electrical and electronics engineers) Congress on evolutionary computation (CEC 2021), 28 June - 1 July 2021, Kraków, Poland : [virtual conference]. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 744-751. Available from:

In recent years, deep learning has rapidly become a method of choice for segmentation of medical images. Deep neural architectures such as UNet and FPN have achieved high performances on many medical datasets. However, medical image analysis algorith... Read More about Weighted ensemble of deep learning models based on comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization for medical image segmentation..

E-learning and COVID-19: the Nigerian experience: challenges of teaching technical courses in tertiary institutions. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
UGOCHUKWU-IBE, I.M. and IBEKE, E. 2021. E-learning and COVID-19: the Nigerian experience: challenges of teaching technical courses in tertiary institutions. In Xhina, E. and Hoxha, K. (eds.) Recent trends and applications in computer science and information technology: proceedings of 4th Recent trends and applications in computer science and information technology international conference 2021 (RTA-CSIT 2021), 21-22 May 2021 [virtual conference]. CEUR workshop proceedings, 2872. Aachen: CEUR-WS [online], pages 46-51. Available from:

This paper examines the challenges of teaching technical courses through e-learning in Nigerian tertiary institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. The COVID-19 pandemic has widespread after-effect on education systems all over the world, wi... Read More about E-learning and COVID-19: the Nigerian experience: challenges of teaching technical courses in tertiary institutions..

Counterfactual explanations for student outcome prediction with Moodle footprints. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WIJEKOON, A., WIRATUNGA, N., NKILSI-ORJI, I., MARTIN, K., PALIHAWADANA, C. and CORSAR, D. 2021. Counterfactual explanations for student outcome prediction with Moodle footprints. In Martin, K., Wiratunga, N. and Wijekoon, A. (eds.) SICSA XAI workshop 2021: proceedings of 2021 SICSA (Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance) eXplainable artificial intelligence workshop (SICSA XAI 2021), 1st June 2021, [virtual conference]. CEUR workshop proceedings, 2894. Aachen: CEUR-WS [online], session 1, pages 1-8. Available from:

Counterfactual explanations focus on “actionable knowledge” to help end-users understand how a machine learning outcome could be changed to one that is more desirable. For this purpose a counterfactual explainer needs to be able to reason with simila... Read More about Counterfactual explanations for student outcome prediction with Moodle footprints..

Similarity and explanation for dynamic telecommunication engineer support. (2021)
MARTIN, K. 2021. Similarity and explanation for dynamic telecommunication engineer support. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Understanding similarity between different examples is a crucial aspect of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems, but learning representations optimised for similarity comparisons can be difficult. CBR systems typically rely on separate algorithms to le... Read More about Similarity and explanation for dynamic telecommunication engineer support..

An orchestrator for networked control systems and its application to collision avoidance in multiple mobile robots. (2021)
Journal Article
AGRAWAL, S., JAIN, S.K. and IBEKE, E. 2021. An orchestrator for networked control systems and its application to collision avoidance in multiple mobile robots. International journal of engineering systems modelling and simulation [online], 12(2/3): artificial intelligence-enabled computing system development, pages 103-110. Available from:

Networked Control System (NCS) consists of controlled distributed nodes while an Orchestrator functions as a central coordinator for controlling the distributed tasks. The NCSs have challenges of coordination and right execution sequencing of operati... Read More about An orchestrator for networked control systems and its application to collision avoidance in multiple mobile robots..

Employer perspectives on virtual international working: essential skills for the globalised, digital workplace. (2021)
Book Chapter
CRAWFORD, I. 2021. Employer perspectives on virtual international working: essential skills for the globalised, digital workplace. In Swartz, S., Barbosa, B., Crawford, I. and Luck, S. (eds.). Developments in virtual learning environments and global workplace. Hershey, PA: IGI Global [online], pages 178-204. Available from:

This chapter summarises the key findings from a doctoral research project that examined employer perceptions of virtual, international working immediately before, during, and after the global pandemic took hold in Spring 2020. The purposive interview... Read More about Employer perspectives on virtual international working: essential skills for the globalised, digital workplace..

An artificial intelligence based quorum system for the improvement of the lifespan of sensor networks. (2021)
Journal Article
PONNAN, S., SARAVANAN, A.K., IWENDI, C., IBEKE, E. and SRIVASTAVA, G. 2021. An artificial intelligence based quorum system for the improvement of the lifespan of sensor networks. IEEE sensors journal [online], 21(15), pages 17373-17385. Available from:

Artificial Intelligence-based Quorum systems are used to solve the energy crisis in real-time wireless sensor networks. They tend to improve the coverage, connectivity, latency, and lifespan of the networks where millions of sensor nodes need to be d... Read More about An artificial intelligence based quorum system for the improvement of the lifespan of sensor networks..

