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All Outputs (17)

FedREVAN: real-time detection of vulnerable android source code through federated neural network with XAI. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SENANAYAKE, J., KALUTARAGE, H., PETROVSKI, A., AL-KADRI, M.O. and PIRAS, L. 2024. FedREVAN: real-time detection of vulnerable android source code through federated neural network with XAI. In Katsikas, S. et al. (eds.) Computer security: revised selected papers from the proceedings of the International workshops of the 28th European symposium on research in computer security (ESORICS 2023 International Workshops), 25-29 September 2023, The Hague, Netherlands. Lecture notes in computer science, 14399. Cham: Springer [online], part II, pages 426-441. Available from:

Adhering to security best practices during the development of Android applications is of paramount importance due to the high prevalence of apps released without proper security measures. While automated tools can be employed to address vulnerabiliti... Read More about FedREVAN: real-time detection of vulnerable android source code through federated neural network with XAI..

Developing secured android applications by mitigating code vulnerabilities with machine learning. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SENANAYAKE, J., KALUTARAGE, H., AL-KADRI, M.O., PETROVSKI, A. and PIRAS, L. 2022. Developing secured android applications by mitigating code vulnerabilities with machine learning. In ASIA CCS '22: proceedings of the 17th ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Asia conference on computer and communications security 2022 (ASIA CCS 2022), 30 May - 3 June 2022, Nagasaki, Japan. New York: ACM [online], pages 1255-1257. Available from:

Mobile application developers sometimes might not be serious about source code security and publish apps to the marketplaces. Therefore, it is essential to have a fully automated security solutions generator to integrate security-by-design into the d... Read More about Developing secured android applications by mitigating code vulnerabilities with machine learning..

A framework for privacy and security requirements analysis and conflict resolution for supporting GDPR compliance through privacy-by-design. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ALKUBAISY, D., PIRAS, L., AL-OBEIDALLAH, M.G., COX, K. and MOURATIDIS, H. 2022. A framework for privacy and security requirements analysis and conflict resolution for supporting GDPR compliance through privacy-by-design. In Ali, R., Kaindl, H. and Maciaszek, L.A. (eds.). Evaluation of novel approaches to software engineering: revised selected papers from 16th International conference on Evaluation of novel approaches to software engineering 2021 (ENASE 2021), 26-27 April 2021, [virtual conference]. Communications in computer and information science, 1556. Cham: Springer [online], pages 67-87. Available from:

Requirements elicitation, analysis, and, above all, early detection of conflicts and resolution, are among the most important, strategic, complex and crucial activities for preventing software system failures, and reducing costs related to reengineer... Read More about A framework for privacy and security requirements analysis and conflict resolution for supporting GDPR compliance through privacy-by-design..

ConfIs: a tool for privacy and security analysis and conflict resolution for supporting GDPR compliance through privacy-by-design. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ALKUBAISY, D., PIRAS, L., AL-OBEIDALLAH, M.G., COX, K. and MOURATIDIS, H. 2021. ConfIs: a tool for privacy and security analysis and conflict resolution for supporting GDPR compliance through privacy-by-design. In Ali, R., Kaindl, H. and Maciaszek, L. (eds.) Proceedings of 16th Evaluation of novel approaches to software engineering international conference 2021 (ENASE 2021), 26-27 April 2021, [virtual conference]. Setúbal, Portugal: SciTePress [online], pages 80-91. Available from:

Privacy and security requirements, and their potential conflicts, are increasingly having more and more importance. It is becoming a necessary part to be considered, starting from the very early stages of requirements engineering, and in the entire s... Read More about ConfIs: a tool for privacy and security analysis and conflict resolution for supporting GDPR compliance through privacy-by-design..

Applying acceptance requirements to requirements modeling tools via gamification: a case study on privacy and security. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRAS, L., CALABRESE, F. and GIORGINI, P. 2020. Applying acceptance requirements to requirements modeling tools via gamification: a case study on privacy and security. In Grabis, J. and Bork, D. (eds.) The practice of enterprise modeling: proceedings of 13th International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Practice of enterprise modelling working conference 2020 (Poem 2020), 25-27 November 2020, Riga, Latvia. Lecture notes in business information processing, 400. Cham: Springer [online], pages 366-376. Available from:

Requirements elicitation, analysis and modeling are critical activities for software success. However, software systems are increasingly complex, harder to develop due to an ever-growing number of requirements from numerous and heterogeneous stakehol... Read More about Applying acceptance requirements to requirements modeling tools via gamification: a case study on privacy and security..

