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All Outputs (16)

Preparing the future pharmacy workforce: competency-based undergraduate curricula for teaching, learning and assessment with a focus on antimicrobial stewardship. (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TIPPING, S., FLEMING, N., DAMANT, G., TONNA, A.P. and MARTIN, S., on behalf of NAPEG (National Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacy Education Group). 2024. Preparing the future pharmacy workforce: competency-based undergraduate curricula for teaching, learning and assessment with a focus on antimicrobial stewardship. Presented at the 2024 Infection: BSAC (British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy) winter conference, 5 December 2024, London, UK: [virtual event].

Competency-based teaching, learning and assessment underpins the requirements for initial training and education of pharmacists (IETPs) in the UK as set by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). This competency-based pedagogic approach is conduci... Read More about Preparing the future pharmacy workforce: competency-based undergraduate curricula for teaching, learning and assessment with a focus on antimicrobial stewardship..

Factors shaping female representation in STEM career in Nigeria. (2024)
Journal Article
ONOSHAKPOR, C.M, ABOLLE-OKOYEAGU, C.J., ONOJA, O. and ETUKUDOR, C. 2024. Factors shaping female representation in STEM career in Nigeria. African journal of economics, politics and social studies [online], 3(1), pages 19-27. Available from:

This study confirms that several factors such as societal perceptions of gender roles, geographical region, influence from family, parents' level of education and significantly influences female's participation in STEM careers within the Nigeria cont... Read More about Factors shaping female representation in STEM career in Nigeria..

Embedding sustainable development goals (SDGs) into the curricula using an interdisciplinary design thinking approach. (2024)
Journal Article
BREMNER, P. and STEED, J. [2025]. Embedding sustainable development goals (SDGs) into the curricula using an interdisciplinary design thinking approach. Journal of perspectives in applied academic practice [online], (accepted).

Embedding sustainability into curricula has been a challenge many universities have been facing for a while. The nature of the topic could be classified as "dry" when taught through a legislative lens, but a creative, impactful method is required to... Read More about Embedding sustainable development goals (SDGs) into the curricula using an interdisciplinary design thinking approach..

Exploring knowledge and perceptions of level learning outcomes and meta-skills in a creative business school context. (2024)
Journal Article
BREMNER, P.A.M., PIRIE, E., MARCELLA-HOOD, M. and SINGLETON, A. 2024. Exploring knowledge and perceptions of level learning outcomes and meta-skills in a creative business school context. GILE journal of skills development [online], 4(2), pages 3-18.

Much has been written about the necessity for graduates to be aware of their skill set and transferability for the workplace. Degree programmes in Scotland have long relied on guidance from the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) on the taxonomy or wordin... Read More about Exploring knowledge and perceptions of level learning outcomes and meta-skills in a creative business school context..

Virtual exchange (COIL): shaping the tourism workforce of the future. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HARBERT, S. and ROITERSHTEIN, A. 2024. Virtual exchange (COIL): shaping the tourism workforce of the future. Presented at the 32nd Nordic symposium on tourism and hospitality research, 18-20 September 2024, Stavanger, Norway.

Significant and rapid changes in the world's climate, technology and geopolitics has created a new environment for the tourism industry, and for those that rely on it for their livelihoods. These changes create a demand for globally competent, cultur... Read More about Virtual exchange (COIL): shaping the tourism workforce of the future..

An enterprising approach to postgraduate engineering courses for sustainable futures. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
IYALLA, I., MOULE, C., CHARLES, S. and MAHON, R. 2024. An enterprising approach to postgraduate engineering courses for sustainable futures. Presented at the 2024 Advance HE teaching and learning conference: future-focused education: innovation, inclusion and impact, 2-4 July 2024, Nottingham, UK.

This interactive session is for HE educators seeking to align their teaching to Advance HE's strategic objectives of incorporating "experiential learning, working in multidisciplinary teams on real-world challenges pivotal in cultivating essential co... Read More about An enterprising approach to postgraduate engineering courses for sustainable futures..

Corrigendum: Influences on student motivation and independent learning skills: cross-cultural differences between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. (2024)
Journal Article
LO, N.P.-K., BREMNER, P.A.M. and FORBES-MCKAY, K.E. 2024. Corrigendum: Influences on student motivation and independent learning skills: cross-cultural differences between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Frontiers in education [online], 9, article number 1434305. Available from:

This is a correction to the article "Influences on student motivation and independent learning skills: cross-cultural differences between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom", which was originally published in Frontiers in Education volume 8. The origin... Read More about Corrigendum: Influences on student motivation and independent learning skills: cross-cultural differences between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom..