Angles of vision: digital storytelling on the cosmic tide? (2021)
IRONSIDE, R., HEDDLE, D. and MASSIE, S. 2021. Angles of vision: digital storytelling on the cosmic tide? Edinburgh: Royal Society of Edinburgh. Hosted on Orkney Digital Storytelling [online]. Available from:

In this report, a collaboration between Robert Gordon University and the University of the Highlands and Islands Institute for Northern Studies, the authors bring together findings from four workshops hosted as part of the My Orkney Story project.... Read More about Angles of vision: digital storytelling on the cosmic tide?.

Object detection, distributed cloud computing and parallelization techniques for autonomous driving systems. (2021)
Journal Article
MEDINA, E.C.G., ESPITIA, V.M.V., SILVA, D.C., DE LAS CUEVAS, S.F.R., HIRATA, M.P., CHEN, A.Z., GONZÁLEZ, J.A.G., BUSTAMANTE-BELLO, R. and MORENO-GARCÍA, C.F. 2021. Object detection, distributed cloud computing and parallelization techniques for autonomous driving systems. Applied sciences [online], 11(7), article 2925. Available from:

Autonomous vehicles are increasingly becoming a necessary trend towards building the smart cities of the future. Numerous proposals have been presented in recent years to tackle particular aspects of the working pipeline towards creating a functional... Read More about Object detection, distributed cloud computing and parallelization techniques for autonomous driving systems..

Defining leadership: lessons from a virtual international team. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LUCK, S. and CRAWFORD, I. 2021. Defining leadership: lessons from a virtual international team. Presented at the 8th Annual interdisciplinary symposium: a teaching and research conference for free market intellectuals and academic diversity in higher education 2021, 19 March 2021, [virtual conference].

Students who took part in this intercultural communication activity had the opportunity to interact with students from another country. It was a chance to experience another culture, similarities and differences, collaborate on a shared project using... Read More about Defining leadership: lessons from a virtual international team..

Enhancing global learning and intercultural competence through VE/COIL: lessons from the field. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CRAWFORD, I., FOWLER, J., DOSCHER, S. and HAUG, E. 2021. Enhancing global learning and intercultural competence through VE/COIL: lessons from the field, 9 February 2021, [virtual conference]. Hosted on ACENET [online]. Available from:

Virtual Exchange (VE), including one of its most comprehensive forms, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), is an innovative educational model for providing students with global competencies that complement traditional forms of physical... Read More about Enhancing global learning and intercultural competence through VE/COIL: lessons from the field..

Evaluating explainability methods intended for multiple stakeholders. (2021)
Journal Article
MARTIN, K., LIRET, A., WIRATUNGA, N., OWUSU, G. and KERN, M. 2021. Evaluating explainability methods intended for multiple stakeholders. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz [online], 35(3-4), pages 397-411. Available from:

Explanation mechanisms for intelligent systems are typically designed to respond to specific user needs, yet in practice these systems tend to have a wide variety of users. This can present a challenge to organisations looking to satisfy the explanat... Read More about Evaluating explainability methods intended for multiple stakeholders..

Impact of COVID-19 on search in an organisation. (2021)
Journal Article
CLEVERLEY, P.H., COUSINS, F. and BURNETT, S. 2023. Impact of COVID-19 on search in an organisation. Journal of information science [online], 49(1), pages 43-58. Available from:

COVID-19 has created unprecedented organisational challenges, yet no study has examined the impact on information search. A case study in a knowledge-intensive organisation was undertaken on 2.5 million search queries during the pandemic. A surge of... Read More about Impact of COVID-19 on search in an organisation..

Critically introducing an online peer review CampusMoodle Audit Tool (CMAT) project. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WORK, F., LUDERS, S., GOODHAND, K. and EBOH, W. 2020. Critically introducing an online peer review CampusMoodle Audit Tool (CMAT) project. In Gómez Chova, L., López Martínez, A. and Candel Torres, I. (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International conference on education and new learning technologies 2020 (EDULEARN20), 6-7 July 2020, [virtual event]. Valencia: IATED [online], pages 525-534. Available from:

This study critically introduces a CampusMoodle Audit Tool (CMAT) online peer–mentoring project. In this presentation, we share lessons and findings from research on a CMAT project for sharing best practice in Scotland. The rationale for the research... Read More about Critically introducing an online peer review CampusMoodle Audit Tool (CMAT) project..