DEFeND DSM: a data scope management service for model-based privacy by design GDPR compliance. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRAS, L., AL-OBEIDALLAH, M.G., PAVLIDIS, M., MOURATIDIS, H., TSOHOU, A., MAGKOS, E., PRAITANO, A., IODICE, A. and CRESPO, B. G.-N. 2020. DEFeND DSM: a data scope management service for model-based privacy by design GDPR compliance. In Gritzalis, S., Weippl, E.R., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A.M. and Khalil, I. (eds.) Trust, privacy and security in digital business: proceedings of 17th Trust and privacy in digital business international conference 2020 (TrustBus 2020), 14-17 September 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia. Lecture notes in computer science, 12395. Cham: Springer [online], pages 186-201. Available from:

The introduction of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has brought significant benefits to citizens, but it has also created challenges for organisations, which are facing with difficulties interpreting it and properly applying it... Read More about DEFeND DSM: a data scope management service for model-based privacy by design GDPR compliance..

Privacy, security, legal and technology acceptance elicited and consolidated requirements for a GDPR compliance platform (2020)
Journal Article
TSOHOU, A., MAGKOS, E., MOURATIDIS, H., CHRYSOLORAS, G., PIRAS, L., PAVLIDIS, M., DEBUSSCHE, J., ROTOLONI, M. and CRESPO, B. G.-N. 2020. Privacy, security, legal and technology acceptance elicited and consolidated requirements for a GDPR compliance platform. Information and computer security [online], 28(4), pages 531-553. Available from:

Purpose– General data protection regulation (GDPR) entered into force in May 2018 for enhancing personal data protection. Even though GDPR leads toward many advantages for the data subjects it turned out to be a significant challenge. Organizations n... Read More about Privacy, security, legal and technology acceptance elicited and consolidated requirements for a GDPR compliance platform.

Privacy, security, legal and technology acceptance requirements for a GDPR compliance platform. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TSOHOU, A., MAGKOS, M., MOURATIDIS, H., CHRYSOLORAS, G., PIRAS, L., PAVLIDIS, M., DEBUSSCHE, J., ROTOLONI, M. and GALLEGO-NICASIO CRESPO, B. 2019. Privacy, security, legal and technology acceptance requirements for a GDPR compliance platform. In Katsikas, S., Cuppens, F., Cuppens, N. (eds.) Computer security: revised and selected papers of 24th European symposium on research in computer security international workshops 2019 (ESORICS 2019), co-located with 5th Security of industrial control systems and cyber-physical systems international workshops (CyberICPS 2019), 3rd Security and privacy requirements engineering international workshops (SECPRE 2019), 1st Security, privacy organizations and systems engineering international workshops (SPOSE 2019) and 2nd Attacks and defences for Internet-of-Things international workshops (ADIoT 2019), 26-27 September 2019, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. Lecture notes in computer science, 11980. Cham: Springer [online], pages 204- 223. Available from:

GDPR entered into force in May 2018 for enhancing user data protection. Even though GDPR leads towards a radical change with many advantages for the data subjects it turned out to be a significant challenge. Organizations need to make long and comple... Read More about Privacy, security, legal and technology acceptance requirements for a GDPR compliance platform..

Design thinking and acceptance requirements for designing gamified software. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRAS, L., DELLAGIACOMA, D., PERINI, A., SUSI, A., GIORGINI, P. and MYLOPOULOS, J. 2019. Design thinking and acceptance requirements for designing gamified software. In Kolp, M., Vanderdonckt, J., Snoeck, M. and Wautelet, Y. (eds.) Proceedings of 13th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Research challenges in information science international conference 2019 (RICS 2019): towards a design science for information systems, 29-31 May 2019, Brussels, Belgium. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 81-92. Available from:

Gamification is increasingly applied to engage people in performing tool-supported collaborative tasks. From previous experiences we learned that available gamification guidelines are not sufficient, and more importantly that motivational and accepta... Read More about Design thinking and acceptance requirements for designing gamified software..

DEFeND architecture: a privacy by design platform for GDPR compliance. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRAS, L., AL-OBEIDALLAH, M.G., PRAITANO, A., TSOHOU, A., MOURATIDIS, H., GALLEGO-NICASIO CRESPO, B., BERNARD, J.B., FIORANI, M., MAGKOS, E., SANZ, A.C., PAVLIDIS, M., D'ADDARIO, R. and ZORZINO, G.G. 2019. DEFeND architecture: a privacy by design platform for GDPR compliance. In Gritzalis, S., Weippl, E.R., Katsikas, S.K., Anderst-Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A.M. and Khalil, I. (eds.) Trust, privacy and security in digital business: 16th Trust, privacy and security in digital business international conference 2019 (TrustBus 2019), 26-29 August 2019, Linz, Austria. Lecture notes in computer science, 11711. Cham: Springer [online], pages 78-93. Available from:

The advent of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes organizations to cope with radical changes concerning user data protection paradigms. GDPR, by promoting a Privacy by Design approach, obliges organizations to drastically c... Read More about DEFeND architecture: a privacy by design platform for GDPR compliance..

