Effect of load positioning on the kinematics and kinetics of weighted vertical jumps.
Journal Article
SWINTON, P.A., STEWART, A., LLOYD, R., AGOURIS, I. and KEOGH, J.W.L. 2012. Effect of load positioning on the kinematics and kinetics of weighted vertical jumps. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 26(4), pages 906-913. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0b013e31822e589e
One of the most popular exercises for developing lower-body muscular power is the weighted vertical jump. The present study sought to examine the effect of altering the position of the external load on the kinematics and kinetics of the movement. Twe... Read More about Effect of load positioning on the kinematics and kinetics of weighted vertical jumps..