Influences on student motivation and independent learning skills: cross-cultural differences between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. (2023)
Journal Article
LO, N.P.-K., BREMNER, P.A.M. and FORBES-MCKAY, K.E. 2023. Influences on student motivation and independent learning skills: cross-cultural differences between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Frontiers in education [online], 8, article number 1334357. Available from:

This study examined the ways in which different influences on student motivation and the development of independent learning (IL) skills might be constituted across students learning within different educational cultures. Previous studies on student... Read More about Influences on student motivation and independent learning skills: cross-cultural differences between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom..

Exploring independent learning (IL) and its relationship to mindset, motivated strategies for learning and academic performance. (2023)
Journal Article
FORBES-MCKAY, K.E., BREMNER, P.A.M., JOHNSTON, P. and AIR, C. 2025. Exploring independent learning (IL) and its relationship to mindset, motivated strategies for learning and academic performance. Journal of applied research in higher education [online], 17(1), pages 205-218. Available from:

This study addresses gaps in the existing literature on students' understanding of Independent Learning (IL), whilst exploring the link between levels of IL, growth mindset, motivated strategies for learning and academic performance. Three hundred an... Read More about Exploring independent learning (IL) and its relationship to mindset, motivated strategies for learning and academic performance..

Implementation of the national antimicrobial stewardship competencies for UK undergraduate healthcare professional education within undergraduate pharmacy programmes: a survey of UK schools of pharmacy. (2023)
Journal Article
HAMILTON, R.A., COURTENAY, M., FROST, K.J., HARRISON, R., ROOT, H., ALLISON, D.G., TONNA, A.P., ASHIRU-OREDOPE, D., ALDEYAB, M.A., SHEMILT, K. and MARTIN, S.J. 2023. Implementation of the national antimicrobial stewardship competencies for UK undergraduate healthcare professional education within undergraduate pharmacy programmes: a survey of UK schools of pharmacy. JAC-antimicrobial resistance [online], 5(4), article dlad095. Available from:

Pharmacists play a key role in antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). Consensus-based national AMS competencies for undergraduate healthcare professionals in the UK reflect the increasing emphasis on competency-based healthcare professional education. Howe... Read More about Implementation of the national antimicrobial stewardship competencies for UK undergraduate healthcare professional education within undergraduate pharmacy programmes: a survey of UK schools of pharmacy..

Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via a qualitative approach. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M., GOODHAND, K., PIRIE, T. and FORBES-MCKAY, K. 2023. Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via a qualitative approach. Presented at the 2023 Advance HE teaching and learning conference: shaping the future of HE, 4-6 July 2023, Keele, UK.

This presentation seeks to outline the concepts of independent learning (IL) and its importance in the development of lifelong learning amongst a range of staff and students within a Scottish University context. By exploring staff and student perspec... Read More about Enhancing our knowledge of students' independent learning techniques via a qualitative approach..

Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop] (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MOULE, C., BREMNER, P. and AIR, C. 2023. Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop]. Presented at the 2023 International higher education teaching and learning annual conference (HETL 2023): re-imagining education: collaboration and compassion, 12-14 June 2023, Aberdeen, UK, Workshop 15.

The workshop aims to: 1) Outline the three levels of the RGU Innovation Award, highlighting the pedagogic aspects of design thinking; 2) Engage delegates in a technique that they can use with students to develop an innovative mindset (this technique... Read More about Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop].

The Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA): preparing students to tackle wicked problems. (2022)
Book Chapter
DAVIDSON, A., BREMNER, P. and PERKINS, J. 2022. The Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA): preparing students to tackle wicked problems. In Norton, S. and Penaluna, A. (eds.) 3 Es for wicked problems: employability, enterprise and entrepreneurship: solving wicked problems. York: Advance HE [online], pages 41-47. Available from:

This case study presents the Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA), which aims to recognise students' high-level skills development within existing academic modules, as well as providing an opportunity for students to confront problems in new ways... Read More about The Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA): preparing students to tackle wicked problems..

Using Miro as a platform from student collaboration via online teaching. [Case study] (2021)
BREMNER, P.A.M. 2021. Using Miro as a platform from student collaboration via online teaching. [Case study]. Hosted on Enhancement themes [online], 9 September 2021. Available from:

Teaching in all universities was forced to adapt quickly and without delay when the pandemic struck in 2020 and continues into 2021. This poses many issues for lecturers when deciding what platform is best to use with students, especially when trying... Read More about Using Miro as a platform from student collaboration via online teaching. [Case study].

From fourth year to the outside world: are we making our fashion graduates 'work ready' - are their skills transferable into the workplace? (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. 2017. From fourth year to the outside world: are we making our fashion graduates 'work ready' - are their skills transferable into the workplace? Presented at the 3rd International enhancement in higher education conference: inspiring excellence, transforming the student experience, 6-8 June 2017, Glasgow, UK.

An honours year of any degree performs a valuable platform in enhancing the relevant skills sets, aiding the students to become more 'work ready'. These skill sets take into account the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) benchmarks t... Read More about From fourth year to the outside world: are we making our fashion graduates 'work ready' - are their skills transferable into the workplace?.