Goal models for acceptance requirements analysis and gamification design. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRAS, L., PAJA, E., GIORGINI, P. and MYLOPOULOS, J. 2017. Goal models for acceptance requirements analysis and gamification design. In Mayr, H.C., Guizzardi, G., Ma, H. and Pastor, O. (eds.) Conceptual modeling: proceedings of 36th Conceptual modeling international conference 2017 (ER 2017), 6-9 November 2017, Valencia, Spain. Lecture notes in computer science, 10650. Cham: Springer [online], pages 223-230. Available from:

The success of software systems highly depends on user engagement. Thus, to deliver engaging systems, software has to be designed carefully taking into account Acceptance Requirements, such as '70% of users will use the system', and the psychological... Read More about Goal models for acceptance requirements analysis and gamification design..

Goal-oriented requirements engineering: an extended systematic mapping study. (2017)
Journal Article
HORKOFF, J., AYDEMIR, F.B., CARDOSO, E., LI, T., MATÉ, A., PAJA, E., SALNITRI, M., PIRAS, L., MYLOPOULOS, J. and GIORGINI, P. 2019. Goal-oriented requirements engineering: an extended systematic mapping study. Requirements engineering [online], 24(2), pages 133-160. Available from:

Over the last two decades, much attention has been paid to the area of goal-oriented requirements engineering (GORE), where goals are used as a useful conceptualization to elicit, model, and analyze requirements, capturing alternatives and conflicts.... Read More about Goal-oriented requirements engineering: an extended systematic mapping study..

Gamification solutions for software acceptance: a comparative study of requirements engineering and organizational behavior techniques. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRAS, L., PAJA, E., GIORGINI, P., MYLOPOULOS, J., CUEL, R. and PONTE, D. 2017. Gamification solutions for software acceptance: a comparative study of requirements engineering and organizational behavior techniques. In Assar, S., Pastor, O. and Mouratidis, H. (eds.) Proceedings of 11th Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Research challenges in information science international conference 2017 (RCIS 2017), 10-12 May 2017, Brighton, UK. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 255-265. Available from:

Gamificationis a powerful paradigm and a set of best practices used to motivate people carrying out a variety of ICT–mediated tasks. Designing gamification solutions and applying them to a given ICT system is a complex and expensive process (in time,... Read More about Gamification solutions for software acceptance: a comparative study of requirements engineering and organizational behavior techniques..

Acceptance requirements and their gamification solutions. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRAS, L., GIORGINI, P. and MYLOPOULOS, J. 2016. Acceptance requirements and their gamification solutions. In Proceedings of 24th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Requirements engineering international conference 2016 (RE 2016), 12-16 September 2016, Beijing, China. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 365-370. Available from:

We live in the days of social software where social interactions, from simple notifications to complex business processes, are supported by software platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. But for any social software to be successful, it must be used... Read More about Acceptance requirements and their gamification solutions..

Using gamification to incentivize sustainable urban mobility. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KAZHAMIAKIN, R., MARCONI, A., PERILLO, M., PISTORE, M., VALETTO, G., PIRAS, L., AVESANI, F. and PERRI, N. 2015. Using gamification to incentivize sustainable urban mobility. In Proceedings of 1st Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International smart cities conference 2015 (ISC2-2015), 25-28 October 2015, Guadalajara, Mexico. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article ID 7366196. Available from:

Sustainable urban mobility is an important dimension in a Smart City, and one of the key issues for city sustainability. However, innovative and often costly mobility policies and solutions introduced by cities are liable to fail, if not combined wit... Read More about Using gamification to incentivize sustainable urban mobility..

Virtual coaches for mission-based gamified smart communities. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PIRAS, L., MARCONI, A., VALETTO, G. and PISTORE, M. 2015. Virtual coaches for mission-based gamified smart communities. Presented at Personalization in serious and persuasive games and gamified interactions workshop held at 2nd Computer-human interaction in play symposium 2015 (CHI PLAY 2015), 5-7 October 2015, London, UK [online], paper 10. Available from:

We propose a Virtual Coach for the gamification of participatory applications in complex socio-technical systems like Smart Cities and Smart Communities. In such participatory applications, the user community is an active and essential component. Use... Read More about Virtual coaches for mission-based gamified smart communities..

A portable wireless-based architecture for solving minimum digital divide problems. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FENU, G. and PIRAS, L. 2008. A portable wireless-based architecture for solving minimum digital divide problems. In Reznik, L. and Popescu, M. (eds.) Proceedings of 4th International conference on wireless and mobile communications 2008 (ICWMC 2008), 27 July - 1 August 2008, Athens, Greece. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 130-136. Available from:

In today's society digital services have become the key to the success of anyone. Hence, for being competitive it is important that these services are available, employ the latest technology and are low cost. Unfortunately, it often happens that thes... Read More about A portable wireless-based architecture for solving minimum digital divide problems..